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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 336

Chapter 336 The Fierce Sun Sect and The Sect of Supreme Darkness (1)

The battlefield was quiet. After they launched a surprise attack, the battle ended in less than ten minutes, and the four King-level super powerful sects that had hidden in the Dragon Kingdom for many years had all been destroyed.

After the heads of the four King-level super powerful sects were killed, the shadow of the Dragon Kingdom's national fortune far away in Gotham City became bigger at a visible speed. Countless people in the Dragon Kingdom didn't know why, but they suddenly felt more confident.

At this moment, the battlefield was still enveloped in the smoke of gunpowder, and powerhouses walked out of the smoke one after another. In general, the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom didn't suffer a big loss in this war. However, the Green Mountain Sect lost two powerhouses of the High King level, a powerhouse of King level eight, and a powerhouse of King level seven. At this moment, the dead bodies of the two powerhouses of the King level were carried out by the people from the Green Mountain Sect.

A trace of grief flashed across Burlie's eyes, but he didn't say anything. Dark's father was seriously injured. The next moment, a powerhouse of the Middle King level from the Dark Night Organization died because of his severe injury. He was the third powerhouse of the King level who died in the war.

Just like Burlie, the powerhouses in the Dark Night Organization felt sad about their partner's death, but they didn't say anything. It was normal for someone to die in a war, wasn't it?

In the distance, casualties were high in the position of the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom. More than one thousand soldiers died there. They didn't die because of fighting with the hostile Military Headquarters on the battlefield in the External Regions but died in the internal friction.

The Senior Elder and others were mourning for those dead soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom at this moment. Thanks to the armor Hannah spent hundreds of billions of dollars to make, no one in the Heaven Domain was killed, but many soldiers were injured, including Iwan and the Black Emperor. Their faces were very pale and their mouths were bleeding. There were even several deep wounds on their bodies, but neither of them paid attention to their injuries...

Although the war only lasted for a very short time, Iwan and the Black Emperor had been greatly promoted. After all, this was a fight against Way Masters. The experience was a valuable resource for them to reach the True King level. Besides, they had killed four Way Masters, dozens of powerhouses of the King level, and hundreds of powerhouses of the Emperor level, so those dead powerhouses' energy and Taoist spirit filled the whole battlefield. In the future, this battlefield would definitely become a treasure land for promotion...

At this moment, Dimitrie had started to collect energy and Taoist spirit on this battlefield. These things were better than any medicinal herbs.

The war was over, and dense smoke swirled and billowed. The smell of gunpowder filled the whole battlefield. All the high-level powerhouses who participated in the war were injured to varying degrees, but they became more ferocious and had more killing intent. They gradually gathered together.

There were eight powerhouses in the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom. Iwan, the Black Emperor, and the three deputy leaders were from the Heaven Domain. Four powerhouses were from External Killer Group One. Moreover, there were more than ten powerhouses of the King level in the Green Mountain Sect. Dimitrie and the five brave warriors under Jackson's command were also there. In addition, the nine guardians of the rules hidden in the Dragon Kingdom also joined the war in the end. However, Jayna hid behind them and left Iwan.

At this moment, there were eleven Way Masters, and Jackson and Daren who were making a rear guard for them were counted out. They were two Way Masters of the Life Realm...

Therefore, they were a group of extremely strong powerhouses no matter where they were. Nobody dared to start a war with them easily!


The next moment, when Iwan and the Senior Elder wanted to clean the battlefield, five peerless powerhouses suddenly came down from the sky and landed in front of Iwan and the Senior Elder...

They were Way Masters from the Fierce Sun Sect and the Sect of Supreme Darkness, and they were all of the Life Realm! The leader was Dylan, the head of the Fierce Sun Sect. He was at the peak of the Life Realm, and his combat power was equal to that of Jackson. The second strongest one was the head of the Sect of Supreme Darkness, Liam! He was at the peak of the later-stage of the Life Realm, and he was as powerful as Daren who was from Killer Group One. Then came the three Way Masters who were in the middle-stage and early-stage of the Life Realm.

Although they were at the early-stage of the Life Realm, they were strong enough to defeat Jackson. Way Masters of the Life Realm crossed the death barrier, so they were much stronger than those of the Death Realm.

No one expected that there were so many Way Masters of the Life Realm hidden in the top two King-level super powerful sects in the Dragon Kingdom! Moreover, not all of them came here this time. There were definitely more Way Masters of the Death Realm in their sects. To come here as soon as possible, they left some people in the sects to prevent Kinsey from dying together with them. So this time, only five Way Masters of the Life Realm came here from the Fierce Sun Sect and the Sect of Supreme Darkness.

The five Way Masters believed that even if the Destine Sect, the Nether Sect, the Supreme Heaven Sect, and the Galaxy Sect were no match for the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom, they could at least hold on for a few minutes.

But the fact disappointed them. There were four Way Masters, dozens of powerhouses of the High King level, hundreds of powerhouses of the Emperor level, and thousands of soldiers below the Emperor level in the four King-level super powerful sects. However, they were all killed in a few minutes...

At this moment, Dylan and Liam, the two Way Masters of the Life Realm, were both shocked and extremely grim-faced.

Dead! They were all dead! The four King-level super powerful sects no longer existed in the Dragon Kingdom.

"Hum..." The auras of the five Way Masters of the Life Realm came to the extreme unconsciously. Their fate was closely related to the four sects. Although the Fierce Sun Sect and the Sect of Supreme Darkness were powerful, the Military Headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom and the Heaven Domain developed too fast...

When the auras of the five Way Masters of the Life Realm came to the extreme, Jackson and Daren, who were guarding the arrested enemies, also released their auras. They instantly focused their attention on the two strongest powerhouses, Dylan and Liam.

"Camp... of the guardians of the rules, Jackson!" Dylan turned around and gave a deep look at Jackson who was as powerful as him. There was a trace of gravity in his eyes. After all, they were of about the same strength... He... was not confident to defeat Jackson.

When Jackson saw Dylan, he narrowed his eyes and nodded at Dylan. "Lord Dylan, I've heard of you. You... are very strong..."


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