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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 361

Chapter 361 State Academy

When Dylan was about to tell his secret past, not only Liam but also the eight inferior officers behind him instantly became attentive.

Back then in his heyday, Dylan had been a peerless formidable fighter. They were curious about what had happened on his trip to the State Academy. You know, Dylan did not talk about the incident when he got back, but simply chose to isolate their sect from the outside world.

Dylan showed a look of recalling the past in his eyes. He took a deep breath and said quite seriously, "In those days, I had just been at the Life Realm for a short time, but my real fighting power was basically at the peak stage of the Life Realm."

Liam and the others nodded to agree. For so many super fighters in this world, you should never say their real fighting powers belonged to certain levels. Dylan and Iwan, the sons of fortune, were definitely such powerhouses.

Dylan paused but then continued, "So, at that time, relying on the influence that I had defeated all the secluded sects in this land, I... intruded into the State Academy and disabled three who were at the peak stage of the Life Realm of the Way Master level there!"

Hearing this, Liam and the others were all shocked. Dylan could fight three men and win. Liam and the others couldn't help but grasp. Dylan had not reached the Half-a-step Human King level decades ago, but he could challenge three men alone. Then what about now? Now they knew Dylan's real fighting power was too great to guess.

Dylan continued, "After I defeated three of their men at the peak stage of the Life Realm of the Way Master level, I thought the State Academy was... just so so! But when I was to force the State Academy to surrender, a big sun rose in the depths of it. Only at that time did I realize that there was a Human King in it! A real Human King-level powerhouse!"

Dylan paused for a moment, letting the listeners digest it. Seeing them nod, he continued, "That Human King was Tamas Simpson, the President of the State Academy. I don't know how long he has lived. I think he must have lived a very long time. He was probably not born in this era."

Liam and the others nodded again. One at the Human King level would always undergo a complete transformation in life, so no one knew how long a person like that could live.

Dylan took a deep breath and said quite seriously, "When Tamas appeared, I tried my best to fight him. Although he was a Human King, he could not kill me so easily. If our fight lasted too long, I would be killed by him. That was sure... Yet, when our fight came to an end and I could hardly hold on, something... happened to him!"

Speaking of this, Dylan couldn't help but frown deeply, his face more serious. Right, if nothing had happened to Tamas at the end of their fight, he, Dylan, would have been killed.

Seeing Dylan's brow furrow, Liam also frowned. He looked at Dylan so seriously and asked, "Dylan, what happened to the old guy?"

Dylan shook his head and said, "I don't know. I've been looking into it these years. Although I haven't found anything, I'm sure about one thing.

"Tamas seems very very strong. He... is so strong that he is never an ordinary Human King, but one who has truly reached the peak! At the peak stage of the Human King level!" Dylan said so affirmatively.

Hearing these words, Liam sprang up and looked at him with so much disbelief. He said, "It's impossible! Dylan, if he were at the peak stage of the Human King level, you... you could never..."

Dylan looked up at Liam deeply, nodded, and said, "Mm, you wanted to say I could never have come out, right?"

Liam nodded a little apologetically.

Dylan waved his hand and said, "It's fine. This is also what I don't understand. I've been confused about it for years," Dylan said, his brow furrowing more deeply.

This time, before Liam could ask, Dylan continued so gravely, "In theory, one at the peak stage of the Human King level could kill me very easily, but Tamas could not do it. Do you understand? What I mean is that Tamas didn't want to spare my life. After all, as long as I lived, I would give him great trouble sooner or later. But he was unable to do it!"

Then Dylan stopped. Liam knitted his brows and thought about it for a long while. Only then did he ask Dylan, "Dylan, do... do you mean something is wrong with the old guy's strength?"

Dylan nodded grimly and said, "Yes, right. The old guy's strength makes you feel hopeless, but those streams of strength battle against each other! I feel that there... there seem to be several different streams of strength in him!"

"Different streams of strength? It's impossible! No one can truly hold different streams of strength in their body! No matter which stream it is, it will dispel the others in the end! A Way Master can't do it, and a Human King has more powerful strength, so he is less likely to do it! That is a super powder keg. The one who does it is lucky if he is not exploded!" Liam said subconsciously.

Dylan was silent, but looked at him deeply for a long while.

Seeing Dylan looking at him, Liam realized something. He couldn't help but gasp and ask, "Dylan, you... you mean it's true?"

Dylan nodded and said, "Yes, it is. I think any one stream of strength in Tamas can match an ordinary Human King's strength. It means it is as strong as my current strength!"

Liam fell silent and looked at Dylan in terror, a drop of cold sweat running down his cheek. He saw what Dylan meant.

Only after a long time did Liam look at Dylan in great fear and say, "Dylan... so... so just now, you said so affirmatively that there was only one Human King-level powerhouse at the State Academy, right?"

Dylan nodded, inhaled deeply, and said, "Right, but not only that. In fact, before the Human King behind Iwan appeared, I think there was only one Human King who lived in the land of the current world under our feet in the past millennium."

"Dylan, you mean? No... I don't think that's possible. Can anyone in this world really do that?" Liam thought of something and became more frightened. So afraid, he couldn't help but swallow.

Dylan nodded grimly and said, "I don't believe it, either. But there are super geniuses in the world, aren't there? Take this era, a really great age, for example. More and more people are taking the Real Emperor Way, and Iwan has even reached the True King Way. He's just at the early stage of the True King Way, but he is almost as strong as Johnson, isn't he?"

Liam nodded but couldn't believe it, his eyes showing it.

It took a long while for Liam to calm down. Then he suddenly asked Dylan with some despair, "Uh... Dylan, do... do we still have hope?"

Dylan shook his head, then nodded, and said, "I don't know. I think we might have. After all, this era is completely different from the past ones. People take the Real Emperor Way one after another, some the ancient Human Emperor Path, and some the True King Way. And a Human King also appeared in this land. Haha... so who can predict the future?"


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