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Her Dark Lycan novel Chapter 6

Venus saw red, but before she could run out the room to control her desire to murder Ariana, Kaya had other plans.

She pushed through, and controlled Venus body. Despite Venus attempts to try to gain back control there was no avail, Kaya wanted blood, and what she wanted she got.

"Get your filthy hands off him you mutt!" Kaya growled ferociously, her eyes completely glazed over.

Ariana gasped in surprise and then looked at Dante who had the same look before he masked it skilfully.

"Babyy, you're going to let her talk to me like that?" Ariana whined, looking expectantly at Dante who was looking straight at Venus, his face blank.

"I said get your hands off him," Kaya growled, this time a clear warning in her voice, promising deadly consequences.

Ariana, slightly startled pulled her hands away from the alpha and now glared at Venus.

"First of all, mind your own business omega, what happens between my mate and i is none of your fucking business," she snarled, her real side coming out. A true selfish bitch.

A sinister smile spread across Venus face, Kaya was out to play.

In a flash, she had Ariana by the throat, pressed up against the wall as she applied pressure, cutting off her airway.

Ariana clawed at Venus hands, her face turning purple almost from the lack of oxygen.

Behind then a deep voice stopped Kaya from completely finishing off the pathetic she-wolf she was holding by the neck.

"Thats enough," Dante boomed, command heavy in his deep voice.

Kaya stood unfazed, she turned around, smirked at Dante and continued to apply pressure to the bitches throat.

Venus now seeing that she was soon to have blood on her hands if she didn't stop Kaya, finally took back control and let her hands drop.

Ariana took deep breaths, holding her bruised neck, as she coughed heavily.

She then looked up at Venus, ready to launch, she stood up, her real face surfacing, that of a bitch. And said,

"Well well well, would you look at that, a petty worthless little omega wants to play with the alphas mate," she sneered, riling Venus up.

The air shifted upon her words, now waves of authority were rolling off Venus in waves. Her brown eyes that were filled with anger were now glowing, it was as if looking at the moon.

The main front door burst open, but Venus still paid no heed, she wanted blood, the wench had challenged her and a challenge she would get.

In the door way stood a wide eyed Knox with papers in his hands and a petrified Sophia clutching onto his arm, terrified of the scene playing in front of them, they almost lowered their heads from the sheer power that Venus was emitting.

Looking at Dantes back, his posture was still and alert.

Venus let out a loud laugh at Ariana's comment,

"Oh you stupid, stupid fool," venus started, the bloodlust in her eyes was as clear as it could get.

"You think you're his mate, awh how sweet, someone please get me a tissue i think I'm gonna cry now, oh lord. Oh hun, so gullible, so foolish, it makes me pity you. You're not his mate, i am, you're the one crawling on your knees with legs spread 10 feet apart for a mated lycan, tsk tsk he didn't tell you did he, oh oh, now listen here you worthless trash," it was if watching a film, venus emotions were switching from sarcastic to cruel to pure evil.

"You're the one playing, such a useless whore you are, from the looks of it you clearly had mommy issues, not getting enough attention i take it, or no, was it the fact that no matter what you did you were still no better than a dead dog on the side of the road, leeches like you never last long," Venus hissed, her glowing orbs flashing.

"And i am no omega you slut, i am your fucking luna, and I'm going to bring you down where you belong, on your knees," She said, a wide sadistic smile playing on her aglow features.

"Now bow to me," Venus commanded, her whole frame emitting waves of dominance.

As against her will, Ariana fell onto her knees, tears streaming down her face, as she wanted to reject the command but her body was making her do otherwise, rejecting a superiors command was as painful as breaking bones.

And she was down on her knees, her head bowed, in front of Venus, tears running down her face.

An eerie silence settled in the living room.

"I guess we were late in bringing the news huh?" Knox stated, gulping as he looked at the scene with wide eyes.

chapter 6 1


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