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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 433

Chapter 433 Iwan Cliff Appears at the Hundred-quarters Conference!

At the same time, hundreds of Military Headquarters Conferences are in full swing around the world.

A tense atmosphere spread through the air.

Everyone knows that the world pattern is bound to be redefined after the World Military Headquarters Conference.

The previous world was dominated by the Lion Quarter alone, with the remaining seven or eight top-level Military Headquarters in the world joining forces.

The Lion Quarter even led the Z9 Group to run rampant throughout the world.

But from today onwards, this situation will no longer exist.

Because the Summo Military Headquarters on the Eastern Continent has also advanced to the peak of the Royal Dynasty!

Nowadays, the Summo Military Headquarters can compete with the Lion Quarter in all aspects.

So this conference is bound to be very troublesome.

Whether the Lion Quarter is willing or not, the Summo Military Headquarters is expected to seize almost half of the discourse power of the Lion Quarter at this World Military Headquarters Conference.

And this will inevitably greatly harm the interests of the Lion Quarter. It is obvious that the Lion Quarter will not easily surrender.

There certainly will be a confrontation between them!

The small and medium-sized Military Headquarters to attend this conference have to state their positions on the confrontation.

And this is also an irreversible trend.

At this moment, on both sides of the guardian of the rules' base camp, there is a uniform line of Way Master level powerhouse, from both Death Realm and Life Realm.

Jackson is responsible for receiving people from top-level Military Headquarters around the world at the entrance.

Black Tiger, Silver Snake, Iron Eagle, and Giant Bear. The powerhouses of these four top-level Military Headquarters have arrived, as have the powerhouses of small, medium-sized and large Military Headquarters including Armor, Blackstone, and Deer.

Finally, the top-level Military Headquarters of the world's four oldest brands were also divided into two teams and stood still waiting.

Although Silver Snake and Iron Eagle, two top-level Military Headquarters, have separated from the Z9 Alliance, they still have another layer of alliance with the Lion Quarter.

The Black Tiger Quarter and the Giant Bear Quarter are on the side of the Summo.

In the current situation, there is no choice but to choose either Summo or Lion Military Headquarters.

"The representative of the Lion Quarter is here! "A clear shout sounded, and a group of top-level powerhouses from the Lion Quarter walked over from outside the square.

Almost at the same time, with a loud shout, Shelton Hayes, Judy Lopez, Lewis King and Carl Addison from the Summo Military Headquarters also walked over from the same direction.

The leader of the Lion Quarter is a half-a-step Human King top-level powerhouse, an elder on the Holy Mountain, and now the commander of the Military Headquarters after the restructuring of the Lion Quarter, called Maiser.

Now, under the support of National Fortune of the Lion Quarter, Maiser's combat power has reached half-a-step Human King top-level of the Eight Circles Big Sun Halo.


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