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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Iwan’s Sensitive Nerve

An hour later, Jayna called Iwan, asking him to bring Emily upstairs. When Iwan brought Emily upstairs, Skyler and Luis had already gone back, and only Jayna and her sister Jacey were left upstairs.

“Iwan.” Jacey gave him a deep look, suppressing her doubts and not asking. After all, Jayna’s return to the family was the top priority. Her parents had told her about William’s conditions for Jayna’s return, which she thought might be too difficult for Jayna. 

Jacey took Emily from Iwan as Jayna had a worried look on her face. According to what she knew, Iwan was unemployed after just having been expelled from the army and it might take him one month to land a job. He can't find a job in just one or two days. That meant the family’s living expenses were on her before he got a job, as well as the rental. Since Skyler didn’t want to see Iwan, Jayna wasn’t even allowed to move back home.

Aware of Jayna’s worried expression, Iwan asked her carefully, “Jayna, what’s wrong? Do you want to tell me about it?”

Jayna shook her head, breathed deeply, and smiled at Iwan and Emily, saying, “I'll go out to do some errands later, maybe I'll be back later. Iwan, could you take Emily to find a cheaper rental house nearby? Let's rent one first. I mean we can’t afford to stay in the hotel too long.”

Then she turned to look at Jacey. “Jacey, if you’re available recently, could you help me with Emily since Iwan needs to land a job? I’d appreciate your help.”

Jacey immediately waved her hand and said, “As your sister, I‘m glad to be of any help, Jayna. I happen to be free these days, so you two can rest assured. You can focus on your job, and brother-in-law can start looking for a job. You guys just leave Emily to me."”

Jayna nodded and then kissed Emily. “Emily, I have to go out to deal with something, so you just stay here and play with your dad and Aunt Jacey, okay?”

Emily nodded sensibly and kissed Jayna on the face and said, "Well, Mom. Don’t worry. I won't run around, and I'll be with father and aunt..."

Hearing that, Jayna looked at Iwan in the end. She didn’t say anything and instead, she stood up with a slightly weary look and walked out of the room.

Having sensed that Jayna was hiding something from him, Iwan didn’t frown until she went far. Then he glanced at Jacey in a fog, asking, “Jacey, what’s wrong with your sister?”

Jacey had a meaningful look on her face, sighed deeply, and then shook her head. “Given that you guys have been back, my dad wants to get Jayna back to the family business since it’ll be convenient for her. For her return, my grandpa has three conditions and Jayna needs to meet at least one of them. But, alas, each of the conditions is very difficult for her.”

Iwan remained calm and asked drily, “Can you be more specific about the conditions?”

Jacey continued, “The first one is to collect a debt of 280 thousand dollars which the Piper family in the south of the city has defaulted on. The second is to expand three distribution channels for the Brown Group. The third is to handle one of the difficult projects of the group and win the contract. None of them is an easy job. I think Grandpa is just making the situation difficult for Jayna by giving her such impossible tasks.” 


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