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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 251

Chapter 251 Mourn for Them with Wine And Breeze! (3)

Gradually, the Senior Elder felt more and more familiar with Iwan. At this moment, another picture seemed to appear before his eyes. It was the simple and magnificent hall that suddenly came to his mind a few days ago.

"Haig, I wish you a triumphant return!" The emperor in a black-gold dragon robe in the hall said to the Great General with wistfulness in his heart because the Great General would go to war again for him and the dynasty... Yes, there was strong wistfulness and worry in the emperor's eyes.

"Your majesty, please rest assured. I will come back as soon as I can! I won't be there for long! Killing the enemies in the External Regions is just a piece of cake. Please wait for my good news! I am leaving!" The Great General said in a deep voice and walked out of the hall with great confidence. Outside the hall, he rode a fast horse and then rushed towards the gate. When he went to the north, he was followed by three thousand soldiers in black armor...


The Senior Elder came to his senses and his body trembled. He saw Iwan again. However, at this moment, the Senior Elder could not help but burst into tears. He looked at Iwan with more complicated emotions in his eyes.

Similarly, standing in front of the Senior Elder and looking at him, Iwan was also stunned. He couldn't help but think of the black-gold robed emperor in Haig's memory. At this moment, the Senior Elder in front of Iwan seemed to be the emperor in Haig's memory.

But it was not the most important thing. The most important thing was that Iwan felt so sad when he saw the Senior Elder. He seemed to be reluctant to part with the Senior Elder.

"Senior... Elder? Have we... met before?" The next moment, Iwan felt that the feeling in his heart was too weird, so he couldn't help but ask the Senior Elder.

The Senior Elder shook his head and said, "No, ha-ha... Maybe you once saw me on the news before. Iwan, thank you for what you have done..." The Senior Elder looked at Iwan with more complicated emotions in his eyes.

At this time, Jayna, who was wearing a white dress and holding Emily in her arms, walked to Iwan and saluted the Senior Elder. "Senior Elder, nice to see you..."

"Boom..." When the Senior Elder saw Jayna, his mind went blank again because he felt that Jayna also looked familiar, and... Jayna was very similar to a woman he thought of.

At this moment, Jayna stood in front of Iwan in a white dress. The Senior Elder felt that he had seen this scene many years ago. It was his first time to see this scene, but he was very sure that he had seen it countless times before.

"What the hell is going on?" The Senior Elder was more confused, and he couldn't figure it out. Once he thought more about it, his head ached badly. Then the Senior Elder didn't think much about it anymore. He gave Jayna a meaningful look, smiled, and nodded. "Jayna, thank you for what you have done, too..."

"It's no bother. Senior Elder, you can talk first, and I'll prepare drinks and dishes for you..." Jayna saluted the Senior Elder again and left. The Senior Elder also felt very familiar with this scene.

After that, they didn't talk about other things. The food and wine were served very quickly. A group of generals from the Military Headquarters, the Four Masters of Heaven from the Heaven Domain, the Black Emperor, and Iwan started to drink.

After all, it was a difficult war, and it was not easy to win. In the night, the courtyard of the Miller family was brightly lit, and the generals were drinking happily.

"Ha-ha, I almost died in this war. Senior Elder, you don't know that the four of us had nothing to eat one night. Steve actually took two cold steamed buns out of his arms. The steamed buns were so hard that we couldn't break them off. In the end, we cut them into four pieces with our swords... Ha-ha......" At 9 o'clock in the evening, the wine loosened Terry's tongue. He began to tell the story on the battlefield...

As soon as Terry finished speaking, Steve kicked him out and shouted angrily, "Get out of here. Didn't you eat it? Huh? If I didn't hide the two steamed buns in my arms, you would have starved to death..."

"Ha-ha... Ha-ha..." The next moment, watching the two old men laughing and scolding each other, the generals from the Military Headquarters and the Heaven Domain also laughed.

Then everyone continued to drink. However, while drinking, Brandon began to cry. He was an old man in his seventies, but he cried like a child when he was drunk.

"Woo-woo... Senior Elder, too many soldiers died this time. We lost more than ninety thousand soldiers. They were young, but they died tragically. Many of them didn't get married, and many of them had children, but they could never come back..."

"We couldn't even find some of their dead bodies..."

Brandon suddenly burst into tears. Steve and others' eyes glistened with tears, and their bodies trembled. Yes, although this war was so tragic and cruel, none of them died, and they were still alive. However, too many soldiers under their command died.

The next moment, the Senior Elder took a deep breath, stood up with a bowl of wine, and turned to face the direction of the External Battlefield. Then the Second Elder, the Third Elder, Carl, Iwan, and the warriors from the Heaven Domain also stood up with red eyes.

They had been very noisy, but they were extremely quiet at this moment. The next moment, Jayna, Moira, and Sally knew what they were going to do and also stood up with bowls of wine. Emily held a small bowl of orange juice sensibly and stood beside Iwan and Jayna very seriously.

The next moment, they quietly sprinkled the wine on the ground in the direction of the External Battlefield to mourn for those loyal souls.

Then they filled their bowls with wine again. The Senior Elder took a deep breath and murmured in the direction of the External Battlefield, "Warriors, thank you! Thank you for guarding our country with your lives!"

"To all of you!" With a solemn face and red eyes, the Senior Elder roared and drank up the wine in his bowl. Those beside the Senior Elder were the most powerful people in the Dragon Kingdom and the leaders of the Military Headquarters. They drank the wine silently.

Then the Senior Elder said in a deep voice again, "Heroes, please rest assured that your names will be on the monument in Gotham Square forever! Your family members are our family members, your children are our children, and your parents are our parents!"

At this moment, it was daybreak on the External Battlefield that was tens of thousands of miles away from them. It should have been a sunny day, but the battlefield was wreathed by fog. The fog seemed to form a huge military formation in mid-air. The army formation on the fog was facing the east from afar. It seemed to be smiling and then slowly dissipated...

"Hum..." The next moment, Dimitrie appeared in the center of the External Battlefield in a white robe. Standing under the large clouds, he looked up at the clouds and fog and was silent. Then he sat down with his knees crossed and prayed...


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