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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Lamar Walz's Fear

"It's a great honor to meet you, my lord. My name is Dawson Gill. We are more than honored to have you here. Please..." Being nervous and scared, his face riddled with unnatural smile, Dawson Gill lowered his head and said to Iwan Cliff.

"Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Gill." Iwan Cliff nodded and darted a look at Dawson Gill. Iwan only wanted to meet Lamar Walz this time, otherwise he wouldn't have come for a meeting with Dawson Gill.

"Now I'm embarrassed, Mr. Cliff, this way please..." Dawson Gill kept the bent-down position and the smile on his face, led the way ahead. However, Iwan Cliff frowned when he was about to go inside.

"Uh?" Iwan Cliff swiftly turned to the direction where Jacey Brown was hiding. Simultaneously, Jacey Brown realized Iwan Cliff was looking at her. She couldn't help to scream and turned around to run.

However, hundreds of guards surrounding the club had gathered up in a blink. Dawson Gill was the richest man in Pasoland City and he hired all the best security guards from all over the world. It didn't take more than two seconds when dozens of guards in formal suits, carrying red shields in their hands, rounded up around Jacey Brown and pointed their guns at her head.

"Oh...No, misunderstanding, I...I...I..." Jacey Brown went black in her mind. She hadn't graduated from college yet and never experienced anything like this. She went ghostly pale.

"Eh? Jacey? Why was she here?" Iwan Cliff recognized her little sister-in-law. His face changed in a second for he didn't plan to reveal his identity to Jayna Brown yet.

Again, Iwan's words made Dawson Gill paralyzed. Iwan knew the girl! Dawson Gill rushed over and yelled to those security guards, "Stop! What are you doing? Stop. All of you, stop now!"

The security guards heard Dawson Gill and finally put their weapon away. Still, Jacey Brown was scared the hell out of her, her lips trembling. Those security guards were all very nasty.

Iwan Cliff and Warrior No.1 came up too. Iwan Cliff came nearer to Jacey Brown and said, "Jacey, why are you here? Is your sister...here too?"

Jacey was too scared to meet Iwan's eyes now. He was horrifying, even though she knew this man was her sister's husband. Jacey shook her head immediately, "Brother...Brother-in-law, sorry, I followed you secretly, my sister doesn't know..."

Iwan Cliff looked at Jacey Brown for a long moment and then sighed, "Well Jacey, you have seen some stuff already... But I hope you don't tell your sister yet. It's complicated and many things are involved. I will explain to you in the future..."

Jacey Brown soon shook her hand and said, "It's okay, brother-in-law. Now you go on with your thing. I promise I won't tell my sister, don't worry, I promise..." Jacey hadn't recovered from the big shock yet. Right now, the richest man in Pasoland city, the biggest boss, the president of Cleveland Group was obediently standing behind Iwan Cliff.

Iwan Cliff winked at Warrior No.1 and said, "Warrior No.1, I need to talk with Mr. Gill. Take Jacey inside and get her some food for ..."

Warrior No.1 smiled and nodded, "Yes, brother..."

Dawson Gill walked up to Jacey Brown and apologized, "Sorry Miss Brown. We didn't know that was you. We are so sorry that we've frightened you. Deeply sorry. Anything you like, please do let us know or tell anyone here...Please forgive us..."

"It's...It's okay. I'm good, Mr. Gill..." Jacey Brown felt it was like a dream to have the richest man in Pasoland city apologizing to her. Then Jacey Brown went inside after Warrior No.1. After they were gone, Iwan Cliff also walked inside after Dawson Gill.

After Iwan Cliff and Dawson Gill entered the club, Iwan Cliff naturally took the head seat in the hall while Dawson Gill obediently stood beside him. Dawson was very nervous and his face was telling all about it. Iwan Cliff knew exactly what he wanted.


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