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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Hold The Press Conference In Advance! (2)

After dinner, Skyler pulled Luis by his ear and went back to their room. She would teach him a lesson. How dare he provoke her favored son-in-law? Well, she must teach him a lesson. Moreover, it seemed that Luis often went to the disco late at night. If she didn't teach him a lesson, he would never behave himself! How bold he was!

After eating, Jayna insisted on going back to the company to work. She was still in her internship. She worked very hard, so Iwan carried Emily in his arms and saw Jayna off downstairs.

Iwan looked at Jayna's Mercedes Benz which was delivered here from Pasoland City. He frowned and said to Jayna, "Honey, it's okay for you to drive this car in Pasoland City. However, it doesn't match your identity in Cleveque City. You're the wife of a Super God. Why don't I buy you a better car?"

Jayna smiled and said, "There's no need, honey. This car is very nice. It's a new car. It's comfortable to drive it... Alright, I have to go. I've stayed at home for several days, so I'm afraid the supervisor will scold me again..."

Iwan narrowed his eyes, and a trace of annoyance flashed through his eyes. He said slowly, "Who dares to scold you? How dare he! Why don't I take my warriors to ruin the Waldorf family? I'll take revenge for you!"

Jayna was speechless for a while. She glared at Iwan like a spoiled child and said, "Humph, can't you think about something else? You think about fighting all day long. Can't you be gentler? Alas, you don't understand the fun of working. Forget it. I won't talk to such a rough man like you..."

"Er..." Iwan was a little depressed when he heard Jayna's words. Did she think he knew nothing about business? But the truth was that he owned Cleveque Group, the best company in Cleveque City. Iwan looked at Jayna who had become much maturer. She was more and more charming, and she was an attractive mature woman. Moreover, she had a perfect figure and a flawless face, which obsessed Iwan.

"Well... Honey, can you stay at home?" Iwan couldn't help asking Jayna.

Jayna rolled her eyes at him with a smile, bent down to get in the car, and said, "Can you support me if I don't go to work? What's more, now I can earn tens of thousands of dollars a month. Alright, bye. I'm going to work. I will be a manager in the future!"

Iwan looked at Jayna with strange eyes and said, "Well, why don't I let you be the president of a company? Can you manage the company well?"

Jayna smiled and said, "Of course. Don't forget I was the most attractive girl when I was in college. Ha-ha, I really have to go, honey, or I'll be late for work in the afternoon..." After saying this, Jayna closed the car door, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away...

Watching Jayna drive away, Iwan murmured with a smile, "Sweetie, you said it yourself! Don't blame me when I give you a surprise! Just wait. I'll give you a company and let you be the president!" Iwan smiled. Oh, it was so good. If Jayna took over Morgan Group in the future, he could relax a lot. He didn't bother to manage the company...

"Iwan, you promised me that you would buy me a luxury car, didn't you? I've been waiting for months. I've graduated from college. Where's my luxury car?" At this moment, Jacey suddenly ran behind Iwan and looked at him with gloomy eyes. She looked so pitiful. Moreover, her voice sounded like that of a spoiled child.

Iwan trembled, and he was gooseflesh all over. He turned to look at Jacey for a while, and he couldn't stand the look in her eyes anymore, so he couldn't help but say, "Jayna said that I have no money. Why are you so sure that I'm rich enough to buy a luxury car for you?"

Jacey looked at Iwan with extremely gloomy eyes. Then she lowered her head, clenched her fists, and said in a low voice, "Iwan, I heard you whisper to yourself just now. You said that you wanted to give Jayna a company! How can you have no money? What's more, you actually hide something from Jayna!"

As Jacey said this, she pretended to be more pitiful and sighed, "Alas, poor Jayna. She is so beautiful, but she's not clever enough. She never doubts anything you say. Alas, Jayna has suffered a lot. After you left her back then, she raised Emily alone..."

"Stop! Alright! Car, luxury car, right? Okay, I'll buy it for you. I'll buy it immediately! Stop talking, or I'll get goose bumps..." Iwan was speechless. Just now, he focused his attention on Jayna, so he ignored Jacey. D*mn! She had exposed him.

Hearing Iwan's words, Jacey jumped up excitedly and said with a smiling face, "Thank you, Iwan. You're the best. Ha-ha... Let's go and buy a car. By the way, I don't want a Mercedes Benz. I want a Porsche, Panamera. I've made my choice for a long time..."

Iwan nodded and said, "Okay, let's go. Anyway, I have nothing to do in the afternoon..."

Then Iwan said to Emily, "Emily, shall we go and buy cars for your auntie and mommy?"

Emily nodded happily. She loved buying cars. She remembered that she had followed Iwan to buy cars several times. They were going to buy cars again. Wow, it was so fun...

Therefore, Iwan didn't talk nonsense. He hailed a taxi and took Jacey to the Porsche sales and service shop. On the way to the shop, Iwan asked Jacey, "Why do you have such a good memory? You actually remember this matter."

Jacey was stunned for a moment and said, "I don't know why. In fact, Iwan, I really forgot about this matter. But one day I dreamed of a very handsome writer. He's the most charming writer in the world. He wrote a book called 'The Heaven Domain'. The hero's name seems to be Iwan, and his younger sister-in-law seems to be Jacey..."

Iwan suddenly opened his eyes wide. He looked at Jacey in doubt and asked, "Did you have such a strange dream?"

Jacey nodded in disbelief and said, "Yes. In my dream, the writer wrote in the book that Iwan promised to buy Jacey a car. Then the writer forgot to write the following story. Tens of thousands of readers threatened him to finish the book, and he was scared. Then I woke up, so I immediately reminded you of this matter. I don't you want you to be threatened..." Jacey bowed her head and looked at Iwan with gloomy eyes.

"Oh my God... I have to buy you a car immediately!" Iwan was so scared that he trembled twice.


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