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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 159

Chapter 159 Well, What's Next?

"Boom..." the next moment, from the inner circle of the Patrick camp suddenly came a loud bang, followed by a figure rushing out from the back with great speed to flee in the distance. That was the Senior Elder of the Patrick family with the peak strength of a Super God. Having sensed the field of the two Emperors outside, he didn't dare to waste any moment. Were it only one Emperor, the Patricks could engage him if uniting the Stewarts. But they would have no way to withstand these allied two.

"Hmm? Another peak Super God? Oh, where can you run?" at the camp gate in the valley, Teddy Huggins mocked when seeing that Patrick peak Super God fleeing, a faint smile on his face. Then he suddenly disappeared, and when his figure could be seen again, he was near the Patrick Elder. The next second with a harsh scream let out, that Senior Elder was already killed.

Almost at the same time, Iwan Cliff jerked to the front of Heyden Patrick and Charlie Stewart in the blink of an eye. After Iwan slapped multiple palms in one go, he managed to instantly kill two Super Gods of the seven from the two families, even if they were desperately trying to parry.

"Buzz..." The next moment Iwan returned to where he was standing before, and although Hayden Patrick and Charlie Stewart were still alive, they were very close to their death. Their blood was oozing out of the pores of their bodies.

Iwan narrowed his eyes, looking at the two patriarchs with a profound smile, "You two are not bad. No wonder you are the patriarchs. As later-stage Super Gods though, you have the strength of an ordinary peak Super God. You can survive one of my hits, huh, but can you handle another one?"

Iwan sneered and raised his palm, looking at the two with amusement. Surely, he hadn't struck with his full strength before.

"Run!" the twenty or so Gods of war on the Patricks and Stewarts' side paled to an extreme instantly witnessing the two of seven Super Gods killed instantly and the rest heavily injured. Their Senior Elder was killed as well, and the Emperor-level powerhouse in the black cloak who killed him had come back. These Gods of War all shuddered, their hearts keeping racing.

"Oh? I nearly forget about those bugs. Patrick and Stewart can live a little longer, but you can't..." Iwan Cliff turned his face and hit air slaps off to those Gods of War intending to run, a hint of fierce in his eyes.

Teddy Huggins who came back smiled and added, "Well, these pieces of trash don't even have the guts to fight on the External Battlefield. A group of useless eyesores indeed..." He also hit off an air palm.

"Boom...boom..." one explosion followed another to immediately cause the deaths of all the Gods of War of the two families, whose power was nothing when it comes to resisting two later-stage Emperors. They didn't even get a chance to resist.

"Who...who the hell are you? We can make amends, amends, okay?" Hayden Patrick at this moment was really scared, begging Iwan, his face paling and blood streaming from the corner of his mouth.

Iwan Cliff snorted, "Oh? It appears you are lagged behind the intelligence. Want to know who I am? Well, for the sake of you dying, I can tell you that I, Iwan Cliff, am the Lord of Heaven Domain of the External Battlefield! Are we clear?"

Hayden Patrick and Charlie Stewart were shocked, goggling at Iwan as fear had fully shrouded them. As the saying goes, One's reputation backs up his stance. The Lord of Heaven Domain of the External Regions had earned his name by dominating the battlefield and killing off each of his enemies. They also heard that the Lord of Heaven Domain, not long ago, on top of having slaughtered 88 outposts of the External Alliance, had made a later-stage Emperor escape for 24 hours and hadn't spared his life go until he constantly begged for mercy.

In other words, the Lord of Heaven Domain was capable of killing a later-stage Emperor besides defeating him!

"The...Lord...of Heaven Domain..." Hayden Patrick and Charlie Stewart were desperate at this moment. They had had a meeting between the nine families before over the arrangements targeting the Heaven Domain and concluded that the Lord of Heaven Domain was invincible to them according to the results of their many deductions. They would not provoke the Heaven Domain even though they could match the rest of its power. The Heaven Domain, as a force growing up on the External Battlefield, would not follow the rules of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom. So, they finally decided after that meeting that to infuriate the Heaven Domain was strictly forbidden.

But Hayden Patrick and Charlie Stewart would have never thought that the Lord of Heaven Domain was Darcy Miller's son, who five years ago was cast out of the Cliff family, one of the tops in Gotham. The remorse was too big to express from the bottom of Hayden Patrick and Charlie Stewart's hearts.

"Lord, Lord of Heaven Domain, we did not know it was you. Our nine families will make amends! We are willing to pay everything for the loss of the Millers, okay?" Charlie Stewart begged Iwan Cliff with immense fear.

Iwan Cliff ignored him and cast an air fist toward the three heavily injured Super Gods beside him. It immediately hit off the three into three separate directions.

"Every three or four of you make a team and kill them three. Go..."Iwan commanded Peter Addison and the ten peak Gods of War behind him.

"Yes, my lord!" Evans Larson and his fellows took the order and charged at the three injured Super gods without more words. They knew their lord meant to train them by letting them deal with the injured Super Gods who had lost the strength to wipe a peak Gods of War team. Then Evan and the rest two strongest peak Gods of War teamed up to hunt the Super God with the strongest field.

Peter Addison was also surprised at Iwan's big investment in training and finally figured out why the Heaven Domain had advanced so fast in External Regions. Unbelievably, Iwan Cliff directly injured three Super Gods to make them "coaches" for his men to level up! With that kind of training method, how could the Heaven Domain not grow tremendously?

Peter Addison charged at an injured Super God without hesitation as well, for it was a rare opportunity to have such a powerhouse as his training object. More importantly, this is a real combat! Soon, hot blood ran through all his veins, and he joined the three lowest-ranked Gods of War to siege an injured Super God.

Seeing what was happening, Hayden Patrick and Charlie Stewart couldn't utter a word, for it remained uncertain whether their names got to pass on after this day.

With the training going, Iwan Cliff no longer needed to fight. Since he and Teddy Huggins were in charge of the situation, nothing would go wrong.


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