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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9 John Green

"Boss, what should we do now? Do we just let them take little master away?" A man standing beside Leon Green frustratingly said.

Leon Green ignored him completely and his eyes were filled with fear. Every one only lived once. Just now when the Warrior No.7 pressed the knife against his neck, he literally felt an air of death. What's more, he was pretty sure the Warrior No.7 would have already cut his throat not if Iwan Cliff finally spoke up.

Master! Definitely a master! He must be one of the masters in the Military Headquarters. Leon Green difficultly swallowed, his legs still trembling. He was totally frightened.

He recalled what Iwan Cliff just said and understood they were after John Green. A terrible idea appeared in Leon Green's mind, that is, if his older brother John was here tonight, all the Green's probably had been sent to hell...

"We got a huge problem...How could Anton do something so stupid! He have all kinds of women at his fingertips just with his background. Not only in Southpool City, but also in Cleveque City, having a top woman is so easy! Why did he get involved with a wife of someone from the Military Headquarters? Damn it! He asked for it!" Leon Green was terrified, knowing things were out of his control now, he had to go home to discuss with his brother as soon as possible.

"Let's go! Go home! Hurry!" Having made up his mind, Leon Green instantly left for the Green's mansion with his followers. After all, he was only a bully while his brother John Green was the richest man in Southpool City, who had a wide social network. In the meantime, he didn't believe that his brother wouldn't be able to defeat Iwan Cliff! Wouldn't matter if he was from the Military Headquarters! It's not like his brother had never killed in these years!

Just then when Leon Green and his men were about to leave, Scarlett Mond got back after she sent off Jayna Brown. She was worried about Iwan Cliff too. But now she got back only to find Leon Green ready to leave and Iwan Cliff was not here any more, neither was Anton Green...Scarlett Mond got totally confused.

"Leon Green, where's Iwan Cliff? What did you do to him?" Seeing Leon Green was getting into his car, Scarlett Mond rapidly asked.

Leon Green froze for a moment and then turned back to look at Scarlet Mond and said, "Heh...They are masters from the Military Headquarters, how can I be able to compete with them? Well, they have left. They even took Anton Green with them. Moreover, they asked me to tell my brother to pick Anton Green up in the Riverside Villa in three days. Heh, how good they are, those from the Military Headquarters! They are not the ones we Greens could screw with...You and your father planed to get involved right? Well, then we Greens should be even more afraid..."

Of course, Leon Green didn't mean what he said. Though he said they were afraid, he meant nothing like it. He had absolute confidence in his own brother. Once his brother started to get involved, neither Iwan Cliff or Lucas Mond would end well.

Before Scarlett Mond could reply, Leon Green had got in his car and left, leaving her sitting on the ground and her face extremely pale.

It was totally beyond her expectation that Iwan Cliff could make his way out from the trap and even manage to take Anton Green with him. According to what Leon Green said, there were someone else with Iwan Cliff, all from the Military Headquarters. The world was full of wars nowadays. And from ancient times, the strong ones were in the Military Headquarters. Scarlett knew this very well. If it wasn't for what happened, she would feel real happy for her best friend Jayna Brown to see the man she had been waiting for 5 years was one of the Military Headquarters.

However, Scarlett Mond didn't think Iwan Cliff was right to cripple Anton Green and take him away! This would be a huge issue. Among all the people in the Southpool City, the Mond family knew best how horrible John Green was.

Take her father Lucas Mond for example, who was also a business legend in the Southpool City years ago. What's more, the Mond family had rooted in the Southpool City since their ancestors with deep foundation. Their power was super strong. Nevertheless, John Green came here alone twenty years ago, shuffled the forces in this city within several years and became the largest family in Southpool City.

John Green was extremely insidious and cruel. As he was getting old, he didn't deal with daily affairs himself any more. However, Anton Green was his only child and the only heir to the commercial empire of the Green family. Iwan Cliff made Anton Green severely injured and held him away, there's no way a dragon like John Green could accept it. Once John Green got furious, even her father Lucas Mond would not dare to approach him.

Suddenly, Scarlett Mond thought of something. Iwan Cliff was going to hold Anton Green for three days. Would he try all kinds of means to torture Anton Green? The answer was driving Scarlett crazy, her face changed abruptly. If Anton Green could get back to the Green's safe and sound in three days, negotiations were still possible. But what if Anton Green was tortured to half-death during these three days? Scarlett shivered on this thought. She couldn't think anymore and instantly got up on her feet to get her car from her villa. Then she sped her way to Iwan Cliff's place.

In the meantime, Iwan Cliff had brought Anton Green back to his temporary living villa. When he passed by the foot of the mountain, Iwan saw Luke Ayre guarded there with several men and glanced over, which made Luke Ayre tremble. Luke dared not to stare at Iwan any more and immediately retreated to his car...

Iwan Cliff laughed and simply ignored. Luke Ayre was not worth to worry, what mattered was the attitude of the Dragon Kingdom. If they were going to interfere with what's happening, Iwan would not back down!


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