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Her Cancellation of the Engagement novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14 They Were All Shocked

In the office, a thirty-year-old woman was dressed head-to-toe in designer clothes, looking classy and noble.

Next to her was a five-year-old boy, who tilted his head up and glared at the little boy shrinking in the corner. He was arrogant as hell with an evil smile on his lips.

And the principal of the kindergarten and the head teacher of the junior class stood right in front of the lady of high society.

"Ronan!" Laney saw the little boy cowering in the corner, ran over quickly, and cried out anxiously, "Oh my God! Then how did you get banged up like that? Why is your nose bleeding?"

With that, she hurriedly pulled out a tissue to wipe Ronan's nosebleed.

Gianna turned her eyes to Ronan, and her cold eyes narrowed slightly, looking intimidating.

Did the kids fight each other?

Heh. Ronan's face and eyes were swollen, and his nose was still bleeding. This was something worse than a fight between kids.

Sherman's face turned red with anger when he saw Ronan like this. He turned around to look at the principal and the head teacher and questioned them in a cold voice, "My son was beaten so badly, but you teachers just watched and did nothing."

The principal sighed, "Mr. Geller, it's not our fault. Ronan hit Caden for no reason. He still had the knife in his hand when we got here."

The principal looked at Sherman and continued, "It was so serious that we had to notify their parents. Caden's parents arrived before you and insisted that we give an explanation. We're dealing with it..."

"It's not my fault." Ronan shrank into Laney's arms and whispered an explanation.

He was probably so frightened that he shrank into Laney's arms, his tiny body shaking.

Sherman was heartbroken. Brenna didn't like him, and consequently, she disliked Ronan either.

Ronan was bullied by the Geller family since he was a child. Therefore, he became cowardly and even introverted and didn't talk much.

After what happened today, Ronan probably wouldn't even be willing to talk anymore.

Thinking of this, Sherman raised his eyes and gritted his teeth. "I know my own son very well. He would never hit someone. Even if he's held responsible for hitting someone today, he's hurt. Can't you see his nose is bleeding? Why don't you call a doctor to treat him first? You guys didn't take care of this until we got here."

Before the principal could say anything, the noblewoman flared up. "What the hell you got an attitude about? My son was beaten by your son. But you're blaming the teachers instead of apologizing to us. I'm telling you, if anything happens to my son, I won't spare you!"

With that, she glared at Ronan with a resentful look on her face. "Your little boy even hurt others with a knife. Will you dare kill people when you grow up? Kids like you might as well have drowned in a toilet."

Laney was comforting Ronan, who seemed pretty miserable. When she heard the noblewoman say that, she couldn't stand it anymore and argued angrily, "You are such a vicious woman! How dare you condemn my son before the truth is revealed! Do you know how much trauma you will bring to him by saying that?"

"I don't care." The noblewoman was so arrogant and condescending. "Anyway, you must make reparations to my son since Ronan hit him. And Ronan must be kicked out of the kindergarten. Otherwise, I will report this to the media, so that everyone can see how bad your son's manner is."

"You!" Laney was furious.

Sherman was so angry that he was lost for words and clenched his fists.

The noblewoman kept insisting that Ronan had hit her son, and they couldn't refute it.

Gianna raised her eyes, and her pretty eyes swept over the principal and the noblewoman. She opened her red lips, and her voice was cold. " How dare you put the blame on Ronan? Do you have any proof?"

She put her hands in her pockets lazily, and the strands of hair on her forehead gave her a touch of evil charm.

Hearing this, Sherman snapped back to attention. "Yeah! I remember that there have surveillance cameras in the school. I want to check the security footage."

As soon as Gianna said this, an unsettled look flashed across the faces of both the noble lady and the principal. "The surveillance broke down last week."

Gianna saw their expressions clearly.

Her eyes turned a bit steelier.

Sherman's face stiffened. Something must be wrong.

What a coincidence!


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