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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 412

Chapter 412 The World Military Headquarters Conference (1)

The world of military headquarters had completely changed this night. The Lion Quarter was no longer the only great force. Now Summo had truly become the hegemonic power in the east.

The world had become more turbulent and dangerous, and war could break out anytime. A top Royal Dynasty appeared in the Eastern Continent. Under such circumstances, It was just a matter of time to eliminate the influence of the Lion Quarter in the eastern world Besides, Iwan and the Heaven Domain, the Summo Military Headquarters's sharpest swords to fight the outsiders, were there!

The Summo Military Headquarters would dominate the Eastern Continent in a very short time. More importantly, earlier, when its top powerhouses all went out for an attack, the Fierceness Quarter and the Giant Silkworm Military Headquarters, the top two military headquarters in the Eastern Continent, also sent their powerhouses out to destroy its national fortune.

This was enmity and a reason for the Summo Military Headquarters to declare war on them. Therefore, now, when the Summo Military Headquarters's meeting was over and the national fortune of the Royal Dynasty had upgraded, Both of the top two military headquarters in the Eastern Continent were laden with extreme anxiety.

The Summo Military Headquarters, where there were four Human Kings, wasn't something... they could stop.


Now in the headquarters square of the Summo Military Headquarters, Carson Simpson and Liam, representing State Academy and Fierce Sun Sect respectively, officially joined the Summo Military Headquarters. Then the meeting was brought to a successful close. Shelton and others would have to learn to harness the increased combat power caused by the national fortune improvement.

Iwan did not stay here for too long. After a glance at Darcy, he left. Seeing him leaving, Darcy wanted to say something to him, but she failed to utter a word in the end.

Her son's mixed feelings about her wouldn't disappear so soon. She had also found that Iwan seemed to have learned about something and that he didn't want to ask her about those secrets.

After Iwan left, Shelton gave an order. Then, Judy, Lewis, Carl, and other veterans of the Summo Military Headquarters began to issue new orders.

Now the Lion Quarter on the Mid-Continent was to upgrade to be an Imperial Dynasty. If it went through calamities on the way to the Imperial Dynasty and became one, it would settle all the accounts with the Summo Military Headquarters.

So the Summo Military Headquarters's top agenda should be preparing for a battle as soon as possible.

Half an hour later, centered on the headquarters of the Summo Military Headquarters, the battle teams led by the High King-level powerhouses began marching into the territory of the Summo Military Headquarters. Each battle team consisted of 100 people, including King-level powerhouses, Emperor-level powerhouses, Super Gods, as well as Gods of War.

They were going all out to prepare for a battle! The wartime mechanism of the military headquarters was on, economic development made way for it, and everything within its territory went on with an aim to strengthen it.

This was the first great move of the Summo Military Headquarters since it had founded its dynasty. Previously, when the world was generally peaceful, only one God of War was enough to guard one city within its territory, and the other powerhouses would focus on their own cultivation.

But the situation was different now. The world had gone through many changes and was still changing. War would break out anytime in the world of military headquarters. Under such circumstances, powerhouses should be stationed in the cities and towns at all levels within its territory, preventing its enemies in other military headquarters from making trouble here.

The world was moving so fast. This night, not only the Summo Military Headquarters but also other top military headquarters around the world were like this.

Lots of strong hidden forces and those that had not shown up earlier all came out now. They joined hands with the military headquarters of earthly dynasties closely to guard them. Then countless weapons for war appeared on the borders of the military headquarters at all levels.

So, now, people within the territory of every military headquarters around the world were all surprised to find that the whole world seemed to have changed overnight.

A city where even a God of War had rarely been seen previously was now a city of powerhouses-Gods of War, Super Gods, Emperor-level powerhouses, and King-level powerhouses.

A God of War who could guard a big city in the past could only guard a fourth- or fifth-tier city now.

This was nothing surprising. Since battles broke out one after another and a full-scale war seemed to take place in the world of military headquarters anytime, those hidden forces in the Internal Regions were sure to come out.


At 10:30 in Vikeland, Summo, when Iwan had just returned to the Millers' home, Dylan came here in a hurry. Having sensed it, Iwan guided him to the training ground behind the Millers' house with his aura.

Soon Dylan and Iwan came to the backyard and confronted each other in mid-air.

Iwan looked at Dylan and asked, "What's the matter, Mr. Dylan?"

Dylan looked at Iwan deeply with complicated emotions. How many days had passed since he and Iwan parted the last time? Was it 10 days in total? No. It was seven or eight days, right?

In fact, he had had a meeting with Iwan in Mosauland just seven or eight days ago. But now, Iwan already had the qualification and strength to be his equal, which meant he had made progress at a super fast speed.

After a long while, Dylan sighed deeply and said to Iwan, "Lord Cliff, your upgrading speed really surprised me! I never expected that you could reach the peak of the middle stage of the True King level and get the strength of a Human King in just a week!"

Iwan nodded and said, "Mr. Dylan, your upgrading speed is also good. I haven't seen you for just seven days, but you're already a Human King. Your accumulated strength is great, so I don't think the early stage of the Human King level is your limit, right? I guess you can probably reach the peak of the middle stage of the Human King level in a short time."


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