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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 325

Chapter 325 Everyone Knows Iwan! (I) (1)

The Charm of the Lord!

When Iwan and the Black Emperor held Quark hostage, left the Lion Quarter confidently, and flew to the sky above the deep ocean, the Ninth Speaker went to the depth of the External Battlefield, the headquarters of the Heaven Domain. He was the Way Master sent by the Lion Kingdom to kill Iwan on the External Battlefield.

It was worth mentioning that the Way Master temporarily closed all the communication facilities after he went to the depth of the External Battlefield. He was afraid that the Heaven Domain would detect him and inform Iwan to escape. Sometimes, some people were just so stupid. They could have survived, but they had to risk their lives. The Ninth Speaker from the Lion Kingdom who was at the Death Realm of Way Master level was an example...

At this moment, on a mountain on the left side of the headquarters of the Heaven Domain, the Ninth Speaker of the Lion Quarter was looking down at the hundreds of soldiers of the Heaven Domain who were training with coldness in his eyes.

Then, the Ninth Speaker of the Lion Quarter sneered and murmured, "Is this... the headquarters of the Heaven Domain? Not bad. Even ordinary members are Gods of War. But... Ha-ha... You know nothing about strength. No matter how strong you are... what can you do to a Way Master like me?"

"Who's there? Be on guard!" When the Ninth Speaker of the Lion Quarter muttered to himself, a Super God of the Heaven Domain suddenly looked in his direction. Soon afterwards, an alarm sounded in the headquarters of the Heaven Domain.

At this moment, Ivy, who was in the underground command center, was also shocked. Was a powerhouse attacking them?

"Boom..." When Ivy frowned, the two Heaven-level guardians of the rules who were at the peak of King level nine released their auras at the door of the conference room. They were two warriors under Jackson's command.

The next moment, Jackson and Dimitrie, who were sitting in the war conference room, waved their hands at Ivy to indicate that it was okay. With Jackson and Dimitrie here, no one could make trouble in the Heaven Domain except the fabled Human-King level powerhouse! The headquarters of the Heaven Domain was safe!

Yes, originally, Jackson and Dimitrie wanted to follow Iwan to the Lion Quarter and protect Iwan, but Iwan refused them. Then Iwan asked them to stay at the headquarters of the Heaven Domain just in case. Therefore, no one knew that there were two best Way Masters in the headquarters of the Heaven Domain at this time...

"Interesting... A Way Master is here. Is he a Speaker of the Lion Quarter? I just don't know which Speaker he is. Ha-ha..." Jackson picked up his cup and took a sip of tea. He didn't take the Speaker seriously at all.


At this moment, the group of soldiers on the ground quickly hid in the underground bunker under Ivy's command. It was worth mentioning that the Ninth Speaker of the Lion Quarter was quite proud. As a Way Master, he disdained to attack those ordinary Gods of War and Super Gods.

"Hum..." The next moment, the Speaker of the Lion Quarter gradually floated in the air, and the space fluctuated. Then his figure appeared in front of the headquarters of the Heaven Domain.

At this moment, the Ninth Speaker of the Lion Quarter smiled and said, "What are you running for? You're just a group of losers. Killing you is a waste of my time. I'll deal with you after I kill the Lord of the Heaven Domain. There are three thousand elite soldiers in the Heaven Domain, which is good. After killing Iwan, I'll incorporate you into my own force..."

Then a trace of coldness flashed through his eyes and he muttered to himself, "One of the two powerhouses who released the aura of King level nine in the deep underground should be Iwan, right? Besides, there is another hidden powerhouse of King level nine. It's nice. But they're just of King level after all, and they can't stop me..."

Later, the Ninth Speaker of the Lion Quarter stopped talking. In a flash, he walked towards the lower part of the headquarters of the Heaven Domain and smashed the gate. Then he didn't waste much time. After entering the headquarters, he raised his foot and kicked the ground fiercely. After a loud bang, his body fell straight down...

"Boom..." At this moment, in the underground command center where Ivy and others were, a big hole suddenly appeared in the ceiling, and then a horrible powerhouse landed slowly...

"The Lord of the Heaven Domain, Iwan? Ha-ha... I'm the Ninth Speaker of the Lion Quarter, and I'm here to talk to you... Well..." At this moment, the Ninth Speaker of the Lion Quarter said to the people below while landing.

He had just entered the underground command center and hadn't even stood on the ground, but he was shocked to find that five guardians of the rules of King level nine were looking at him as if he was an idiot.

In addition to the five guardians of the rules of King level nine, there were two Way Masters. Dimitrie was at the Death Realm of Way Master level, and Jackson was at the Life Realm of Way Master level. Besides, he attracted the attention of Ivy, a group of Super Gods and commanders of the Emperor level. At this moment, everyone was looking at the Ninth Speaker of the Lion Quarter who was in midair.

"Well... This... is impossible! Two Way Masters? Is that... Jackson? The bravest and the most skillful guardian of the rules in the camp? Is he at the Life Realm and the most likely to reach the Human-King level?" The Way Master from the Lion Quarter was scared silly when he saw Jackson's face.

The reason was that he was no match for Jackson even if he had five or six of companions who were as powerful as him. At this moment, the Ninth Speaker of the Lion Quarter broke into a cold sweat. His heart was filled with fear.

Jackson ignored the Ninth Speaker and looked at Dimitrie, his younger martial brother. "Dimitrie, you want to break through the Life Realm, but you lack some resources. Do you think you'll break through after killing this Way Master and absorbing his cultivation?"

Dimitrie thought for a while with a frown and said, "I don't know. Why don't I have a try? Let's see if I can break through or not. If I can't, it doesn't matter. Anyway, why should I refuse the resources right before me?" Well, Dimitrie said very blandly and looked unconcerned at this time.

"H'm... Okay, then try it. If it's not enough, kill some more Way Masters and you'll make a breakthrough..." Jackson said.

"Okay..." Dimitrie nodded.

Then, Dimitrie and Jackson looked up again at the Ninth Speaker of the Lion Quarter who was in mid-air. The meaning in their eyes was obvious. They wanted to kill him...

At this moment, the face of the Ninth Speaker was so pale. He trembled and said to Jackson and Dimitrie, "Well... If I tell you I... come to the wrong place, will you... believe me?"

Jackson sneered and looked at him teasingly. "Ha-ha... What do you think? Aren't you here to kill Iwan? Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you that I'm his cultivating protector..."

"No... I..." The next moment, the Way Master from the Lion Quarter wanted to say something, but Jackson suddenly appeared behind him and slapped him on the back with great speed. Jackson sealed his combat power in an instant. The Way Master did not resist because he did not sense Jackson's killing intent.


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