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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 235

Chapter 235 On the Verge of Losing Control

The three high-stage King-level powerhouses now looked quite sullen, their extremely powerful momentums covering an area tens of miles at sea. They were guardians of the rules, but someone had now broken them. According to their judgment, the person who had killed these earthly troops must be one at the high stage of the King level.

Of course, any one of them who came over had such ability. The terrifyingly great power of a King-level powerhouse was beyond an Emperor-level powerhouse's wild imagination. The power of deterrence of a high-stage King-level powerhouse was totally equivalent to that of a super-large legion. Such a person was one who could steady the fate of a nation. Using such a powerhouse to fight, to some extent, was not second to launching a few best thermal weapons! If the two had to be compared, a high-stage King-level powerhouse had a power of deterrence that was much stronger than that of a superb thermal weapon. After all, the powerhouse was a living being.

King-level powerhouses would not join the earthly battles. This was the rule, the rule all countries and regions around the world agreed on! After all, this hell-like miserable condition showed how strong a high-stage King-level powerhouse's destructive power could be! Therefore, if such a powerhouse joined the battle, then there was no need for the mundane legions to fight.

"What should we do if the one who did this is from a secluded sect within the territory of the Dragon Kingdom?" one of the high-stage King-level powerhouses asked with a very grave expression.

Indeed, the Dragon Kingdom had such a long history that no one knew how many terrifying forces were there within its territory. Although the three of them were at the high stage of the King level, it was very hard for them to find anything in the country.

Another high-stage King-level powerhouse frowned deeply and said, "It shouldn't be. During the battle that took place more than a century ago, many of the kingdom's high-stage King-level powerhouse died because the other military headquarters in the world besieged them. Now they might not easily join in, and today's situation is far from that of the battle a century ago. The allied legion of the countries around the world did not enter the land of the Dragon Kingdom."

The third high-stage King-level powerhouse who had been silent said with serious eyes, "No matter who he is, even if he's a great fighter of some secluded sect in the Dragon Kingdom, he must be killed! The rules can't be violated! Guys, don't forget that the military headquarters of Amerieland, the Eagle Kingdom, and the Frach Kingdom suffered huge losses this time. If we can't give them an explanation, they might use superb thermal weapons! Once such lethal weapons are used, the world is over!"

After this powerhouse finished speaking, the powerhouse who had spoken earlier nodded and said, "Yes, that's right. Contact the guardians of all places and domains to force the sects in the Dragon Kingdom. We must find the person! No matter who he is, he must die!"

This powerhouse paused but then continued, "Besides, send high-stage King-level powerhouses to the military headquarters of Amerieland, the Eagle Kingdom, and the Frach Kingdom. Warn them that if they dare to use superb thermal weapons, we'll annihilate all their senior leaders! Guys, don't forget that today is different from the era a century ago. The Dragon Kingdom... has stood up..."

"The mundane dynasty of the Dragon Kingdom dispirited those secluded sects a century ago, but could any one of you be sure about today's situation a century later? Will the secluded sects all keep silent as they did a century ago?"

Another high-stage King-level powerhouse slowly nodded and said, "Yes, right. Shelton Hayes, the senior elder of today's Dragon Kingdom is a great figure. He has the air of a peerless hero! So we must force the Dragon Kingdom to hand out the criminal! But we'll also warn the eight military headquarters of the Z8 Alliance, telling them not to use superb thermal weapons! This is the bottom line! Whoever dares to use them will be wiped out!"



The three high-stage King-level powerhouses, the guardians of the hidden rules of the world, soon reached a consensus. After that, they parted, heading for the Amerieland Military Headquarters, the External Battlefield, and the Dragon Kingdom.

Before now, none of the guardians of the hidden rules of the world like them had ever expected this battle to develop to today's status-it kept escalating!

And each of them now had a slightly heavy heart. They knew that the Dragon Kingdom today was really different from what it had been more than 100 years ago. Take the dynasty on this land for example. When facing the invasions of the overseas allied force, every time they would cede territory, pay indemnities, and admit defeat after launching symbolic resistance a few times, wouldn't they?

Actually, this time, they, the guardians of these hidden rules, had thought in the beginning that the Dragon Kingdom would be the same as it had been 100 years ago. But they had been wrong. In fact, the Dragon Kingdom had begun fighting back from the very beginning!

90% of the 100,000 elite soldiers, the strongest ones of the Dragon Kingdom Military Headquarters, had died on the External Battlefield! Even so, the headquarters were still fighting! It showed that they would keep on fighting until the last.

Now a high-stage King-level powerhouse of the Dragon Kingdom joined the battle! Did it mean that another one from the extremely powerful secluded sects in the Dragon Kingdom chose to enter the secular world? So the guardians who didn't belong to any group of the world now had a few more scruples.


Now the atmosphere in the general command room of the Amerieland Military Headquarters was so tense. The reinforcements they sent out had all been killed even before they reached the External Battlefield.

All the top leaders of the Amerieland Military Headquarters were silent, but everyone had wrath in their eyes, a slight ice-cold killing intention slowly showing.

"The rule guardians sent us a message, saying it was a high-stage King-level powerhouse who did it. They are now looking for the person, but they also warn us that we shall never use superb thermal weapons! Otherwise... we would suffer the consequences! Guys, all our people died. Now there are only 40,000-50,000 defeated soldiers left on the External Battlefield. What do you think we... should do next?" Quark, whose look in the eye was so sullen, kept tapping the tabletop slowly.

A peak-stage Emperor-level powerhouse said coldly, "Send out all the King-level powerhouses of the Z8 Military Headquarters, giving those rule guardians pressure! If they can't force the Dragon Kingdom to hand out the culprit, then they can't blame us for breaking the rules!"


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