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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 374

Chapter 374 (III) The Fear of the Seal Military Headquarters

At 3:10 in the afternoon, the center of the Seal Military Headquarters had been thrown into a panic. All the powerhouses of the Seal Military Headquarters who had just finished the meeting in the morning had to be called back again and attend an emergency meeting.

"Ask the Wilderness Cabinet for help. Hurry up! Summon all the powerhouses above the Emperor level in the Internal Regions to rush to the center, defend the Military Headquarters, and defend the national fortune! Be quick...!" In the center of the Seal Military Headquarters, all the powerhouses were really anxious and afraid. They had been guarding against the Summo Military Headquarters before, which was suddenly promoted to the Royal Dynasty level. But they had never expected that it was the Heaven Domain instead of the Summo Military Headquarters that attacked first...

What's worse, the Heaven Domain acted extremely fast. In just a few minutes, they broke through the eastern defense line of the Seal Military Headquarters, which was also their strongest border defense line. One powerhouse of the Way Master level fell, a dozen of powerhouses of the King level were killed, and the clash cost even more powerhouses of the Emperor level, the Super God level, and the God of War level.

"Bang...!" In the meeting room of the Seal Military Headquarters, the president of the Seal Military Headquarters slammed his fist on the table, with fury in his heart and cold sweat beading down his face and back. The losses they had suffered were so heavy that their forces were directly diminished by one-seventh! These were the power and assets accumulated by the Seal Military Headquarters for decades and hundreds of years in the whole country!

The mere losses of the eastern defense line just now were much more than the sum of their losses in overseas battles over the years. And this was far from the end! According to the news from the front line, a group of soldiers from the Heaven Domain were rushing towards them.

"The goal of the Heaven Domain is the center of the Military Headquarters, our national fortune!" The faces of all the senior generals of the Seal Military Headquarters became gloomy.

"Woe...!" came a shrill cry the next moment. The national fortune of the Seal Military Headquarters was groaning, and that cry was full of uneasiness and restlessness.

"The powerhouses of the Way Master level defending on the west, south, and north sides are already on their way to our rescue. We must hold on till the last minute. The powerhouses of the Wilderness Cabinet have also been notified. The national fortune of the Seal Military Headquarters must remain intact!" The deputy commander of the Seal Military Headquarters frowned and said.

The Seal Military Headquarters was only at the level of the King Dynasty, not the Royal Dynasty, so even if the powerhouses of the Seal Military Headquarters could utilize the national fortune, they could only equal to the King level nine at most. They could not reach the Way Master level, not to mention that their national fortune level was far from the peak of the King Dynasty level.

The national fortune and forces of ordinary Military Headquarters around the world could not compare with those of the Summo Military Headquarters. After all, the Summo Military Headquarters had a history of thousands of years on the Eastern Continent, where two peak-level Imperial Dynasties and several top-level Royal Dynasties had emerged! While the Seal Military Headquarters had only been established for a few hundred years. Even a decent Royal Dynasty had never appeared on this land, let alone the Imperial Dynasty. So their national fortune was not powerful.

So at this moment, they were fearful even though the powerhouses of the Seal Military Headquarters were prepared. It was not like the last time when the Wolf Military Headquarters was attacked a month ago. Without preparation, their national fortune was directly beheaded by the Senior Elder. By the way, as strong as The Lion Quarter, its national fortune level was the pinnacle of the Royal Dynasty level. But it was still one step away from being promoted to the Imperial Dynasty level.

But even so, the powerhouses of the Seal Military Headquarters were panicking at the moment. It was for nothing else, just because at the moment there were only four powerhouses of King level nine in the Seal Military Headquarters. The forces were simply not comparable to those of the Heaven Domain. The Heaven Domain had five powerhouses of the King level nine besides Iwan Cliff and the Black Emperor.

So all the powerhouses in the Seal Military Headquarters were eagerly looking forward to the immediate rescue of the powerhouses of the Way Master level from the Wilderness Cabinet. Otherwise, there was no chance that the national fortune of the Seal Military Headquarters could be saved.

However, they were going to be disappointed, because what they were waiting for would never come.


Half an hour later, a hundred miles to the west of the Seal Military Headquarters, one of their powerhouse at the peak of the early-stage Death Realm, Way Master level rushed towards the center of the Seal Military Headquarters in a fighter plane.

However, the moment he entered the city border of the Seal Military Headquarters, all the electronic equipment on the fighter plane failed, and then the whole fighter plane exploded. Although the powerhouse of the Way Master level of the Seal Military Headquarters had a narrow escape, he was seriously injured by the explosion...

The face of the powerhouse was distorted by the accident and when he wanted to head for the center of the Headquarters, a figure of a woman in a black battle robe appeared in front of him, followed by a Black-Gold Hammer, which gave him a head-on hit...

Just a minute later, Black Emperor left with a pale face, carrying the Black-Gold Hammer stained by blood. The battle lasted for only a short time. The powerhouse of the Way Master level of the Seal Military Headquarters was killed by Black Emperor on the spot. Her morale became higher and higher, and her breath began to advance in the direction of the True King level.

The next moment, when walking forward, Black Emperor took out her mobile phone and got in touch with Ivy. "Ivy, give me the coordinates of the next powerhouse of Death Realm, Way Master level of the Seal Military Headquarters...!" Black Emperor said to Ivy.

As soon as Black Emperor had finished speaking, her body that had been moving forward froze instantly, and the next moment, on her battle robe, suddenly emerged the extremely dark and powerful Godly Armor. And then the breath of Black Emperor also began to rise rapidly at this moment. It soon surpassed the limit of the Real Emperor level nine...

"Boom...!" Then a muffled thunder resounded above Black Emperor. She frowned and looked upwards, and then she saw a huge group of black clouds floating above her head.

She... was about to break through! There would be a vision when a powerhouse of Real Emperor level advanced to True King level. When Iwan Cliff broke through, she was by his side. And now it was her turn.

It was not surprising considering that Black Emperor had accumulated long enough. Before she obtained the power of Real Emperor Way from Haig, she had already been a top powerhouse at the King level eight. Then she participated in several top battles of the Way Master level one after another, contributing to the beheading of several powerhouses of the Way Master level. She had accumulated long enough.

And now after slaughtering two powerhouses of the Way Master level of the Seal Military Headquarters in a row, she finally had the opportunity to advance. However, at this moment, Black Emperor didn't want to embrace this opportunity.

"Please, powerhouses of the Way Master level of the Seal Military Headquarters are still coming. I am about to advance in rank, now?" Black Emperor's brows furrowed deeper at this moment. It would be fine if she broke through, but if she couldn't and was seriously injured by a backlash, it would be even more troublesome.

"Black Emperor, just focus on the breakthrough. Don't worry about the other things!" Just as Black Emperor was struggling inside, came the voice of Ivy from the phone, who was asking her to break through with all her strength.

"Huh?" Black Emperor looked down at the image of Ivy on the screen in confusion and failed to read between the lines.

The next moment, Ivy also frowned and said to Black Emperor: "Black Emperor, there were two powerhouses of the Way Master level of the Seal Military Headquarters heading here from the southeast and the west, one in the late stage of Death Realm, and one in the peak of Death Realm. It's just...they are dead now...!"

"What? Dead? How did they die? Were they killed by my brother?" With a change in her expression, Black Emperor asked Ivy quickly.

But Ivy in the video shook her head and said: "No, I don't know who killed them, either. Anyway, the two powerhouses of the Seal Military Headquarters are already dead. Black Emperor, let's talk about this later. You should break through with all your strength first..."


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