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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 327

Chapter 327 Two Big Suns Competed with Each Other (3)

Under the night sky, Iwan first looked in the direction of the Lion Quarter, and then looked in the direction of the Dragon Kingdom with endless yearning and affection in his eyes. Yes, although it had only been three days since Iwan left the Dragon Kingdom, he had experienced several wars and life-and-death battles, so he felt as if a long time had passed...

He didn't want to live like this. If he could, he would rather give up everything that made others envious and abandon all his glories. He only wanted to stay with Jayna and Emily as a good husband and a good father. But he couldn't! There were too many tribulations and sufferings in this world. If he didn't come forward and do something, more husbands and fathers would die on the battlefield!

So, as someone born in the Dragon Kingdom, he must come forward! The three thousand soldiers of the Heaven Domain were all from the Dragon Kingdom, so they had to come forward, too!

No one understood Iwan's pain and what he wanted. Of course, as one of the strongest people in this era and the Lord of the Heaven Domain, Iwan didn't need anyone to understand him! A powerhouse would not tell anyone about his inner feelings!

The next moment, Iwan, who was standing alone on the top of the mountain, took a deep breath. Then he moved and rushed to the headquarters of the Heaven Domain.

In the headquarters of the Heaven Domain, Iwan saw Ivy who was still working hard in the command center, and Dark stayed with her. Seeing Iwan come back, Ivy took the initiative to go forward and said respectfully, "Lord!"

Iwan nodded and said solemnly, "Ivy, I'll tell you what you should do again! Firstly, negotiate with the Lion Quarter and make good use of the Ninth Speaker! Secondly, ask Jackson and Dimitrie to offer us help when we need them! Thirdly, the Heaven Domain... will be closed for seven days from now on! This is the most important thing. Inform the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom in my name and ask them to tell the Senior Elder and other elders who are cultivating in seclusion that they should wait for seven days after they end their cultivation! But I don't think they will end their cultivation so soon! Anyway... do as you see fit... "

After Iwan said that, he walked to the secret room underground. When he reached the door, his voice sounded in Ivy and Dark's ears again. "Seven days later, the three thousand soldiers in the Heaven Domain will go to the Dragon Kingdom together!"

"Got it" Ivy, Dark, and those brave soldiers in the command center all replied in a deep voice. For a moment, the atmosphere in the command center was solemn and intense!

When Iwan entered the secret room underground, the door to the headquarters of the Heaven Domain was closed with a loud bang. Four steel plates that were of more than one-meter thickness sealed the Heaven Domain.

Ivy informed the soldiers outside the Heaven Domain to make themselves in the best condition and digest the strength they had gained completely! Seven days later, they would be assembled and go to the Dragon Kingdom together!

The Heaven Domain... was closed. At the same time, the Black Emperor was also cultivating in seclusion. Dimitrie and Jackson were monitoring the whole External Battlefield with their auras all the time.


Therefore, when Iwan announced that the Heaven Domain was closed, all the forces in the External Regions were surprised. The Heaven Domain attacked the Lion Quarter and ruined the headquarters of the Lion Quarter during the day, but it was closed at this time.

At the same time, the nine top powerhouses in the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom were also cultivating in seclusion in Gotham City. They refused to meet any envoy from the Military Headquarters in the External Regions!

The Heaven Domain was closed, and none of the soldiers met any guests or took any action. Besides, all the seniors in the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom were cultivating in seclusion, and they didn't meet any guests, either. Countless forces in the External Regions became nervous and uneasy at this time.

It was strange. The Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom and the Heaven Domain didn't take any action, but why are those forces in and outside the Dragon Kingdom would be nervous?

The reason was simple. It was just the calm before the storm. In the past few days, the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom and the Heaven Domain had done several great things in the world! They completely upset the situation of the whole world in just two or three days. Although the rule system formed in the past century was not ruined, it was greatly impacted!

For example, before the celebration of the Dragon Kingdom, the whole world regarded the Lion Quarter as the strongest. As the only super Military Headquarters in the world, the Lion Quarter was invincible! The Z8 Alliance, which was led by the Lion Quarter, acted in a tyrannous manner around the world and started countless wars. There were hundreds of Military headquarters and thousands of forces in the world, but none of them dared to fight against the Z8 Alliance!

But things had changed, and the Z8 alliance had been ruined completely. On the western continent of the world, the Brave Tiger Quarter and the Giant Bear Quarter were ready to take action, pinning down the Silver Snake Military Headquarters and the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters.

The super Military Headquarters on the midland was the headquarters of the Lion Quarter, but it had been ruined by the Lord of the Heaven Domain today!


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