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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 240

Chapter 240 A Legend to be told Part 3

"Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!"

One hundred Emperors and five Kings on the Dragon side were all on the warpath with their eyes turning bloodshot, and the whole area resounded with loud cheers.

"Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!"

Then, those remaining ten thousand warriors, most of them heavily injured, lifted their swords again. They gathered up their strength and cheered with the powerhouses hot-bloodily.

At the same time, the citizens in the Kingdom watched what was happening on the Battlefield on the screen, all their eyes reddening. The pitful and despairing views over there were still vivid in their minds. The Overseas Alliance was too strong and had too many powerhouses. Although the warriors of the Kingdom were strong as well, they were outnumbered. Thus, every Dragon warrior had to fight two or three enemies desperately!

Then, after they saw blood-covered Iwan Cliff land there with dozens of Emperors, they felt their every cell boiling.

They saw the hope that the warriors could live and win this battle. Everyone in the Kingdom, with their eyes reddening and their teeth clenched, cheered, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Grrrrrrr!" the national fate in the Dragon Pond under the residence of the Senior Elder, once dried up, the moment started replenishing and surging. The cracks on the bottom were mended instantly and the whole structure became more solid!

The Senior Elder on the Square, who spread his aura of a Stage-seven King, grabbed his sword from the sheath on his waist, his eyes getting bloodshot, and dashed to where several of the quickest Hurricane aircrafts parked within several seconds.

Shelton Hayes, the Senior Elder of the Dragon Kingdom, had to join the battle, for he could anticipate the advent of the Kingdom's victory at the Emperor level after Iwan's arrival. However, he had a concern that the enemy Kings would break the rules and go hard on Iwan.

He couldn't let anything bad happen to Iwan! Then, he got in a Hurricane and loudly spoke to the pilot, "To the External Battlefield! Move your ass, go, go, go!"

"Roaaaaarrr!" the Hurricane took right away, but Rendon Scott didn't follow, for he was forced to stay in the Kingdom by the Senior Elder.


On the External Battlefield, the powerhouses of the Emperor level in the Overseas Alliance were all shocked at the resonant howls of one hundred Emperors of the Dragon Kingdom, but the influence didn't last long before they collected their momentum. After all, they had been losing countless men on the Battlefield since the very beginning of the battle.

Neither they nor the Dragon Kingdom couldn't bear the cost of losing the battle.

"Kill them!" Iwan Cliff, who was in the center of the group of the Gods of War and whose face and body were covered with fresh blood, lifted his sword made of fine steel and roared. Then, he charged out at once.

"Kill them!"

The Four Masters of Heaven followed Iwan to charge out with their swords raised.

"Kill them!"

The four old commanders followed after recovering from the wounds. They were holding their blades on the warpath and charging at the camp opposite theirs.

"Kill them!"

They were followed by the new Emperors of the Military, the warriors of the Heaven Force, the God of War Sect, and the Dark Night Organization. Everyone was holding tight their weapons and began charging.

"Kill them!"

Then, the remaining ten thousand soldiers of the Kingdom also thrust themselves forward.

"Kill them!"

Judy Lopez, Lewis King, and Carl Addison, the three Elders of the Kingdom, three peak Middle-stage Kings, soared up into the sky to be the deterrent to the ten Kings of the Overseas Alliance.

One could see a huge swarm heading for their enemies from the bird's-eye-view. The three elders, floating in the air, were escorting the swarm, and the one hundred Emperors were the vanguards. Iwan Cliff charged headmost, leading an army of ten thousand men.


Time seemed to be frozen at this moment as the decisive battle was about to be initiated. People in the Kingdom stopped cheering and held their breath to watch what was to happen on TV.

"Who is that young man charging at the first row?"

"I have the same question. He was the one that landed from the sky with a bunch of Emperors when the Military was at the most dangerous moment. Who is he?"

"That's him, but who is he? Anybody knows him?"

All the people in the Kingdom mumbled to themselves. Their focus was not only on the battle but on querying the background of Iwan Cliff who appeared on the Battlefield.

Whereas people in Pasoland City in the Central Region, especially those who had attended the Wedding three months ago recognized Iwan after just one look.

"It's him! The God of War of External Regions at the Wedding!" Most people in Pasoland City recognized Iwan Cliff and felt extremely surprised. They finally realized they had made a big mistake by thinking of Iwan Cliff as a normal God of War training on the Battlefield. Iwan was not just a God of War, but an Emperor, a hero that could lead the Kingdom to come back!

"He's... Jayna's husband? Iwan Cliff? How could it be possible? Who the hell is he?" Watching Iwan Cliff leading an army to charge on the Battlefield on TV, Scarlett Mond was shocked in the Morgan Group in Morgan Group.

After having heard about the situation on the Battlefield, Klink Brown, Skyler Walz, and Jacey Brown hurried to the Miller family in Gotham from Cleveque.

"Is that Iwan?" Klink Brown and Skyler Walz paused for a moment seeing Iwan Cliff on TV.

"Iwan? It's Iwan! It's my brother-in-law!" Jacey Brown couldn't help but gape at the screen.

Then, as Emily saw her father covered with blood but still holding a sword and leading an army, she pointed her fingers at her father on the screen and cried immediately, "Dad! Mom, that's dad. That's dad! Ooo-ooo. I don't want to see anything bad happen to dad. He's bleeding, Ooo-ooo..."

Emily, who was still naive, started crying out. She cared little about the war and knew little about what her father was doing thousands of miles away from her. She was only concerned that her father was bleeding and about to fight again, and her concern was as much pure as her heart.

"Ooo-ooo Mom, that's dad. That's dad! Call him and ask him back. Mom, ask dad back. I want him to be safe. I don't... Ooo-ooo..." Emily dragged hard the frills of Jayna Brown's dress.

Jayna Brown didn't respond this time and first time ever ignored her Emily. She didn't know how to comfort her daughter at this moment, and the battle was about to start at any time. She could only pray in her mind for Iwan, "Honey, Iwan, you're the best. Come on, you have to come home alive. You have to..."


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