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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 295

Chapter 295 Forever Glory! Silence! (2) 

At this moment, facing the encirclement of countless powerhouses from the Dragon Kingdom, the commanders of the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters surrendered in despair. If they continued to fight, the result wouldn't be changed. Even if they fought with all their strength, they couldn't even kill many powerhouses of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom. That wouldn't make any sense. Yeah, it was useless... 

The next moment, Jack, the commander of the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters who had blue eyes and yellow hair, arranged his green combat uniform, took a deep breath, and looked at the powerhouses from the Dragon Kingdom. He was surrounded by the warriors of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom and the Heaven Domain. "I am the eighth commander of the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters, Jack! We surrender, and I want to meet Mr. Morris, the commander of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom on the External Battlefield..." 

After a while, the soldiers of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom stepped aside. Steve, whose military uniform was stained and broken, took a deep breath and strode toward Jack with a serious face step by step... His face and body had been wounded in the war. He was a powerhouse of the early stage of the King level, and his aura came to the extreme. 

At this moment, Steve was shocked. This was the greatest glory in his life! He had been guarding the External Battlefield for the Dragon Kingdom for decades, and he had a hard time every year. He had to be careful to deal with the oppression of the Z8 Alliance which was led by the Lion Quarter. Steve fought all his life, and he never thought that he would have such a day! Today, he was going to accept the surrender of the marshal of the world's top Military Headquarters, the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters! 

In fact, at this moment, not only Steve but also the remaining ten thousand soldiers who fought in the last war on the External Battlefield were extremely excited! Nothing excited them more than accepting the surrender of the enemy. After all, they had fought on this battlefield for decades! Today, they finally won! 

But the next moment, Steve, who was walking toward Jack, suddenly stopped and looked at Slay. Then he took a deep breath and said to Slay, "Master Slay, Lord Cliff is not here, but the Heaven Domain contributed a lot to both the victory on the External Battlefield and the last war. Now I invite you to accept the surrender of the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters with me!" 

After Steve finished speaking, a group of veteran generals and marshals who had fought on the battlefield for many years all agreed with him, nodded, and looked at Slay with expectation. Yes, although the Heaven Domain had only emerged for a short time, they had helped the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom fight on the External Battlefield for five years! 

In the past five years, to help the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom, many soldiers of the Heaven Domain were killed in the wars. Last time, the Z8 Alliance gathered more than four hundred thousand warriors to attack the Dragon Kingdom. Among them, there were about one or two thousand powerhouses who were stronger than Gods of War. Facing the desperate situation, the soldiers of the Heaven Domain did not hesitate to participate in the war. Iwan, the Four Masters of Heaven, and three thousand ordinary soldiers in the Heaven Domain all joined the war. But in the end, more than one-fifth of the soldiers died! They suffered a great loss... 

Therefore, at this moment, all the soldiers of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom, including generals and ordinary soldiers, deeply admired the Heaven Domain from the bottom of their hearts! The Heaven Domain was a force on the External Battlefield that did not belong to the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom, but it became the most elite corp of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom, standing right in the forefront! 

However, Slay shook his head under everyone's expectant gazes. Then he bowed to Steve with a smile and said, "Mr. Morris, the honor belongs to you only, and it belongs to the countless soldiers who died on the External Battlefield in the past decades! It belongs to all the soldiers of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom! Mr. Morris, the war is over, but we still have a lot of things to do. Goodbye. I have been informed by the Lord, and he's on his way back..." 

After finishing speaking, Slay turned around and left without any hesitation. Some of the soldiers of Heaven Domain were in good condition, and some were in a sorry state. Some seriously injured soldiers were helped away. 

"Salute!" Seeing that the soldiers of the Heaven Domain were leaving, Bryant, Terry, and Brandon stood behind Steve and roared. All the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom who fought on the External Battlefields immediately saluted the soldiers of the Heaven Domain... 

Slay, Kill, Dark, and thousands of soldiers were walking in the front. At this moment, their bodies trembled and their eyes were full of tears. Yes, it was the friendship they gained by fighting on the battlefield! The next moment, Slay, Kill, and Dark took a deep breath and shouted to the soldiers of the Heaven Domain, "Everyone, turn around and salute!" 

"Boom..." The next moment, all the soldiers of the Heaven Domain turned around and saluted to the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom! 


Ten minutes later, all the soldiers of the Heaven Domain left. They wanted to get the honor together with Steve, but they couldn't afford it. Even if Iwan was here, he would not accept the surrender of the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters. He was not qualified, either. 

Because the fact was that, the Heaven Domain and Iwan had just fought on the External Battlefield where the environment was bad to the extreme for only five years, but Steve and the one hundred thousand soldiers had been here for decades. On the External Battlefield, it was extremely hot in the summer, and the highest temperature here in summer could reach about 50 degrees because of the frequent wars. In winter, however, it was extremely cold, and the lowest temperature could reach more than ten or even dozens of degrees of frost. 

Yes, in the winter a few years ago, Iwan once saw with his own eyes that a group of soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom who wanted to ambush the enemy spent a night in the trenches. When Iwan saw them the next day, they had been frozen to death. But even so, they resolutely followed the order and did not move a step! 

Besides, there were mountains, marshes, miasma, and jungles on the External Battlefield, and the environment was so harsh and abominable. They had to be prepared for the sneak attacks of enemies at any time. The worse thing was that the Dragon Kingdom had always been in a weak position on this battlefield. 

So today, the only people who could accept the honor were the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom who fought on External Battlefields. Originally, there were one hundred thousand soldiers, but only ten thousand of them survived after the war... 


Another five minutes later, Steve, the commander in chief of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom, sat at the surrender table in a wartime posture with his sword. He didn't change into clean clothes or wash his bloodstained face. Yes, the surrender ceremony of the branch of the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters was very simple. Steve only asked people to carry two tables here and threw them in the middle of the battlefield. He sat opposite Jack, the commander of the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters. 

Unlike Steve, the old commander of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom, Jack washed his face and put on a clean and new commander's uniform though he was about to surrender. 

For a moment, Steve was in stark contrast to Jack. Those who didn't know might think that Steve was about to surrender, but Steve didn't care, and the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom didn't care about it, either! 

Steve's bloody sword was placed on the table. Steve took a deep breath, took Jack's surrender letter, and signed his name on it! Only he could sign the surrender letter. After all, he was the commander in chief of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom on the External Battlefield! Although they accepted the surrender of the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters, they could only be happy in private, and they needed to respect the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters on the surface. After all, the Dragon Kingdom had been a state of etiquette since ancient times! Etiquette couldn't be abolished! 

After Steve signed his name, he stood up, took a deep breath, and said to Jack, "Commander Jack, I'm sorry. You're all powerhouses, so we have to seal your combat power to avoid unnecessary trouble. But you can rest assured that the surrender agreement has been signed, and no one will hurt you!" 

Jack sighed, nodded with complicated emotions, and said, "Okay, it's fine. Mr. Morris, please do it..." 


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