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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 231

Chapter 231

Time passed very quickly. In an instant, one more hour was gone. The sky over the External Battlefield was already bright. Although today's weather was not bad, the sky above this battlefield was full of battle smoke, which was expanding.

On the battlefield, the belligerents-soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom and those overseas enemies-were both exhausted, especially the latter. After 3,000 top powerhouses of the Heaven Domain joined the battle last night, those overseas enemies had had a nightmare the whole night. The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom were intrepid, and they were also reinforced by these powerhouses. The Eight Overseas Forces Alliance had sent over more than 300,000 troops to fight the battle, but only 6,000 to 7,000 were still alive on the battlefield now.

The 100,000 soldiers from the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom had slumped to barely more than 10,000. As time passed, this number kept decreasing. Such an imaginably fierce battle had made these soldiers exhausted, including the most ordinary five-star soldiers, Gods of War, Super Gods, and the commanders on the four battlefields: Steve Morris, Bryant Darnell, Terry Liam, and Brandon Turner.

As time passed, the death toll of the Heaven Domain increased. After the whole night battle, 1/6 of its more than 3,000 top powerhouses had fallen. This was a very terrifying figure, which meant that more than 500 of its soldiers had died in the battle, even under the circumstances that all its soldiers had joined the battle last night. It should be noted that because of such an extremely fierce and life-to-death fight, overnight, more than 100 of its soldiers had reached the God-of-War level and a dozen or so the Super-God level.

But everyone on the battlefield knew that no matter how many breakthroughs they made, it was useless unless they reached the Emperor level. Only by reaching this level could they get greater leverage during this battle. But to reach this level was extremely hard. So many Super God-level commanders of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom had fought for three days and nights, but they had not yet risen to this level. This showed the great difficulty for one to become an Emperor-level powerhouse.

But the four old generals of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom were already worn out. Their fighting power kept decreasing, dozens or hundreds of wounds had appeared on them, and their momentums were also decreasing. If an early-stage Emperor-level powerhouse in his heyday came, they probably couldn't defeat him. Instead, they could at most die with him.

"Children, go! This battle is already over. You leave! Retreat from the estuary controlled by the Dragon Kingdom. Then a few seeds of hope can be kept for the future... Puff..." On a hillside, the old general Steve Morris in blood suddenly spat out a mouthful of dark blood and said to Master Slay guarding him.

Then, with a big sword, Slay rushed over and killed the two overseas Super Gods wishing to attack Steve.

And he looked back at Steve and said, "Marshal Morris, hold on. I've received news that my eldest brother has come out. Please hold on."

As soon as he finished that, the artificial intelligence projection the size of a palm floating in front of him-the virtual shadow of Hannah Bass-said to Slay anxiously, "300 meters ahead, right to our left, an overseas Super God is coming."

Seeing a shiver of Hannah's shadow, Slay fell silent but then said to it, "I'll wake up your noumenon! I will! Charge...!" With a roar, Slay picked up the huge sword in front of him and rushed in the direction Hannah's shadow pointed.

At the moment, far in the Dragon Kingdom, Hannah, who was asleep in the bunker of the Bass family house in Cleveque, turned her eyes as if to try to open them, but she failed. After moving them a couple of times, she strove to raise her hands. They were barely raised but then fell feebly.

"This... this is?" the top medical staff in Hannah's room were all dumbstruck, looking at her. They immediately went to examine her again. Then a drop of tear came out of her eye.

The AI program she, the world's best but crazy female scientist, had installed in War was a neuron connected to herself. Although she had just been in a coma, she had received a few images of the scenes of the External Battlefield. At the moment, the man she loved the most was in absolute danger. Yet, this time her AI technology could no longer open the protective cover of a dozen or so meters long for War. In extreme anxiety, she cried.


Now on the External Battlefield, Slay ran off into the distance with his huge sword, hunting the overseas Super God. As for Steve, Bryant, Terry, and Brandon, they were gathering behind him. Protecting each other, they went in the direction where Slay was advancing.

But when they came over, they saw Slay, who had killed the overseas Super God and was now standing 500 meters away, suddenly stop. The next moment, the four old men and Slay all changed color abruptly.

Why? They saw that the momentums of dozens of overseas Super Gods were rising one kilometer ahead. Of course, their leaders were the commanders of the Military Headquarters of Amerieland, Eagle Kingdom, and Frach Kingdom, who had been hiding their peak-stage Emperor-level strength. On their flanks, overseas powerhouses appeared one after another. At a glance, one could see that they were roughly at least 30-40. Of course, most of them were just at the early stage or middle stage of the Emperor level. Even so, they had more than a dozen powerhouses who were at the last stage of the Emperor level and above.

Slay and Steve had thought that these people's reinforcements could only arrive as early as this afternoon, but their top powerhouses had hurried over. And they were 10 strong! If such a powerful force came to join the battle, the hands of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom, even counting in the four powerhouses of the Heaven Domain, were far from enough. After all, the four old generals of the Dragon Kingdom were all wounded now.

At the moment, as the heyday momentums of the dozens of overseas Emperor-level powerhouses rose with booms into the air, the whole External Battlefield fell silent. All the soldiers couldn't help but look in the direction where these Emperor-level powerhouses rose... but the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom and those overseas remnant troops in great fear on the brutal battlefield...

The overseas remnant troops, who had been divided to attack by the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom and kept on retreating, were now moving toward those Emperor-level powerhouses.

And the more than 10,000 soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom on the battlefield were all silent. They didn't move...


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