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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122 Astonished Mr. and Mrs. Brown! (New Chapter!)

The next day, when the morning sun shone into the room, Iwan opened his eyes, and felt like he hadn't relaxed and had a good sleep for a really long time. Seeing Emily in his arms and Jayna lying next him, he suddenly felt extremely happy deep down inside.

Yes, being with family was exactly what Iwan wanted the most. And then, as if they had one heart, Jayna also woke up and opened her eyes. She smiled at Iwan gently, reached out her hand to touch his face with obsession and said, "Honey, are you hungry? Wait here, I'll make breakfast..."

After saying that, Jayna got up with a smile, but she was pressed on the bed again by Iwan. He looked at Jayna with a smile and said, "Honey..."

"What's wrong?" Jayna looked at Iwan in confusion.

"Nothing. I just want to kiss you..." Iwan said. Jayna immediately blushed. She nodded slightly and said in a low voice, "Okay..." Then she moved her lips to Iwan's, and Iwan raised his head and gave her a kiss.

"Haha... I didn't see anything. Continue..." The naughty Emily, who was lying between them, covered her eyes with hands, but left a big gap between her fingers.

Jayna was embarrassed and immediately got out of bed to make breakfast. Iwan stroked Emily's nose adoringly and said, "Don't peep again..."

Then, Iwan also got out of bed, but found that his shoes were gone. He was stunned for a moment, and heard Jayna say, "Er... Your shoes were very dirty. So I washed them last night. They may still be wet. I'll get you a new pair of shoes..."

Iwan looked at Jayna deeply and said, "You... You washed my shoes last night?" Then he fell into silence. The day before yesterday, he had paid great attention not to stain his clothes on the battlefield of External Regions, but he had totally forgot his shoes! He had walked on many dead bodies, and Jayna must had noticed when she was washing them. Sure enough, when he saw the expression on Jayna's face, he knew that she had already known it.

"Honey, let me get you a new pair of shoes. Just throw the old ones away..." Jayna was stunned for a moment, and then looked up at Iwan and said with a smile.

After looking at Jayna for a while, Iwan nodded and said, "Okay...".

At this moment, Jayna knew what Iwan had done in those two days when he was away, and Iwan was also aware of that. But they didn't say anything. All was beyond words.

When Jayna walked into the living room, her mom Skyler had already made the breakfast. When she saw Jayna come out, she smiled and said, "Breakfast is ready. You three can go and wash up now. I didn't want to wake you up. It's already eight o'clock ..."

Jayna nodded and went back to her room to get a pair of shoes for Iwan. It was already nine o'clock after breakfast. When Iwan was about to take Jayna and Emily out, Jayna got a call from Hannah. After a few words with Hannah, Jayna hung up the phone and said to Iwan, "Honey, let's just stay home. Hannah and Jane are coming..."

Iwan nodded and said, "Okay. You just wait for them at home. I'll take Emily out and play for a while..."

Jayna shook her head with puzzlement in her eyes and said, "No, they want you to be here as well. They need to talk to you..."

Iwan frowned slightly. He really didn't want to talk to those two trouble makers. But since Jayna said so, he had no choice but to nod and said, "Okay. I'll wait. When will they arrive?"

As soon as he finished his words, they heard someone walking on the corridor outside the door. Jayna spread out her hands awkwardly and said, "Now."

Iwan was also speechless. At that moment, Jayna's father, Luis Brown, happened to be at the door, so he went to open it. But when he saw the person outside, he was too astonished to move. Because the man standing in front of him was Rendon Scott, the most powerful person only next to Carl Addison in the Military Headquarters of Dragon Kingdom.

"You... You are... You are Mr. Scott..." Luis stammered because of shock.

Rendon smiled and said, "Well, you must be Mr. Brown. I need to talk to Iwan Cliff. May I come in?"

At this moment, Skyler, who had just cleaned the kitchen, came over and said to her husband, "What are you doing? Let our guest in. Why are you still standing at the door? Where are your manners?" Skyler glared at him, and then quickly pulled him aside and invited the people outside to come in. However, when she saw Rendon, she was also shocked. Because she often saw him on TV, but now he was actually standing in front of her!

"You... You are... Chief Scott?" Skyler, like her husband, was also in great shock.

Rendon was also speechless. 'See? People of the Dragon Empire respect me!' He sighed silently, and then repeated his words. "Mrs. Brown, may I come in?"

"Oh! Of course! Please come in. I'll make some tea..." Skyler said and hurriedly let Rendon and those with him in. She then invited them to have a seat on the sofa. In addition to Rendon Scott, Hannah Bass, Owen Bass, the master of the Bass family, Max White, a God of War of Cleveque City, Josh Piper, a God of War of the Central Region, and Peter Addison were also there.

When Rendon and the others just sat down, and the astonished Skyler and Luis were making tea, Iwan, who was holding Emily in his arms, said to Rendon coldly, "What are you doing here? You are not welcome! Get out..."

Iwan was really pissed off at Rendon. 'What the hell? I've already finished my job and killed people as you want. And now you are at my house? What more do you want from me?'

"Well... I..." Rendon was dumbfounded, and the smile on his face froze.

Bang... At this moment, Skyler and Luis were also stunned. 'What the heck? That's the chief commander of Military Headquarters in Dragon Kingdom, a big shot in Gotham City. What did Iwan just say? Did he just ask him to get out?'


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