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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 167

Chapter 167 Meet Again! (New Chapter!)

"Boom, boom, boom..." In the Military Department of Dragon Kingdom, Gotham City, guns thundered out a salute 36 times around the training square with hundreds of thousands of soldiers. They were a farewell to the former chief commander Carl Addison and a welcome to the new chief commander Rendon Scott. In just a few minutes, the news that there would be a new chief commander of the Military Department spread all over the territory of Dragon Kingdom, and countless forces began to collect the information about Rendon Scott like mad. However, the man had hidden too well before that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't find any useful information...

At the same time, the nine great families of Gotham City were having a meeting in their base. Of course, there were only seven of them left now.

Marlon Duncan, the master of the Duncan family at the later Emperor level, was dressed in white and sat in the master position with a gloomy face. He looked at the masters of the other six families and then said slowly, "We all know that the former chief commander of the Military Department has retired, and the new one has taken the spot. So, it is likely that the new one may not agree with us on our prior agreements in some respects..."

Hearing his words, everyone's mind was weighed down with anxiety. One of them said with hatred, "Humph! If it wasn't for the Lord of Heaven Domain meddling, how could our alliance get into such a mess?"

"Well... Stop talking nonsense. It's useless. We should think about what to do next. The battle yesterday was a bit strange. The Lord of Heaven Domain and his mysterious emperor-level warrior didn't kill the Senior Elder of the Stewart family, but he still died that day. Can't you guess who did it? Don't tell me that the Lord of Heaven Domain Lord had brought another emperor-level warrior with him!" said James Zachary, the master of the Zachary family, with a serious face. He was the one who checked the base of the Stewart family yesterday afternoon.

After he finished talking, the whole place was in such a dead silence that even the sound of a needle dropping could be heard clearly for a moment. Then, Marlon looked at James Zachary and said, "James, if I recall correctly, you have reached the emperor level, haven't you? Are you in the early stage or the middle stage?"

"Marlon, I just reached the early stage of the Emperor level a year ago. It's not a big deal. We are here today to discuss how to deal with the Military Department of Dragon Kingdom and Rendon Scott!" James said with a smile.

Another family master said slowly, "James, you're too modest. Everyone knows that the higher level is, the harder it is to reach. It's easy to break through the level of Super God, but it is difficult to upgrade to God Emperor. If you work in the Military Department of Dragon Kingdom, you are capable of being a deputy commander in chief. As for how to deal with the Military Department, since none of the rest of us are God Emperor, we will do as you and Marlon said..."

Other family masters nodded to agree with his words. Indeed, it would make a huge difference if a family master was a God Emperor. No amount of Super Gods could beat one God Emperor. There was a huge gap between a God of War and a Super God, but the gap between a Super God and a God Emperor was even bigger! Maybe a few top Gods of War could kill an early-stage Super God, but even ten Super Gods couldn't kill a God Emperor! The higher level a powerhouse had, the harder it was to beat...

"Well, in that case, Marlon can be our leader..." James Zachary said with a smile and lowered his head without saying more. He refused to be the leader because it would not come to a good end...

Marlon's face darkened. After thinking for a while, he said, "Fine, with our total strength, we are still stronger than the Military Department. At least we have more Super Gods. Since there is not much we can do, let's wait for our new chief commander of the Military Department, Rendon Scott. After all, he sent me an invitation before he took office..." He felt heavy inside because he knew that Rendon Scott was not a soft-spoken person like Carl Addison...


At the same time, Jane Cook in black was fighting madly against a group of foreign powerhouses with two short swords on the External Battlefield. She was almost insane because she hadn't stopped fighting since she stepped into this place a few days ago.

In the past few days, she had experienced one or two life-and-death crises, but she had avoided the fierce attacks and survived, which greatly improved her strength. In the past, she had the skills but had never experienced a life-and-death battle and killed someone. Back in Cleveque City more than half a month ago, Iwan Cliff helped her open her heart. Therefore, after these days, her strength had an unprecedented improvement.

Just now, her aura was about to break through the early stage of God of War, but that was not enough for her. The man she liked, Kill, was a half-a-step God Emperor, so she still needed to make more breakthroughs to be with Kill. Therefore, when she stepped into this land a few days ago, she had been very ambitious. She wanted to become a Super God within a year to impress Kill!

However, it was an extremely dangerous battle for her. A few days ago, she had killed a lot of foreign powerhouses, so the rest of them had set a trap today. Although none of them were Gods of War, there were more than a dozen outlaws who were half-a-step Gods of War. At this moment, she was almost unable to fight against their siege any longer...

Boom! Suddenly, a half-a-step God of War took advantage of her inattention and kicked her hard on the back, throwing her away. When she was in midair, several half-a-step Gods of War jumped up high and rushed towards her. She resisted desperately, but soon her short swords were thrown away. Then, someone kicked her down to the ground, raising dust all over the sky...


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