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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 You're an Excellent Manager

Bethany was really helpless when she saw him like this. She wondered what he came for after getting drunk and what she should do.

"I'll make hangover soup for you." After speaking, Bethany was about to leave, but Raymond grabbed her hand and ordered, "Don't leave!"

He pulled Bethany, which made Bethany feel like an electric shock. She tried to pull her hand out, but it was in vain. At that moment, Raymond had already closed his eyes.

Bethany could only sit down by the bed. Whether it was normal or in the hospital, she was basically lying on the bed. This was the first time that Raymond was lying on the bed, and she looked at him nearby.

It could be seen that he was really drunk. Although he was asleep, he frowned and didn't sleep very peacefully.

She had gotten along with him for a long time. Raymond wasn't as annoying as she thought at the beginning. At least he had a sense of responsibility and justice and was also a good father.

In order not to disturb him, before he fell into a deep sleep, Bethany kept being held by his hand, not daring to move.

A few minutes later, Ainsley opened the door. Seeing her coming in, Bethany hurriedly shushed her.

At that moment, Raymond was fast asleep. Bethany pulled out her hand lightly, then walked out of the room with Ainsley, and closed the door.

"Why is he here?" Ainsley was surprised that Raymond was sleeping on Bethany's bed. She just slept for a while.

"He's drunk. He said nothing and fell asleep on the bed," Bethany said as she walked towards the kitchen.

Ainsley looked at the bedroom again and then at Bethany. Then she asked, "Lisa, are you going to make hangover soup for him?"

Bethany nodded. "Yeah. After a hangover, he'll inevitably have a headache."

After hearing this, Ainsley couldn't help but smile a little and then said, "He must like you."

"What?" After hearing this, Bethany was shocked at first, and then laughed amusedly, "Ainsley, don't talk nonsense. We're just a fake couple. I told you about that."

"If you were just a fake couple and he didn't like you, how could he stay with you all the time in the hospital and buy you such a big house?"

"He stayed with me in the hospital because he felt that he was to blame for my car accident. He bought me a house because he thought that I was his nominal fiancée after all. If the living place was too shabby, he would be gossiped about by others."

Hearing what Bethany said, Ainsley couldn't help laughing and said, "You're so simple. What he did isn't mere window dressing. If he was just guilty, he could pay for your medical bills or find someone to take care of you, and he wouldn't absolutely do everything by himself. As to this house, he could buy a good house for you optionally. But why did he choose it near his company? I'm old enough to understand him. I can't be wrong. He must like you."

Raymond liked her?!

Bethany took another look at her bedroom in disbelief. Really? Was it possible? Didn't Raymond always detest her?

"I don't know anything about Raymond, but judging from taking care of you in the hospital for over a month, he should be a good man?"

Ainsley said with concern, "Lisa, now Tyrone and Shayla have grown up and both agree with you to get married. If he is really good, you can..."

Bethany interrupted her. "Ainsley, you know everything about me. I once got married. Tyrone and Shayla's father is still a mystery. I have a child that I haven't found. How can I think about that?"


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