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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 394

Chapter 394 Wars Broke out 

Time passed by quickly, and another hour passed by in a flash. All the top Military Headquarters had basically arrived at the battle sites. The war started. To be precise, it was not the start of a new war, but the continuation of the war stirred up by the Heaven Domain in the past. 

Ten minutes later, the battle in the Summo Military Headquarters started first. Back then, Shelton and Dylan took away almost all the top Way Masters who were active outside the Summo Military Headquarters. So, the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters and the Fierceness Quarter thought this was a great opportunity. One of them was a top Military Headquarters, while the other was a large one. 

Both of them sent powerhouses to the Summo Military Headquarters to destroy the national fortune of the Summo Military Headquarters. The Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters directly sent ten Way Masters of the later-stage of the Life Realm. All of them were at the peak of their strength. The Fierceness Quarter, which had always been on good terms with the Lion Quarter, was a large Military Headquarters, but it did not reach the top level. However, it sent a total of thirteen Way Masters of the Life Realm to the Summo Military Headquarters. 

However, the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters and the Fierceness Quarter were caught by surprise that no Way Masters of the Life Realm stopped them in the Summo Military Headquarters. Instead, they met two powerful Human Kings... 

After Darcy and Tamas arrived at Vikeland, they guarded Vikeland in the south and north separately. Tamas was in the north, fighting against the ten top powerhouses from the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters. Darcy fought against the thirteen powerhouses of the Life Realm from the Fierceness Quarter in the south. 

There was no doubt that the powerhouses of the Life Realm from the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters and the Fierceness Quarter were shocked and scared out of their wits when they entered the boundary of Vikeland. 

Powerhouses of the Human-King level were invincible in the world. They were the super powerhouses whose level of life was promoted greatly. Therefore, it was unrealistic for Way Masters of the Life Realm to defeat Human Kings. Dylan, who was extremely lucky, was an exception. But someone like Dylan seldom went to the hostile Military Headquarters to fight before he completely cultivated because the probability of being killed was very high and he would be fully targeted by the enemy. 

For example, to kill Iwan, the Wolf Military Headquarters and the Fish Military Headquarters even sent out all the powerhouses in the Internal Regions. They didn't even hesitate to watch the Hyena Military Headquarters which had been their ally for hundreds of years be ruined. They used all the strength of the two Military Headquarters to kill Iwan! 

Therefore, as soon as the two sides met at Vikeland and started the battle, the powerhouses from the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters and the Fierceness Quarter were killed. The Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters didn't suffer a great loss because Tamas didn't kill many of the powerhouses, but the Fierceness Quarter was unlucky. Darcy seemed to hate the Fierceness Quarter very much. 

Therefore, Darcy directly used the Big Sun to attack them! Almost in an instant, the battle on Darcy's side was over, and Darcy immediately killed four Way Masters of the Life Realm from the Fierceness Quarter. The remaining nine powerhouses at the later-stage and peak of the Life Realm were fleeing while Darcy was hunting them down. 

"Carson, you are the young leader of the State Academy! I'll leave Vikeland to you. Don't talk to the old man, Tamas. Go get the powerhouses of the Ink Academy to guard the national fortune! Don't tell me you can't do it! If the national fortune is harmed, I will kill you!" Darcy turned around and shouted at Carson as she ran and hunted the powerhouses from the Fierceness Quarter. 

At the moment, Tamas was fighting in the north of Vikeland. The muscles on his old face twitched as he heard this, and his voice came, "Master Miller, I'm not that bad of a person. You misunderstand many things. Alas... Forget it..." 

Tamas gave Darcy a rare explanation because he also felt that Darcy was really angry at this moment. After all, her son was now being encircled and attacked by the powerhouses of the three most powerful Military Headquarters, the Lion, the Iron Eagle, and the Silver Snake. She must be worried. 

Sure enough, Darcy grunted coldly and didn't even answer Tamas. She directly carried the Big Sun and hunted the powerhouses from the Fierceness Quarter... 

Tamas sighed and said to Carson, "Carson, the powerhouses of the Ink Academy are already on the way here and will arrive soon. You... hold on. I will also leave for a while..." 

After Tamas said that, he also chased to kill the powerhouses at the peak of the Life Realm from the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters. 

In fact, the Fierceness Quarter and the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters were the unluckiest. They gathered more than ten top powerhouses to attack the national fortune of the Summo Military Headquarters, but they met two Human Kings! Moreover, the two Human Kings were not in the early stage but at the peak of the realm! 

At this moment, the top powerhouses from the Fierceness Quarter and the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters felt really desperate. Dylan and Shelton had left, leaving them alone to two Human Kings in the Internal Regions. How unlucky they were! 

Shelton and Judy actually said every day that the Summo Military Headquarters was extremely weak. It was ridiculous! The people from the Fierceness Quarter and the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters were really going crazy at this moment. After all, if all the powerhouses who invaded the Summo Military Headquarters died here, it would be extremely fatal to the two Military Headquarters... 

However, Tamas and Darcy did not care about this, nor did they care what the people in the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters and the Fierceness Quarter thought. Darcy was in a rage and very anxious. After all, the Godly Sword mark she left for Ian to protect him had disappeared, so she must be furious to the extreme. She killed many top powerhouses from the Fierceness Quarter. 

At the same time, things on Tamas's side were not much different. He was also really mad at this moment. Tamas found that everyone dared to threaten him and block the gate of the State Academy easily! 

Darcy and the mysterious powerhouse with black gas did so. Dylan even broke into the gate of the State Academy decades ago. Iwan and Shelton, the monarch and minister who made progress by leaps and bounds, didn't seem to like him either. 

So, after the same thing happened a few times, Tamas had anger in his heart though he was a gentleman. He was the Director of the State Academy, but how could they not show him respect at all? Everyone dared to challenge him at the door of the State Academy! His barrier was almost broken by them. D*mn... 

So Tamas, who was extremely depressed, didn't show any mercy. The top powerhouses from the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters were killed by him one after another. Tamas had to take into account the overall situation when he fought against the powerhouses from the Internal Regions, but why should he show mercy to these aliens? 

As a result, for a moment, the powerhouses from the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters and the Fierceness Quarter fled thousands of miles... They were being hunted by the two Human Kings. 


Almost at the same time, in the Summo Military Headquarters, soon after the battle broke out in Vikeland, a group of commanders of the Summo Military Headquarters, more than twenty Way Masters, also arrived at the edge of the Hyena Military Headquarters. 

Shelton, Judy, and others were furious at this moment. As soon as they arrived, Jackson, Dimitrie, and Daren also arrived. Immediately after they met, they rushed to attack the headquarters of the Hyena Military Headquarters. For a moment, the killing intent of dozens of Way Masters came to the extreme. 

"No! Give up searching for Iwan and get together quickly!" The expression of the elder of the Holy Mountain in the Lion Quarter changed at this moment. The powerhouses of the Summo Military Headquarters came faster than he had thought. 

So, the powerhouses of the Lion Quarter, the Iron Eagle Military Headquarters, and the Silver Snake Military Headquarters who had searched for more than an hour but hadn't finished searching the surrounding areas gathered quickly. They would ask the powerhouses of the Emperor level and King level to continue the search. They should concentrate all their efforts to deal with the powerhouses from the Summo Military Headquarters. 

As soon as the powerhouses of the three top Military Headquarters, the Iron Eagle, the Silver Snake, and the Lion were all gathered together, a group of powerhouses from the Summo Military Headquarters rushed over. 

"Shelton, think about it carefully. Iwan's body hasn't been found, which means that he is not really dead. So, are you sure you want to fight with us?" The elder at the peak of the Life Realm standing on the Holy Mountain in the Lion Quarter yelled at Shelton with a solemn face. 

As the first commander of the Summo Military Headquarters, Shelton had the same combat power as Jackson with the support of the national fortune of the Summo Military Headquarters. His sha qi came to the extreme, and his eyes flashed with cold killing intent. He stared at the elder on the Holy Mountain and said, "You? Who do you think you are? Can you represent the Holy Mountain?" 

"You..." The elder on the Holy Mountain looked extremely mad when he was scolded by Shelton. 

Swish... At this moment, more than ten Way Masters rushed from a distance one after another. They were the Way Masters from the Giant Bear Quarter and the Black Tiger Quarter. 


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