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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 419

Chapter 419 To Slaughter a Human King Part II

Veda who just woke up felt panic-stricken, for he didn't expect to be stared at and surrounded by two peak-early-stage Human Kings after waking up from many years of sleep. The two Human Kings from Summo around him, he could sense, were powerfully rich with a solid root. They would have ranked high if they had conquered in ancient times.

"I fucking warned you, do not poke the dragon lying on the north! Did you fucking lose your mind? Fuck!" Veda angrily chided Sulkhan and their men and even had a moment of wanting to die.

It was not easy for Veda. More correctly, he still held great fear deep in his heart against the Imperial Dynasty to the north of their Quarter, namely the Imperial Dynasty II in the history of Summo Military Headquarters.

During the first rise of the Imperial Dynasty I of Summo Military Headquarters, Fierceness Quarter was still tribes with leaders knowing little about it and hence less fear. But later the Imperial Dynasty II rose on the continent of Summo and the Human Kings in the dynasty sent troops to attack the Fierceness, which the Fierceness had no strength at all to resist.

The Fierceness and some small Military Headquarters to its north all had been forced to taste defeats in fighting against Imperial Dynasty II of Summo.

Rumor had it among those generals of Imperial Dynasty II of Summo back in that time that a general who hadn't killed several generals of other King Dynasty from other lands would never have their name passed in history.

Imperial Dynasty II of Summo had many famous generals back then, and it had taken lessons from Imperial Dynasty I and learned from its predecessors' mistakes. As the world center and the conquerer, it had taken in all talents and friends from the world with a broad mind and vision and put some famous generals from other lands in important positions.

But unfortunately, Imperial Dynasty II went destructed anyway, which was how the wheel of an Imperial Dynasty worked.

But even after Imperial Dynasty II of Summo Military Headquarters had fallen, Veda who had gone through that period was yet haunted by the fear and he would be haunted for the rest of his life.

His back was sweating, for he noticed that these two Human Kings around him were clearly more powerful than famous generals, enough to be called God Emperors.

"Fuck, fuck! What's the matter with you? Why not just claim the throne in the south? Crap, you're a bunch of... unworthy descendants, unworthy descendants!" Veda went rampage, yelling at Sulkhan right in front of Dylan and Iwan Cliff.

Fury climbed up Veda's head, and he flashed to Sulkhan in a split and slipped him hard in the face.

That was a hard slap! The leader of Fierceness Quarter, a half-a-step Human King got slapped, and his right cheek was swollen.

Sulkhan was too afraid to let out a vowel. Iwan Cliff and Dylan were watching all of it with cold detachment. In their opinion, it was what came after Sulkhan performed the raid on Summo's national fortune, the feud! Apart from that, in the past two centuries, when Summo was at its lowest time, Fierceness and the Lion had always been hostile against it, hence another feud of a hundred years.

So, Iwan and Dylan started getting their energy together at this moment.

Veda Sensing the surging energy in Iwan and Dylan, his face became pale and long. He hurried to explain, "False alarm, powerhouses from the north. We, Fierceness Quarter, can be your vassals like we were during Imperial Dynasty II. We can be your vassals and pay you tributes from now on. Is that okay?"

Iwan and Dylan sneerd.

At the same time, Iwan received a message from Ivy through the micro earphone.

"My lord, Elliot, old Human King of the World Center, has known that you're attacking Fierceness Quarter with Dylan. He's on the move already, seeming to reach a peace agreement with you. You see..."

Iwan squinted his eyes after receiving this message. He looked at Dylan and telepathically communicate with him, "Lord Dylan, the old Human King of guardian of the rules is on his way here. Human Kings cannot be killed for an inane reason, which is a rule of those rule guardians. Are you sure you can finish the battle within three minutes, Dylan?"

Dylan replied, "Three minutes? Master Cliff, if you and I, sons of fortune of two respective generations, cannot kill this long-slept, dry-blooded piece of trash within one minute, we'll be failing our whole life."

"Well, let's kill him!" Iwan and Dylan said to each other.

Meanwhile, in between the two Human Kings, Veda was expecting a negotiation, but before he spoke, Dylan and Iwan suddenly moved.

"Nine Suns Seal Sky!" Dylan yelled.

Rumble! The Big Sun behind him split into nine and flew towards Veda in a breath.

Buzz! A gigantic phantom grew behind Iwan, standing between the sky and the earth. It held a long sword and shouted, "Dominating Emperor conquers the world!"


That colossal phantom was charging at Veda all of a sudden.

"No!" Veda shouted, and his face paled. He summoned a giant buddha phantom glittering gold in front of him right away to shield himself from Iwan and Dylan with all his strength.

Then, a loud noise came, and the nine Suns with which Dylan sealed Veda immediately started fading down at the same time that Iwan's gigantic phantom shattered within a second. On the other side, the buddha Veda summoned went into pieces, and he spat a harsh mouthful of blood.

The moment Veda tried to catch his breath, Iwan and Dylan began charging at him again. He knew at the moment that this battle would be deadly, and his blood started surging in his veins. He just woke up, and although he was a peak middle-stage Human King before the sleep after all those years passing, part of his strength had been drained out. He had been so weak, and judging from that, he was no more than a peak early-stage Human King by this moment.

The next second, he was blasted into the air by Iwan and Dylan.

Dashing upwards into the sky, Dylan telecommunicated to Liam on the ground, "You have three minutes to kill them all!"


While the three Human Kings were combating in the air, Liam, licking his lips, burst out his homicidal intent and shouted,

"Kill them all!"

After that, Liam flashed and appeared in front of Sulkhan right away, with the five golden suns rising behind him. He hacked down with his sword towards Sulkhan.

Buzzz! As Liam moved, Alex and Jayden grabbed their swords and also dashed to the rest six peak Life Realms, their big suns casting halos over the area.

Fierceness Quarter could have more Way Masters, but they chose to organize a squad of Way Masters to dive into the capital of Summo four days ago, a suicidal act. Therefore, Way Masters of Fierceness were suffering in the battle against the nine helf-a-step Human Kings of the Fierce Sun Sect.


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