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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105 Simon Had Reached Cleveque City (Episode Four)

There was a sound that someone fell down on the ground. The fallen one was wearing a suit and walking past the Bass's house. For the next few minutes, seven to eight more people fell to the ground. Among them were men and women, all of which were shot by a chopstick in their hearts or necks.

They were shot by hidden killers, who were gathering around the Bass's house. They planned to kill Hannah at 8:30 in the morning when she went out of the house to NAH Technology. None of them knew Iwan had come here way before them at four in the morning.

After Iwan killed these killers, he headed toward the Bass family. It seemed that the enemy would act today. Whether they came to scout or slay was still unknown, nor did Iwan know if Simon had already reached Cleveque City. These killers were faster than Iwan thought.

Iwan didn't afraid of them even if these killers were all at the level of God of War or the powerhouses from the Killer Group II of External Regions. What Iwan cared about most was Simon. He pretended to be a warrior of the top God of War level to kill these men so as to lure Simon. Things would be so much easier if Simon could come.

With that thought in mind, Iwan went into the Bass family from the front door. Just after he went in, three cool killers appeared on the top of the building directly opposite the Bass family. All the three were in black and wore masks, squinting at Iwan.

Looking at the back of Iwan, one of the killers said, "This is a tough guy. I guess he is at least at the level of top God of War, which is our level. Plus, he is good at hiding his true strength."

The other God of War level killer agreed and nodded, "Right. I was wondering why groups nine and ten could be defeated at Cleveque City. Now I see, there is a hidden powerhouse here. Do you think he is a Super God-level powerhouse?"

The last killer of God of War level sneered and shook his head, "I'm afraid no Super God-level powerhouse could be sent to Cleveque City from the Dragon Kingdom. Don't ask me why. They were all trapped by some forces and still fighting now. I guess the man is at most a half-a-step Super God..."

The first killer said grimly, "Don't overlook it. We should take him seriously no matter whether groups nine and ten were defeated by him. I think we should wait for our leader for the best..."

Another killer shook his head and said, "The time when our leader comes, the Super God powerhouses will also come from the Dragon Kingdom. Do you think the Dragon Kingdom will not know it if a powerhouse of Super God level comes? And they won't send people to keep an eye on us? Since the powerhouses of Super God level have been trapped at the Dragon Kingdom, this is the best chance for us. Even though the man is a half-a-step Super God, we three are capable to fight against him. Don't forget there are seven more killers to back us up, all of which have come to the city. It's not hard for the ten of us to kill the man - even he is at Super God level."

The last killer took a deep breath and said, "Stop fighting. Let's take a shot. If things went wrong, we could quit then. Besides, do you really wish our leader, Simon to come here and do this in person? Our leader entered the city to contain those top powerhouses in Dragon Kingdom, and it's our duty to kill the woman. How could our leader, the Super God-level powerhouse kill an unarmed woman?"

The three killers didn't say a word, and each of them had their own thoughts. Then they all got a message that the other seven killers had arrived. The weakest was at the level of top God of War. The three killers looked at each other and nodded. The next minute, they laid down on the top of the building. A light flashed across their clothes, and they disappeared. The clothes were specially made to reflect sunlight, making them invisible for several minutes.

At the same time, Iwan looked gloomy while entering the Bass family. He sensed the existence of the three killers, or even more. There were some powerhouses at the level of God of War coming here. Then Iwan got a message from Ivy. It said that ten killers of God of War level from group two had entered Cleveque City from the External Regions...


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