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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 291

Chapter 291 Jackson the Guardian of the Rules

"Iwan!" Judy Lopez exclaimed on seeing Iwan Cliff appearing.

"Iwan!" Lewis King and Carl Addison were also surprised to see Iwan show up. They were glad that Iwan made it here to save their mission from being aborted and boosted their confidence with his aura of a peak stage-nine King. They believed they still could win the battle at last.

"Iwan..." Shelton Hayes, at the other end of the battlefield, stopped fighting the peak stage-nine guardian at that moment but looked in Iwan's direction. Earlier he decided to attack the guardian just because he had sensed Iwan's advent.

But the Senior Elder thought Iwan might attack and kill the heavily injured early-stage-nine King of the Poghu Headquarters. However, Iwan chose the early-stage-nine King-level guardian as his target, which greatly impressed the Senior Elder. He had to admit that Iwan's choice made his blood burn as he thought this was the way the Dragon Kingdom's powerhouses fight battles.

Guardians of the Rules that dominated the world? The Senior Elder didn't give a damn, and he would kill whoever was standing in his way, which would just lead to a battle at most. With the arrival of Iwan, the Senior Elder even had the intention to murder the peak stage-nine King-level guardian in front of him. He was holding a grand enmity with the guardians since they had always been having a double standard when it comes to affairs of the Dragon Kingdom.

While the four Elders of the Dragon Kingdom felt their hot blood pumping, the four powerhouses of the Poghu Headquarters with severe wounds felt stricken by panic. Lord of Heaven Domain, the one who led a hundred warriors to carry out a raid on the Canedy Headquarters, came to support the Dragon Kingdom. After Iwan had devoured the Canedy's national fortune, he had his power reach peak stage-nine King level. The four men of the Poghu at the moment had no idea what they could do next. The situation turned upside down and they lost their advantage again.

The moment, Lord of Heaven Domain, in his best conditions, could stall the peak stage-nine King-level guardian all by himself, buying the four Elders some time to wipe off the Poghu's powerhouses. Or Shelton Hayes could buy Iwan time by blocking the guardian. It might take peak-state Iwan less time to kill all of the Poghu's powerhouses.

The scale tilted towards the Dragon Kingdom since Iwan's arrival. This battle was meant for the national fortune, but several minutes later, as Iwan killed a Heaven-level guardian of the rules, the battle turned into a fight between the Dragon Kingdom and Lord of Heaven Domain versus the Guardians of the Rules.

The Poghu's four powerhouses with severe wounds suddenly had nobody's attention anymore.

Then, the peak stage-nine King-level guardian finally realized what happened and he turned around to stare at Iwan with coldness in his eyes, "Lord of Heaven Domain, do you know what you're doing? You killed one of us, an early-stage King-level Heaven-level guardian!"

Iwan sneered and replied, "Well, of course, I know what I'm doing. And you did use force on our Senior Elder, didn't you Why not cut the bullshit since the war is on?" A hint of cruelty flashed across Iwan's eyes, and his look became more and more fierce as he was prepared to attack at any moment.

Iwan was reckoning how much it would cost him and the four Elders to together kill the guardian in front of them.

The guardian, in the center of the siege of the Dragon's top warriors, stared into Iwan's eyes, noticed Iwan's fierce look, and sensed that the Lord of Heaven Domain, the unparalleled hero, had made up his mind to kill him.

"Do you really think you can kill me right here, Lord of Heaven Domain? Do I need to remind you that both sides are even at the force level? The Poghu's powerhouses are injured, but your Elders are not any better..." the guardian stared at Iwan with a dark face. Judging from the situation, he might be dead by the end of the battle.

Either Lord of Heaven Domain who showed up in his best conditions or the Senior Elder of the Dragon Kingdom had strong energy surging in their bodies, giving the feeling that they were even slightly stronger than a normal peak stage-nine King. If the battle led to someone's death, that someone would be the guardian indeed.

With his lips curving in a taunting grin and his eyes fixed on the guardian, Iwan leaned forward, grasped the sword in his hands tight, and slowly said, "I don't know, but I'm willing to give it a try."


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