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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 368

Chapter 368 The Struggle between Cultivating Way And Belief

Half an hour later, at exactly ten o'clock in the morning in Vikeland, the powerhouses of Hmsterdam Military Headquarters, the Heaven Domain, and the Fierce Sun Sect who participated in the negotiation finally entered the third biggest city!

Since they entered the city, the third biggest city in Hmsterdam had been completely under the strictest martial law. It was rare to see Gods of War and Super Gods in ordinary times, but they could be seen everywhere around and inside this big city today. There were even stronger powerhouses of the Emperor level and the King level!

The next moment, nine powerhouses at the peak of King level nine arrived at Mosauland. They were the guardians of the rules who were in charge of Hmsterdam. After the nine of them appeared, they did not enter Mosauland but helped build a defense line in the periphery.

At the same time, in Mosauland, Way Masters of the Fierce Sun Sect, the Heaven Domain, and Hmsterdam Military Headquarters released their auras aggressively and kept monitoring if anyone had infiltrated Mosauland! Five minutes later, people outside the city saw that many strong powerhouses' dead bodies were thrown out.

The three parties had nearly a hundred Way Masters in total, and there was a hidden Human King, so the spies who were sent by other forces couldn't hide in Mosauland at all. Once they were found, they would be killed instantly.

At this moment, the powerhouses of Hmsterdam Military Headquarters and the Heaven Domain marched from north to south. The Senior Elder and Iwan walked in the front, while Jackson, Dimitrie, Daren, and other Way Masters of the Life Realm walked beside them to protect them. Behind them, a group of powerhouses constantly killed the spies hidden in Mosauland.

In the south, a group of powerhouses of the Fierce Sun Sect marched towards the central square of Mosauland in the north. Dylan was in the front, followed and guarded by his nine generals, including Liam and Alex. Although Dylan was very strong, they were afraid that there would be accidents. After all, they had the biggest enemy, the State Academy! They should be prepared for surprise attacks by powerhouses of the State Academy. Behind Dylan, William, the deputy leader of the Fierce Sun Sect, led a group of powerhouses to kill spies in Mosauland.

Darcy, a Human King in real life, gave full play to her strength of the Human-King level in the sky above Mosauland. On the one hand, she helped both sides monitor people in the city. On the other hand, she helped them resist external forces secretly.

Time passed by slowly. The trilateral talks in Hmsterdam were extremely important, and the results of the talks would not only have a huge impact on Hmsterdam but also on the trend of the whole world, so countless spies were hiding inside and outside Mosauland today.

Therefore, Iwan, the Senior Elder, and Dylan killed the spies all the way! All the forces were frightened, and there was no living spy around the negotiation site in the center of Mosauland.

Finally, half an hour later, the powerhouses of both sides met at the most central square in Mosauland.

"Boom..." When the two sides met, all the powerhouses accumulated energy and waited for action. The auras of Dylan, Iwan, and the Senior Elder came to the extreme. The shadow of a big sun loomed around Dylan, and more than forty Way Masters behind him were ready to fight.

In the same way, Iwan and the Senior Elder also looked aggressive. Of course, their overall strength was much weaker than that of the Fierce Sun Sect. But then, a deafening sound of a dragon resounded throughout Mosauland. Then the virtual shadow of the Giant Dragon which was several kilometers long rose above the Senior Elder and Iwan.

"Howl..." The virtual shadow of the Giant Dragon rose, emitting the terrible momentum of the later-stage of the Life Realm of the Way Master level. Yes, although the momentum of the Giant Dragon was not very strong, its body was too large and contained too much energy, so it was comparable to the sum of dozens of Way Masters!

So, for a moment, the momentum of both sides actually became roughly the same.

"Lord Dylan!" After the two sides looked at each other for a while, the Senior Elder and Iwan stepped forward and said to Dylan.

"Mr. Hayes, Lord Cliff!" Dylan also stepped forward with a serious face and nodded to the Senior Elder and Iwan. He carefully observed the strength of Hmsterdam Military Headquarters and the Heaven Domain just now, and he was very shocked.

Yes, he forgot about the national fortune of Hmsterdam Military Headquarters, the Giant Dragon! The Giant Dragon was harmed by foreign cavalry more than a hundred years ago and slept for a hundred years, but it was awakened three months ago! Even Dylan did not expect that the Giant Dragon would become so big and imposing in just three months!

The Fierce Sun Sect had integrated all the Immortal Forces in the Hmsterdam, so they could have fought against Hmsterdam Military Headquarters and the Heaven Domain with their own strength. However, if the Hmsterdam Military Headquarters had the help of the Giant Dragon, Dylan was not sure of success. If they had a war today, he was afraid that all the powerhouses of the Fierce Sun Sect would die except for him, Liam, and several top powerhouses.

"You chose to hold the talks in the third largest city in Hmsterdam. Does it show your sincerity... and threat?" Dylan squinted and looked up deeply at the Giant Dragon above the Senior Elder and Iwan's heads. Yes, the Giant Dragon could give full play to its strength in Mosauland.

"Please..." The next moment, the Senior Elder extended his hand to Dylan.

Then the Senior Elder, Iwan, and Dylan turned around and walked towards the Conference Hall in Central Square first. Yes, the three of them went there first.

Later, Judy, the Second Elder of Hmsterdam Military Headquarters, waited until the Senior Elder, Iwan, and Dylan walked up dozens of steps. He also stood up, stepped forward, and made a gesture of invitation to Liam, Alex, and other Way Masters. "Please!"

Liam, Alex, and other Way Masters solemnly arranged their clothes and walked up the steps with serious faces. Way Masters of Hmsterdam Military Headquarters and the Heaven Domain followed the Way Masters of the Fierce Sun Sect and walked up the steps.

In the end, the legion formed by three thousand white-robed soldiers of the Fierce Sun Sect stood opposite twelve thousand armored soldiers of Hmsterdam Military Headquarters and the Heaven Domain on Central Square. Teddy was fully responsible for them. The soldiers of both sides restrained themselves to the extreme.

However, they were all imposing and the air was full of hostility. Both sides had the absolute confidence to defeat each other!

So, at this moment, the trilateral talks were held in three venues. The Senior Elder, Iwan, and Dylan went to the top floor of the Conference Hall in Central Square to talk about the general strategy and direction. Judy, the Second Elder of Hmsterdam Military Headquarters, and Liam, the deputy leader of the Fierce Sun Sect, were responsible for details of the negotiation on the first floor of the hall in Central Square. The third-level negotiation was the confrontation between the soldiers of the two sides in Central Square.

So far, the trilateral talks between Hmsterdam Military Headquarters, the Heaven Domain, and the Fierce Sun Sect had officially started!


When the trilateral talks in Hmsterdam officially started, countless top forces in and outside Hmsterdam became extremely nervous, and they paid close attention to the negotiation result in Hmsterdam.

Outside Hmsterdam Military Headquarters, the Lion Quarter was the most hostile force to Hmsterdam Military Headquarters and also the strongest force. In the Lion Quarter, people on the Holy Mountain got the news that two powerhouses they sent to Hmsterdam Military Headquarters had been killed by Dylan. For a moment, the Holy Mountain was shaking. On this day, the Holy Mountain erupted with monstrous rage and nearly a hundred angry auras...

Similarly, in the depths of the State Academy, a group of powerhouses of the Ink Academy and Tamas looked very gloomy and paid close attention to the news from Mosauland. But Mosauland was under the strictest martial law, and even a bird couldn't fly in...

At this moment, the space fluctuated far away from Mosauland. The next moment, Carson came out in a white elegant robe. Yes, Carson had come out three days ago.

At this moment, Carson looked at the ancient city wall of Mosauland in the distance. He frowned hard and looked quite unhappy. He did not know why but he felt a little disappointed. Yes, the powerhouses of the Ink Academy... didn't come to help him. Although he had the strength of Real Emperor level nine, he... couldn't enter Mosauland because almost all the powerhouses in Hmsterdam gathered there!

"Iwan... Can't I really catch up with you? The True King way, the King-level way!" Carson clenched his fists with so much strength that drips of blood dripped down his palms.

After a long while, Carson took a deep breath and turned to leave. After Carson left, two guardians of the rules of King level nine came to the place where Carson had just stayed. They looked at the drops of blood left by Carson with solemn faces and frowned hard.

"As expected, there are so many unnoticed talents in Hmsterdam. He's another peerless genius who is about to open the True King way! He's a top powerhouse!" The two guardians of the rules of King level nine looked at each other, suppressed the shock in their hearts, and waved their hands. The drops of blood left by Carson disappeared. Then they continued to monitor the surroundings...


In Mosauland, the Senior Elder, Iwan, and Dylan sat down in the conference room on the top floor of the headquarters in Central Square.

"Lord Dylan, thank you for coming here. Also, thank you for wiping out away all the hidden forces in Hmsterdam these days and making Hmsterdam in good order!" The Senior Elder Shelton said to Dylan first.

Dylan said, "You don't have to thank me, Mr. Hayes. I did that to improve my own strength."

Then Dylan looked at Iwan and asked, "Lord Cliff, this is the second time we have met. You are indeed the son of fortune in this era. You stepped into the True King way in just a few days and your realm is stable. You... are very strong and qualified to be my opponent!"

Iwan narrowed his eyes, looked at Dylan meaningfully, and said, "Lord Dylan, you flatter me! Let's cut the crap and go straight to the point! Lord Dylan, would you like to sign an armistice with us?"

After Iwan finished speaking, Dylan smiled and looked at Iwan. "An armistice? Lord Cliff, which identity do you use to say these words to me? Firstly, you and I have never fought, have we? Secondly, have I ever started a war with Hmsterdam Military Headquarters?"

The Senior Elder said, "No!"

Iwan didn't speak. Sure enough, Dylan's smile faded. He looked at the Senior Elder and Iwan and asked, "Let me ask my question first. Mr. Hayes, how do you want to develop Hmsterdam Military Headquarters in the future?"

Hearing this, the Senior Elder was silent. Then he looked up at Dylan and said very seriously, "I don't know, but we only have one goal, which is that one day, no foreign force in the world will dare to bully Hmsterdam easily! I hope Hmsterdam will be prosperous and the people will be strong!"

Dylan nodded and said with a smile, "Then I'm afraid that you should at least make Hmsterdam Military Headquarters an Imperial Dynasty. Well, even an Imperial Dynasty is not enough. You need to go a step further and make it a Heavenly Dynasty. Ha-ha... However, there has never been a Heavenly Dynasty on this land. There were only two... Imperial Dynasties, and it took a thousand years to have one Imperial Dynasty. The first was the Imperial Dynasty I two thousand years ago, and the second was the Imperial Dynasty II one thousand years ago..."

"Now another millennium has passed!" Before the Senior Elder could speak, Iwan cut in. When Iwan spoke, he gave Dylan a deep look.

After Iwan finished speaking, both Dylan and the Senior Elder trembled. Even Iwan himself shivered when he reacted! Yes, another millennium had passed!

Two thousand years ago, Imperial Dynasty I was established on this land, and Imperial Dynasty II was established one thousand years ago. Now, a millennium had passed! Was it... really a coincidence? It had been a millennium, and Hmsterdam Military Headquarters happened to emerge, and the national fortune became great again!

At this moment, the three most powerful peerless powerhouses in the conference room were silent, and their hearts were full of shock. It had been a millennium! This should not be a coincidence. Now the Great Age in Hmsterdam had really started, and great changes kept happening in the External Regions, especially in the past few months!


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