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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 280

Chapter 280 The End of the Military Headquarters of the Spaza Kingdom


The stamp of parade steps from each square of troops of the Dragon Kingdom resounded powerfully and in perfect alignment throughout the central plaza, imposing everyone and making the earth tremble.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of miles away, a sonorous dragon's roar came out suddenly outside the Military Headquarters of the Spaza Kingdom on the Battlefield, and then an a-few-dozen-meter long spiritual black dragon impacted upon the buildings, followed by three smaller ones.

The impact of the combined auras of one stage-nine and three stage-eight Kings knocked in the Military Headquarters of the Spaza Kingdom.

"Crap! It's the Dragon Kingdom! Shelton Hayes!"

The Speaker of the House of the Spaza Kingdom, who was a stage-seven King and retreated to the training chamber, rushed out at this point and soared up into the air. He immediately summoned and absorbed their national fortune, but he would be no more than an early stage-nine King in that case.

"Kill him!"

The next moment, Shelton Hayes the Senior Elder, without any hesitation, commanded the black dragon to strike the Speaker.


As the dragon's shout came out, the national fortune the Speaker had absorbed was suddenly shattered. They had been defeated previously on the Battlefield, whereupon their fortune had been damaged. The Speaker could barely wield the power of an early stage-nine King even after he absorbed their fortune. But after the resolute impact from the Senior Elder, the Speaker's aura dropped to peak stage eight right away.

The Speaker was panic-stricken at this point, for he did never anticipate that the Dragon Kingdom's sharpest spear would start a raid on him on its celebration day.

The worse case was that he wasn't prepared at all for the attack, which came at full cock and inflicted great damage to him immediately. Fear climbed up his mind within an instant, and his strength had dropped to peak stage-eight King level, whereas that of the Senior Elder was at the level of a peak stage nine! And the Senior Elder was not alone. Judy Lopez the Second Elder, Lewis King the Third Elder, and Carl Addison the Fourth Elder of the Dragon Kingdom all were here, too.

The Speaker had no time to react when the three smaller black dragons behind the Senior Elder struck him after he was heavily injured.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble!"

Another three bursts echoed in the air as the other three Elders of the Dragon Kingdom smashed the Speaker, and the latter took another three critical hits within several seconds.

The aura of the Speaker kept dropping from that moment on until it stopped at early stage eight King level. He was spitting blood at the same time, his body bleeding after some blasts. Suddenly, fear dominated his head.

"Save the Speaker! Hurry!"

The hidden swords in the Military Headquarters of the Spaza Kingdom finally realized the situation and in several seconds, six early-and-middle-stage Kings and a dozen of Emperors soared up into the sky. Then, they were desperate to be dashing to the Speaker.

The Speaker couldn't die in their opinions, and he was the incarnation of the national fortune of the Spaza Kingdom, what Shelton Hayes the Senior Elder, Judy Lopez the Second Elder, Lewis King the Third Elder, and Carl Addison the Fourth Elder were to their Kingdom. The death of Any one of them would give their national fortune mighty damage. This was also exactly why those super-powerful sects in Gotham plotted to suppress the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Don't hold your strength! Kill him!" Shelton Hayes commanded the condensed black dragon to come at the Speaker again. Gruff dragon's shout came out.


The Senior Elder and Second Elder chased the heavily injured Speaker as he escaped due to extreme fear.

"Hayes! I resign! I'll cede our territory and pay you indemnities! Let's call it a truce! Mercy! Show the Spaza Kingdom your mercy please!"

Fear controlled the Speaker, but he was not afraid to die but concerned that their national fortune would be uprooted after his demise. If the Four Elders of the Dragon Kingdom killed off all their powerhouses, their national fortune would have a huge chance to hibernate because of the heavy injury as the Dragon Kingdom had done a hundred years ago. And once the national fortune hibernated, it would be hard to wake it again.

The Dragon Kingdom was an example that had been devouring tons of humiliation and rebuilding its strength for nearly a hundred years. Finally, it made its national fortune shine again after such a long and tough journey. So, if the national fortune of the Spaza Kingdom hibernated, would it be shining again?

That was why the Speaker was scared and full of remorse in his heart. He regretted listening to the evil tongue of the Lion Military Headquarters and declaring a war on the Dragon Kingdom. But what was poured could not be retaken.


Shelton Hayes the Senior Elder ignored his bullshit and immediately sprinted to the front of him as the incarnated black dragon. Then, he slammed the Speaker with a claw at full cock.


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