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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 255

Chapter 255 Register a Marriage!

The next morning, after Iwan finished breakfast, he noticed Jayna was not around. Having searched and searched, he finally found his wife in a chat with Jane Cook, Ivy, and Hannah Bass outside Slay's villa.

When Iwan came closer, he saw Hannah blushing, staggering, and her long pretty legs shaking. Each step she walked looked weird and sent a hint of agony to her face. As a sexually experienced man, Iwan knew what was going on just by having a look at her.

Yet, Iwan was still shocked after observing it. He couldn't help but agape at Hannah whose expression was very odd and blurt out, "Who... Who did this?"

Iwan was desperate to know what the hell had happened last night after he had fallen asleep. It was as if the whole world somehow suddenly changed to another track. Jane Cook looked very well, seemingly having a good mood. And Ivy, her face also blushed somewhat. The four women, the four different top beauties with different features turned into chatty mode while getting together. All of the sudden, the Miller residence had one more beautiful landscape.

"And... Who could tell me how long I have slept? Is it too long? What on earth is going on? Why... Why do all of you look weird?" Iwan frowned and threw out his questions. These women, except for his wife Jayna, were giving him a weird feeling.

"Hee, hee... Go find your bros and leave us alone. Our girls have secrets among ourselves. Well, leave us already. Can't you see that Hannah... She's under the weather?" Jayna gave Iwan a teasing look, then she helped Hannah get used to her legs' condition by bracing her.

And these words brought another warm flush to Hannah's face. She and Jayna were best friends, but Iwan was Slay's big brother and even the Lord of the Heaven Domain. She needed to follow Slay to treat his brothers the way he did after she decided to be with him.

Then, the next moment, to Iwan's greatest shock, Hannah strangely walked towards him, her face flushing. She compressed her lips and said, "Big brother..."

"What..." Iwan was totally baffled. However, Jane Cook, her face flushing, followed, "Good morning, big brother..."

Ivy also giggled at Iwan, "My lord, from now on, I'll call you big brother as Drak does. Hee Hee..."

"Huh?" Iwan had a head full of questions at moment. He turned to Jayna with bewilderment, "Jayna, what the hell is going on here?"

Jayna stared at Iwan with her marvelous eyes, "You asked me? Why don't you ask your bonded brothers? Ask them what they have done last night after they got drunk. They know about it quite well. I'll spare Dark and Kill because all they did was confess their affection to Ivy and Jane..."

"But that Slay, he has done something unbearable!" Saying so, Jayna clenched her teeth and fists.

"Huh? What has Slay done?" Iwan subliminally asked Jayna even though he had answered in his mind. His impression of Slay told him Slay was a plank of wood and no better than Kill and Dark, for Slay didn't know the first thing about women.

More creases gathered on his forehead as he frowned, and he started to doubt himself if he had misjudged Slay. Had this boy been disguising himself as an obtuse person all the time?

As Iwan was wondering, Jayna snorted hard, "You tell me! Look how badly Slay treated Hannah. He didn't know she just woke up? He was no kind to women! Last night he asked Hannah to marry him once seeing her. What does he see Hannah as? Who asked others to marry him like that? It's unforgivable!"

"Stop it, Jayna. I... I volunteered to do that... It's not Slay's blame. " Hannah crimsoned and felt very shy as Jayna talked about it before Iwan, who was a man and Slay's brother.

Jayna snorted again, "Why stop it? It's fine. He's Iwan's little brother, and your sister-in-bond will kick his ass for you if he treats you badly!"

"Emmm, Jayna, didn't you just say we're still sisters, not in-bonds?" Hannah looked at Jayna in bewilderment.

Jayna took a deep breath and, a hint of a smile flashing upon her face, said in an aggressive tone, "Well, well. I was just saying. You girls must show me your respect when meeting me now! Respect matters since our husbands are heroes. Courtesy rules here."

Having said so, she tapped on Hannah's shoulders like a big sister and said, "It's okay, sis! I'm gonna kick his ass for you!"

Hannah smiled wryly, "Jayna... Are you serious?"

Not only Hannah was puzzled, but Jane and Ivy were, too. Seeing their faces, Jayna felt her emotion smoothed, and with a nod, she smiled, "Sure I am. Who would have thought I could be your big sister one day!"

Then, Jayna dragged Hannah to Iwan, pointed at the former, and said, "See, look how bad your dumb brother treat my sister. Unless you place on Slay a proper punishment, you're forbidden from our bed tonight!"

"WTF? You don't do that! I'll punish him. He's gone too far!" Iwan was stunned hearing Jayna, then he dashed to deal with Slay, the boy who did something terrible!

After Iwan was gone, Hannah shrugged off Jayna, "You don't have to do that, Jayna. I did it out of my will. It's not his blame. And... Last night, it seemed that I asked him to do it myself..." Hannah said while her face was flushing more as if red ink was about to drop down from her face.

"What?" Not just Jayna, but Jane and Ivy were dumbfounded. Three pretty ladies gazed at Hannah, their mouths were agape.

The muscles of Jayna's lips twisted, and she said to Hannah wryly, "Hannah, have you lost your mind? You're a girl, and you have to be reserved. He didn't propose, didn't register a marriage with you, or didn't hold a wedding for you. But you... You lost the most precious thing of a woman to him? What were you thinking?"


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