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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 285

Chapter 285 The Fortune of The Country Rises, the Dragon Roars! (Second Part) (Update 2!)

The Great Emperor of the Giant Bear Quarter was unparalleled, overwhelming the audience. He looked directly at Rendon Scott who was on the attic. Now that the news from External Regions had spread, he naturally understood that the elders of the Dragon Kingdom who were standing next to Rendon Scott were all fake. The courage of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom made him, the great emperor of the Giant Bear Quarter, admire it. That's what powerhouses from the Military Headquarters should do! If there was a war to fight, they fought! If someone wanted the war to be ended, they wouldn't let it happen without their permission!

There were thousands of thoughts flashing in Rendon's mind. But the Dragon Kingdom had its national policy which couldn't be changed. So Rendon took a deep breath, cupped his hands to the Emperor of the Giant Bear Quarter and said, "Thank you for your kind invitation, but I'm sorry, Dragon Kingdom isn't changing the current national policy! Your lord, as you know, even though we are not allies, we are friends. "

Then Rendon paused, as a powerhouse of the King level, his imposing aura rose to the sky, echoing the dragon of national destiny in the sky. And he said in a deep voice, "We Military Headquarters of Dragon Kingdom do not marry, pay compensation, cede land,or pay tribute! The emperor guards the gate of the country and the king dies for the country! We Military Headquarters of Dragon Kingdom has no intention of starting a big war, and we are forced to get involved in the current battle. We will not actively provoke any parties, but we are not afraid to fight!"

The Emperor of the Giant Bear Quarter had a light flashing in his eyes. He smiled and didn't speak any more. Instead, he sat down again. He was overjoyed in his heart. He had already expected how Rendon Scott would reply. Though he knew that Redon would refuse, he still got up and it. To put it bluntly, he didn't care, just... scare a bunch of you to death, don't piss me off. If anyone offend me, I and the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom will fight with you!

It was widely thought that the Military Headquarters of Dragon Kingdom were full of lunatics, but in fact, so was the Giant Bear Quarter who had been suppressed by the Z8 Alliance led by the Lion Quarter. They had long been very upset.

But at this moment, after Rendon Scott's words, after the belligerent emperor of the Giant Bear Quarter took his seat, the guardians of rules who were at the ninth rank of the King Level, floating in midair also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Rendon Scott did not agree, otherwise the world would be difficult if he followed the style of that lunatic Emperor of the Giant Bear Quarter...

Afterwards, the nine guardians of the rules who had been lurking in the Dragon Kingdom all looked gratefully at Rendon in the attic. The world structure was extremely complicated, the interests of large warheads were interwoven with complexity, and the situation in the Dragon Kingdom was also extremely intricate. Lives would be ruined if any mistake occurred. There was never an absolute winner in a war. Even if they won, how many soldiers and their families would be devastated?

On the part of their guardians of the rules, the interior was also extremely complex. There were voices that wanted to kill Iwan Cliff and other voices that wanted to maintain world peace. They didn't suppress any party, which was relatively fair. Well, the fairness of the guardians of the rules was also only relative...

The next moment, the nine guardians of the rules slowly receded. But just after they retreated, trouble resumed. Having already entered the Gotham City, just near the military parade square, the powerhouses of the Nine Great King-level super powerful sects of the Dragon Kingdom began provoking around again. Those didn't care much about the guardians of the rules.

Now except the powerhouses of Sect of Supreme Darkness and Fierce Sun Sect were repelled, the remaining seven King-level supreme sects of the nine hidden King-Level supreme sects had all entered Gotham City, within the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. The suzerains of the seven sects came in person.

Johnson Garcia from the God of War Sect, Burlie from the Green Mountain Sect, Zack Smith from the Heaven Force, Aiden Edwards from the the Nether Sect, Alan Robinson from the Fore Sect, Amos Joseph from the Destine Sect and Snow Jones from the Galaxy Sect! All the top powerhouses from the nine ninth-rank of King-Level were here.

At this moment, the seven suzerains were not together, but scattered in seven different directions. Right now they were all staring at the sky above the Gotham City and focusing on the wavering dragon symbolizing the National Fortune of the Dragon Kingdom. At this moment, the aura of the dragon of National Fortune in the Dragon Kingdom had dropped to the early stage of the ninth King Level, and it was still declining.

"What happened? Could it be that Shelton Hayes and Judy Lopez are having a problem?" At this moment, Burlie, the suzerain of the Green Mountain Sect, frowned and stared intently at the descending aura of the phantom of the giant dragon symbolizing the National Fortune of the Dragon Kingdom in the sky above Gotham City.

He was optimistic about Shelton Hayes and Judy Lopez. But if they died, he would not choose to make any movements again. The price of standing in line rashly was terrible, and behind him stood the entire Green Mountain Sect!

Similarly, Johnson Garcia of the God of War Sect and Zack Smith of the Heaven Force who had once helped the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom also frowned, staring at the dragon phantom symbolizing the National Fortune in the sky above Gotham City with solemn expressions.

"The fate of the country on this land has been silent for a hundred years. Now that it has finally awakened, is it sleeping again? This dynasty, this dynasty does not seem to have the fate of dying..." At this moment, Johnson Garcia of the God of War Sect and Zack Smith of the Heaven Force both felt their hearting clenching.


Among the nine King-level sects in the Dragon Kingdom, except that Suzerain Burlie, God of War Sect and the Heaven Force were still hesitating, the rest four tyrannical sects, Aiden Edwards, the head of the Nether Sect, Alan Robinson, the head of the Fore Sect, Amos Joseph, the head of the Destine Sect and Snow Jones, the head of the Galaxy Sect started emitting powerful aura at this moment. The four of them instantly locked on to the giant dragon symbolizing the Dragon Kingdom's fortune in the sky above the Gotham City.

They... these four parties, wanted to snipe the Dragon Kingdom! There was no hatred, it was entirely due to historical reasons. At present, in their view, this dynasty, the luck of the Military Headquarters of Dragon Kingdom, had vaguely reached the peak level of the dynasty, and the next step was the Royal Dynasty! And once this dynasty advanced to the next level, those secret sects hidden in the Dragon Kingdom would be very passive. And if this dynasty could advance to the Imperial Dynasty one day. Hehe... Then they were basically doomed. Historically, on this land, when the Imperial Dynasty appeared, there were basically no shadows of their sects...


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