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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Raymond Is Stimulated by Tyrone

"What's wrong, Beth? You're sweating a lot." Damion heard Bethany's voice and hurried in. Seeing her sweating profusely and looking panicked, he quickly asked with concern, "What happened?"

Looking at the two kids in front of her, Bethany was really dazed.

She couldn't tell whether she was still in the nightmare.

Bethany raised her hand and slapped herself. It hurt, and it told her that she was no longer in her dream.

Seeing Bethany slap herself, the two kids were frightened and hurriedly asked, "Beth, why did you slap yourself? Have you lost your mind?"

"Shayla, hurry up and call 911. I'm afraid Beth is sick," said Damion hurriedly.

"Okay, I'll call an ambulance right away."

After confirming that it was not a dream and hearing that Shayla was about to call an ambulance, Bethany quickly stopped her, "No, I'm fine. I just had a nightmare."

"Are you really okay?" asked Damion anxiously.

"I'm really okay." Bethany looked at the two in front of her, and she was still confused. "Didn't you go to the countryside to experience life? Why did you suddenly come back?"

They told her that they would be away for half a month, and it was not yet time for them to return.

"Well, there was heavy rain two days ago, and there were landslides in several places. The school was afraid there might be any danger, so we were sent back early. We were supposed to be back in the afternoon, but there was a traffic jam on the road, so we were a little late," Damion explained.

"He's right. We planned to come back and surprise you and Ainsley, but we were surprised instead. You actually moved here while we were not at home!"

Shayla really hadn't expected that they had moved to a new house after she had taken a short trip.

"This happened all of a sudden. I planned to tell you two about it when you two were back," explained Bethany with a sense of guilt.

"It's okay. It was a shock to find no one in our previous apartment, but it's a big surprise to learn that we've moved to such a big house." Shayla's eyes lit up. "This house is really big. I've never lived in such a big house before. Did you make a big fortune, Beth?"

Speaking of the house, Bethany felt even more guilty.

"This house is owned by Mr. Zavala. He said it's close to his company," explained Ainsley as she came in.

"Did Raymond buy this house for Beth?" Shayla's eyes widened. "Is it a love gift?"

"Of course not. Stop the nonsense."

"Why not? He bought you such a big house, okay?" Shayla looked very confused. "Isn't this the wedding house? Then does it mean that you two are about to get married?"

Hearing that, Bethany couldn't help but think, "A wedding house?

What's wrong with her understanding?"

Hearing Shayla's words, Damion was so excited that he almost jumped up. "Beth, are you really going to marry him? When?"

Bethany fell silent.

She suddenly didn't know how to explain it to the two kids.

"It's not what you think. It's..."

"Wow!" Before Bethany could finish speaking, she heard Shayla exclaim, "What an exquisite gift box!"

Before Bethany could stop her, Shayla had already opened the gift box and taken out the watch.

"What a beautiful watch. It looks so expensive. Is it a birthday gift from Raymond?" asked Shayla.

Bethany was silent again.

"Bethany Caldwell?" Shayla immediately saw Bethany's name engraved on the watch. "It's even a customized watch. Raymond is really a wealthy man. I spent a lot of money buying a necklace for you. However, after seeing this gift, I'm too embarrassed to take out the necklace I bought for you."

"Is Beth's name on it? Let me take a look." Damion quickly took over the watch and looked at it. After seeing the name, he was even happier. He looked at Bethany and asked, "Beth, this gift was given by him, right?"


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