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Her Undeniable Temptation novel Chapter 6

Zoe's heart was thumping very hard beneath her chest, the deed had already been done but she wondered why she felt shocked and perplexed? This was her initial first kiss, She was almost freaking out because no guy had attempted to kiss her before. 

She wondered if she should even assume this was a first kiss? This was just a kiss inflicted by the little jiggling of the storeroom. ”I'm so sorry Zoe!” Luke's voice came. Zoe wondered why he was sorry. Was he angry that the storeroom jiggled and she was a mistake that he didn't mean to kiss? Zoe wondered if he regretted everything that just happened?

'Of course dumbhead, he was sorry because the kiss wasn't supposed to happen.'

Zoe opened the storeroom before running towards the restroom, she could hear Luke chasing after her as he kept roaring on her name loudly. Zoe didn't know why she felt this way! She felt used and bittered for no reason.

 She attained one of the vacant privies before sitting down on the available sitter. She touched her face, she could feel the watery substance. Zoe wondered why she had to cry over something this little. I mean Luke was just her stepmom's son!  She tapped her heart to stop whatever dirty thing it was thinking.

She could hear some sounds inside the restroom, she guessed some girls came to use the restrooms as well. ”I think Zoe is trying to be a big slut?” One of the girls said. Zoe wondered why her name was being mentioned as the slut? Have they mistaken her for Lisa? 

She thought further.

 This is just the first day of resumption and she was already being gossiped about already. She hit the flush button before walking out. She walked past the girls to the loo roll holder. ”Zoe, don't get your hopes up?” It was from one of Lisa's friends! No wonder they were boldly calling her a slut.

Zoe just stared at her before walking out of the restrooms. She had no time for people like her anymore, all that she desired was to finish high school and go to college. Was that too simple for their blocked head to understand? She strolled into the class to notice Dora. 

”Why weren't you practical in chemistry?” Dora asked with Sarcasm laced in her speech. ”I'm so sorry Dora,” Zoe apologized as she walked past her before sitting on her empty seat. ”What's wrong with you Zoe? You know you can talk to me right?” Dora assured.

Zoe contemplated whether to tell her boyfriend or not. I mean Carly had never betrayed her but instead, she had stood up for her. 

"Dora?" Zoe called as she bit the bottom of her lips. ”Yeah, I'm listening to you Zoe, don't keep me in the dark for long.” Dora said. 

”Luke and I kissed but I don't know whether to call it a kiss?” Zoe muttered, staring at her friend to find the right way to express her mood. 

”Zoe, when I said you could find a boyfriend during Mr. Mark's class, I never meant you should date your cousin or kiss him?” Dora said, all looking shocked.

”I mean, It was all a mistake?” Zoe said feeling embarrassed. ”and Dora he...,” she was going to say but they were interrupted by Bella. 

”Hey guys?" she said, staring at Zoe and Dora. 

”Hi," they both replied in unison. 

”Thank you for your assistance a while ago!” she said, staring at Zoe. 

”No! No, no. I just did that with no need for a thank you.” Zoe explained. ”I'm Bella William, what about you guys?” She asked. ”I am Dora Luggard and this is my Best Friend Zoe Zanders.” Dora said.

”I'm having a party later today after school, do you guys maybe want to come?” Bella asked. Zoe was about to say she couldn't make it but Dora was faster in deciding for both of them. ”I mean yes, we will attend your party.” Dora said with a beaming smile.

 ”Hey Zoe?” Zoe knew that voice. 

Dora gazed at me like she was saying, what going on with all the dudes talking to you? ”Hey, Rico?” Zoe mumbled. 




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