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Hiding the Alpha's Heir novel Chapter 8

"There are so many food stalls here, Mama! I can't pick one!" Sander beamed as we came to walk to the seaside and saw some food stalls.

I chuckled and held his hand tightly. "How about we go to a nearby restaurant? I am very sure you haven't experienced coming there, have you?"

His eyes widened in awe. "Restaurant?" I nodded, caressing his hair. "I would love to!"

I fixated on his bowtie and his hat. "There." I cupped his cherub face. "My baby pup grows up so fast. I can't accept it yet," I said, feeling emotional as I gave him some kisses which Sander giggled at.

"Mama, I want to grow up so I can protect you. I will look for work and I will earn so hard that Mama won't work anymore."

That made me teary-eyed. "What did I do to deserve you?" I kissed his forehead. He was such an adorable child. I really don't deserve this pup...

"Because I love my Mama. My playmates teased me that you don't love me anymore because Mama is not staying with me for the whole day. But I told them you are working for us so we can have a meal to eat. You did not abandon me, right, Mama?"

"No... Abandon? You?" I almost cussed, wanting to hurt those people who said that to my son. I already knew those annoying neighbors from the corners of the streets were teasing my son with those kinds of words. "Mama loves you so much. There is no way Mama is going to do that," I said softly to assure him. "Do not listen to them, Sander. Alright, little man?"

He nodded. "Yes, Mama."

"Good boy." I kissed his forehead one more time before we decided to pick which restaurant would accept us.

We were dressed in decent and well-dressed clothes. This was my first time wearing a dress that looked expensive. I used to wear expensive dresses years ago. I spent months finishing Sander and I's clothes. I managed to get some excess fabric from Madam Ibanez's tailor shop. Sander saw my work and even helped me with how to do his clothes.

It was our bonding moment as mother and son that I would always cherish.

We entered a restaurant that screamed luxury and elegance. Because I was once a wife of a nobleman, it was easy for me to act prim and proper even with having a son who was quick to learn how to act like a noble one.

"This way, my lady."

I nodded and didn't utter a word. I glanced at my son who was holding his head high. He glanced up at me with his little hat on his head. I winked at him which made him giggle.

I decided to have us on the balcony to see the good scenery of the seaside which fascinated my son. Just looking at him was already enough to take away all the worries I had.

I also ordered the dishes which I still knew what they taste like and I was sure that my son would like them because we both have similar taste buds.

When our order arrived, Sander couldn't help to express that he was seeing savory crayfish, grilled steak, and lasagna. Then his eyes widened when he saw the almond cream tart and blueberry cheesecake for desserts.

"Mama, can we eat this?" He beamed as his mouth watered.

Chuckling, I nodded. "Yes, we will eat to our heart's content, my little man." I gently poked his nose. "Go and dig in."

I watched as my son ate the dishes to his heart's content. Moaning in delight... His face was beaming... Then his giggles...

It was so adorable to watch him. I would cherish this memory I always have with my son.

We didn't leave as soon as we finished our meal. I even ordered some chamomile tea while herbal tea for Sander. I taught him how a noble should drink its tea which he eventually learned and drank, learning more of the etiquettes.

"Am I doing well, Mama?" he asked, showing me the way he was holding his teacup.

I checked it strictly seeing his thumb and forefinger were holding the handle while his middle finger was supporting the bottom. His ring and pinky fingers were tucked in.

I nodded. "Yes. Then sip your tea. Be careful it is hot when you drink it," I said softly.

"Mmm." He nodded and carefully sipped on his tea. I watched as his face turned upside down. "It tastes bland, Mama..."

I chuckled. "Oh, yes. You did not put any sugar cubes. Here..." I put one on his tea. I even put some milk in it. "Mix it. Then try it again."

He did what I told him before I finally saw the satisfaction on his face. "It tastes good now, Mama..." He giggled.

"I'm glad you like it."

I looked at my reflection in the tea, suddenly recalling my old life as a wife of a nobleman. I once had butlers and maids beside me, serving me some snacks and tea. I suddenly remembered that I used to prepare snacks and tea for... that man. And I considered it a bonding moment with him.

Now that I lived my life as a peasant, going back to being an Omega, not as the Luna of the pack, I needed to thrive harder as I needed to provide something for my son. Sander was only staying at our flat. Sometimes he would go out and would tell me that he played with the other kids from our neighborhood who were also living in dilapidated houses.

Chapter 8: Bonding Moment 1


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