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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 304

Chapter 304 The Debut of the Great Way and the Opening of the Curtain of the World

"Those are... extraordinary events of heaven and earth! What exactly caused them?" Dimitrie mumbled and looked at the blustery sky in shock. The visions blew his mind totally.

"It's the appearance of the Great Way that causes such dominating extraordinary visions, but what the Way is? It seems different from the appearance of Saint's Way. As the whole world roars and the earth and the ocean tremble, those scenes represent disaster, while the celebration from the celestial spheres is a sign of the Ancient Emperor Path. What kind of Way is it? Who resonates with the Way in the world?" Jackson also turned grave.

Jackson and Dimitrie were startled, let alone the Senior Elder and others. They could hardly say a word in shock.

The extraordinary visions of heaven and earth seemed so eccentric with both feelings of endless Dominating Way and magnificent Ancient Emperor Path. The two incompatible visions strangely blended together now.

But the next moment, something more amazing happened. An ancient and brilliant momentum suddenly went out from Black Emperor's room. Jackson and Dimitrie looked at each other and then suddenly turned back. They changed their expressions abruptly.

However, when Jackson's nine guardians of the rules at Heaven level and the Senior Elder and his men tried to look back, Jackson shouted and attracted their attention.

The next moment, he shouted at the crowd seriously, "Do your guard ten miles away! Black Emperor is promoting. The vision has nothing to do with the External Battlefield. There is something wrong with her promotion. Dimitrie and I will check it right away. Go guard outside in case the villains come."

"Yes!" Under the command of Jackson, his five powerful guardians of the rules at Heaven level answered loudly and went away instantly towards the distance.

"Way Master Jackson, is Lady Black Emperor okay? What about Iwan...?" Senior Elder asked with a frown.

Boom! The next moment, Jackson's figure appeared in front of Shelton, the Senior Elder of Dragon Kingdom. Boom! Jackson showed all his horrible momentum at the Way Master level. And a large shadow of the sun in the sky began to emerge. Now Jackson's momentum rose to an unparalleled and dangerous level.

"Er... Jackson... Way Master Jackson, what are you doing?" Senior Elder looked at him with fear, since Jackson's momentum was too imposing.

Jackson took a deep look at Shelton, the Senior Elder of Dragon Kingdom, and commanded, "Shelton, Go to guard outside. There's something wrong with the Black Emperor's promotion and it has nothing to do with the Lord of Heaven Domain. Guard at a further distance."

A trace of cold killing light flashed across his eyes. Yes, Jackson showed the killing desire in front of the Senior Elder.

Senior Elder's heart trembled, and he couldn't understand what made Jackson have a killing desire. For a moment, Shelton turned grave and didn't know what to say, but something happened when Shelton was about to leave.

Jackson suddenly waved his hand and a huge barrier covered Senior Elder, Dimitrie, and himself. He took a deep look at Senior Elder and said slowly, "Shelton, Iwan is the hero and savior of the Dragon Kingdom. Do you understand? He risked his life many times for the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom. Do you keep it in mind? "

The Senior Elder frowned deeply, took a deep breath, and looked up at Jackson solemnly, "Way Master Jackson, is there something wrong with Iwan? What do you need me to do? Please tell me the truth. I'd like to save him even at the cost of all fortunes of Dragon Kingdom."

The Senior Elder stared at Jackson seriously, and Jackson also looked back solemnly and listened to his words.

Jackson frowned deeply. He was shocked by Senior Elder's answer.

"Senior! Don't worry! Even if something goes wrong, there will be us to burden it, and I believe that they won't go wrong!" The next moment, Dimitrie also appeared beside Jackson with an extremely dignified expression and said seriously.


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