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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Open the coffin! (3)

The rain in Gotham City was getting heavier and heavier, and the place where the Senior Elder lived was the center of Gotham City. It was an ancient manor that was set in five miles of ground. The environment was very elegant. The four gates around the manor were guarded by four Super Gods, and each of the Super Gods was in command of three Gods of War. There were even more than a thousand Half-a-step Gods of War. Each warrior was armed to the extreme. They were the picked troops. This place was the most heavily guarded.

At this moment, the Second Elder held a black umbrella and walked over with the company of several guards. He had heard about what happened in the Cliff family, so he came to discuss it with the Senior Elder immediately. He was the Second Elder of the Dragon Kingdom, and his combat power was second only to the Senior Elder. He was much stronger than the Third Elder and Carl. However, he kept a low profile and seldom showed up in ordinary times. But after hearing what happened in the Cliff family, he couldn't be silent anymore, and he felt that something big was going to happen.

Soon, the Second Elder entered the room where the Senior Elder was. He walked behind the Senior Elder quietly. Seeing the Senior Elder looking outside and thinking about something, he did not disturb the Senior Elder but stood silent.

After a while, the Senior Elder said, "Buddy, you come to me because of Iwan, right?"

The Second Elder looked very solemn. After a long silence, he nodded and said, "Yes, Senior Elder, what do you want to do? Do you want to make sure that Iwan has something like that? Or is there anything else you want to do?" After the Second Elder said this, he lowered his head and didn't even dare to look at the Senior Elder in front of him. For a moment, his face was sweating.

It was cold outside, and the windows in this pavilion were open. The cold wind outside the window keeps pouring in, but the Second Elder was sweating. He looked nervous.

The next moment, the Senior Elder turned around and played with the bronze token in his hand. He smiled at the Second Elder and said, "Ha-ha, buddy, are you worried that I will take it away from Iwan?"

The Second Elder trembled. The Third Elder and Carl didn't know about the ancient bronze token, but he knew it. He was the Second Elder of the Dragon Kingdom, and he knew more secrets. At this moment, the Second Elder had more sweat on his back. He bowed his head and said, "I don't dare..."

"Ha-ha..." The Senior Elder looked at him, shook his head with a smile, and then said, "Buddy, what do you take me for? Don't forget that we are about the same age. Both of us are old. How can I be interested in taking something away from my junior?"

The Senior Elder paused, looked at the Second Elder with an extremely dignified face, and said in a deep voice, "Buddy, remember! Darcy only brought back a piece of black jade! It contains a drop of blood from a powerhouse in ancient times! There is nothing else! Do you... understand?"

The Second Elder shuddered, looked up at the Senior Elder in a daze, and nodded after a long time. He said seriously, "I understand!"

"Yeah... It's an eventful time, buddy. You should feel that there is something wrong with the Military Headquarters in Amerieland. One marshal in the Military Headquarters suddenly died, and the other was injured. According to reason, their strength should have been sapped. But they have four more powerhouses of the Emperor level in a short time! It's very unusual. Moreover, there are unusual changes in the Military Headquarters in the Eagle Kingdom in the west recently. What's more, those foreign alliances are formed again on the External Battlefield. Their target was none other than the Dragon Kingdom..." The Senior Elder looked a little more serious.

The Second Elder nodded, His face was also solemn as he said, "Yeah, the current situation is really dangerous. It's mainly because Iwan has been in the Dragon Kingdom for three months. He is so young, and the warriors under his command are young, too. Slay broke through to the Emperor level a few days ago. Once he made it, his combat power would be comparable to that of a powerhouse in the later-stage of the Emperor level. Some people are afraid that the Dragon Kingdom will rise again..."

The Second Elder took a deep breath, and there was a bit of worry in his eyes. He said, "Senior Elder, those foreign alliances can accept the fact that the warriors in the Heaven Domain are of the Emperor level, but they will attack when they find that those warriors have broken through the Emperor level. In the following days, Iwan and his Heaven Domain may be very dangerous. What... should we do? Should we continue to ignore it as before or..."

The Senior Elder smiled when he heard the words. However, he looked indifferent as he smiled. He took a deep breath and said with killing intent in his eyes, "Protect! We should protect Iwan in the future! Although the Heaven Domain is not in the charge of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom, we're compatriots! We must protect them! It's useless to endure it!"

The Senior Elder continued to stare at the Second Elder and said, "Buddy, maybe... you and I will fight together again. In my opinion, no matter Iwan got that kind of thing five years ago or not, we should protect him! If those hidden idiots in the country dare to attack him, we will kill them. If those on the External Battlefield dare to attack, they have to kill us first! As seniors, we can't disappoint the younger generation!"

The Senior Elder became silent. Although the Dragon Kingdom looked very powerful on the surface, there were fatal crises both at home and abroad. One mistake might ruin the whole country. In the country, powerful families showed up one after another. Beyond the borders, foreign hostile countries were joining forces crazily and secretly, preparing to form a huge alliance again to snipe at the Dragon Kingdom just as they did a hundred years ago. At that time, more than a dozen foreign countries invaded the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, misappropriated the resources, and seized the national fortune. They would never the scene a hundred years ago to happen again!

Even if they would die, they would never allow those foreign forces to step into the Dragon Kingdom again!

The Senior Elder was silent for a long time. Then he took a deep look at the Second Elder and said, "Buddy, remember that Rendon, Carl, the Third Elder, Carl, you, and I can die! But remember that after I die, you will take charge of the Dragon Kingdom. If you die, pass it on to the Third Elder. If the Third Elder dies, let Carl manage the country. If Carl dies, let Rendon do it! If Rendon dies, let Iwan be in charge of the country! This time, we won't bear it anymore! If they have the ability, they can turn back the wheel of our history!" At this moment, the Senior Elder looked domineering.

The Second Elder nodded very seriously and looked out of the window in the direction of the Miller family. His brief conversation with the Senior Elder had set the keynote of their attitude toward those hidden powerful families in the country and those hostile forces against the Dragon Kingdom outside the territory, as well as their attitude toward Iwan.

After the Senior Elder said that, he turned around and looked out of the window. Just like the Second Elder, he looked in the direction of the Miller family. Iwan was there at this time. The Senior Elder murmured in his heart, 'Just do it, Iwan. Don't be afraid. We are standing behind you! Ha-ha, we are still alive...'


Time passed by quickly, and soon it was four o'clock in the afternoon. The rain outside the window was gradually getting smaller. In a separate antique villa in the Miller family, Iwan was sleeping with Emily. Emily lay between Iwan and Jayna, and the room was lit with some soothing incense.

Emily was frightened, but she was accompanied and protected by Iwan and Jayna, so her face returned to its normal color.

The next moment, Emily opened her eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Iwan lying beside her, so she smiled and said happily to Iwan, "Dad..."

Iwan bowed his head, kissed her on the small face, and said, "Yeah, dad is here. Don't think too much. Everything is all right now. Mom and dad are with you. Don't be afraid......"

Jayna also said to Emily, "Emily, mom and dad are with you..."


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