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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Tease Jayna (3)

The next day was Friday. Early in the morning, Jayna wore a white lace skirt and went to work as usual. Morgan Group advocated for female employees to dress up because they would have more confidence in their work if they looked beautiful. Well, this was also a suggestion of the founder of Morgan Group back then.

After Jayna left, Iwan sent Emily to school, and he had nothing to do. These days, he had done almost everything he should do and showed everything in front of Jayna. He could tell that Jayna's horizon had been completely broadened. After all, she came to Cleveque City and worked in the company owned by the Waldorf family for more than a month, and then she worked in Morgan Group for half a month. She was completely different from the woman who lived in small places like Southpool City and Pasoland City before.

At this time, in Cleveque City, Jayna was in the best environment and knew the most excellent people. After such a long time, she had assimilated. After all, she wore the best clothes and drove the most expensive car. Moreover, her husband was influential in Cleveque City, so Jayna improved very quickly. Maybe she was not competent enough to take charge of the whole group, but her horizon had been broadened. One with a high status could see a bigger world. At this time, Jayna worked in the best company in Cleveque City every day. She not only gained experience from Cleveque City but also from the whole world...

Iwan stood at the gate of Emily's school and looked in the direction of the Morgan Group. A smile appeared on his face. Anyway, he was idle, so he might as well go play with Jayna.

So Iwan drove to Morgan Group. When he was in the car, he changed into a new suit. He wore a fake human skin mask on his face and a pair of special contact lenses which could change the look in his eyes. He changed his hairstyle and use some techniques to make himself a few centimeters taller. Therefore, Iwan became another person in an instant. His temperament was no longer domineering and upright but a little evil and casual. Well, of course, this kind of raffish temperament was attractive to women, especially those beautiful women.

When Iwan got off the car at the gate of Morgan Group, Blake was stunned. He stared at Iwan in disbelief and said, "Mr. Cliff? You... What happened to you?"

Iwan smiled and said, "I came here to play. The press conference hasn't been held yet, so I can't show up with my original face. I'm Christ now. Don't expose me. I'll go to see my naive wife. Which floor is she working on?"

"Er... Oh, Mrs. Cliff is in the marketing department on the 23rd floor. Do you want to go there now?" In fact, if Iwan had not sent Blake a message and asked Blake to come down to pick him up, Blake would not have recognized Iwan. At this time, Blake still looked shocked.

Iwan looked at Blake speechlessly and said, "It's just a small trick. If you check my fingerprints, DNA, and so on, you will find out who I am. It's nothing. That's why I told you earlier that we should strengthen the security system of Morgan Group. In the future, you have to check a person's DNA before he enters the important secret departments, or we won't know it when someone sneaks in..."

In a daze, Blake looked at Iwan who looked like another person. He couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Cliff, is the science and technology in the External Regions so advanced now? You have even changed your voice!"

Iwan's mouth twitched violently when he heard this, Looking at Blake with a disgusted face, he said, "Nonsense! I told you it's just a small trick. Any powerful killer who fights on the External Battlefield can do it. It's nothing new. It's just something superficial. The flesh and blood recombination is the real top medical technology, and we're working on this, aren't we? Come on. Stop talking nonsense and hurry in. Besides, with you behind me, no one will recognize me..."

"Okay, Mr. Cliff..." Blake suppressed his shock and followed Iwan into the company.

After Iwan entered Morgan Group, wherever he went on his way, people were shocked because the only person who could let Blake follow him and move freely in Morgan Group was the president of Morgan Group.

"So handsome! The president is so handsome. Oh no, my legs are limp now..." After a beautiful employee passed by Iwan, she was so amazed that she couldn't keep her balance...

"The president is indeed so imposing. He's just like a king, and he has a peerless temperament. How charming he is. He is more handsome than some actors..." Another very beautiful female employee with long legs and high heels was attracted to Iwan. Her heart beat so fast...

Iwan smiled at the female employees who screamed and covered their faces. To tell the truth, he doubted that if he wanted to be a jerk, no man in the Dragon Kingdom could have as many girlfriends as him. He didn't even have to start a conversation with women. As long as he stood there, those women would flirt with him. Alas, fortunately, he was a loyal man.

"Oh... Blake, I can make a living with my handsome face, right? But now I live off my talent. Alas......" At the corner where there was no one else, Iwan sighed and said to Blake.


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