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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Go for It 

Raymond ignored his ring phone as if he couldn't hear it. Instead, he mischievously bit Bethany to express his dissatisfaction with her absent-mindedness. 

She didn't dare to move. Under his control, she became like a docile cat. As he kissed her, she gradually felt her brain lack oxygen and became short of breath. So, she clutched his clothes to beg him to stop. When she was about to lose consciousness, he finally let her go. 

When he looked at her blushing cheeks and listened to her uneven breathing, he showed a smug smile as if a predator had caught its prey. 

Seeing his smile, she recalled he had forcibly kissed her many times. Therefore, she got so angry that she raised her hand to slap him. But her movements were always slower than his. He easily grabbed her wrist and asked, "Are you annoyed?" 

Raymond looked at her with a smile and said, "Didn't you enjoy the kiss just now?" 

He could feel her honest physical reaction and knew she felt comfortable every time he kissed her. 

"You're shameless!" 

She struggled to slap him again but still failed. 

"Remember the feeling just now. It is your honest reaction, and I like it." 

Last time she was asleep, he brought her home, and he liked her reaction then. After all, they had both enjoyed it. 

After finishing speaking, he let go of her wrist, stood up, and took out his phone. 

The call was from Damion. 

When he walked away and answered the call, Tyrone on the other end of the phone felt depressed. 

In the first few days when he had deliberately provoked Raymond, the latter had behaved well and cooked three meals a day for him with exceptional care. But he had neglected him as if not having a son recently. 

"Daddy, where are you now? Are you coming back tonight?" Tyrone asked. 

Raymond looked at the time. It was getting late, and the villa was far from the city. Tomorrow was Saturday, so the two children would not need to go to school. Moreover, the villa had accommodation rooms. Therefore, he ventured, "Damion, will you be angry if I don't go home tonight?" 

"Are you with Beth?" 

"Yes. Tyrone and Shayla are also here." 


Tyrone had not expected Raymond to have met his biological son. 

"Are you with Tyrone and Shayla? Have you met Tyrone?" 

Tyrone felt a little guilty, fearing Raymond would find out the truth. 

"Yes! He looks the same as you. I thought he was you when first seeing him." 

The boy he had seen today was indeed Damion! 

It seemed that Raymond hadn't found out the truth, which made Tyrone secretly feel relieved. 

"I did not lie, right? I was shocked to see a person with the same face as me. Do you like Tyrone?" 

Raymond truthfully said, "Yes, I like him. He looks the same as you, so I feel he is my son when looking at him." 



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