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His Dangerous Love novel Chapter 89

Chapter 89 The Plan Worked

That box... Isn't it the painting of Plum Blossoms?

Noticing that person across the street about to get into a car, Kenley had no idea but shouted and ran towards the road.

"Wait! Hold on!"

Unfortunately, the person didn't hear her shouts and got into the car directly.

Kenley had to catch up to the car and anxiously pound on the door. "Open the door, open the door!"

The man in the car, with stubble on his face, finally noticed Kenley and rolled down the window, sounding impatient. "What's the matter?"

Kenley pointed to the box placed in the passenger seat.

"Is the painting inside? The cold plum blossom, the one you bought at the Treasures Gallerie?"

The man instantly became alert. "Who are you?"

Kenley knew that her guess was right.

"I also really like this painting. I had already reserved it. Can you let me have it?" She asked.

The rugged man glanced at Kenley from head to toe. "So, how much are you willing to pay?"

"One billion dollars, isn't that the price?" she asked.

"Break even? Why should I waste my time?" The rugged man was about to drive away.

Kenley quickly stopped him. "Fine, how much?"

"At least an additional 20 million," he replied.

"20 million!" Kenley screamed, "You bought this painting for 1 billion, so why should I add 20 million?"

"Miss, do you understand the rules? Once something is sold, the previous price is irrelevant. This painting is mine now, and I can sell it for whatever I want." He responded.


The rugged man looked at Kenley. "I see you're a woman, and you really want it. If you can, add 10 million. Otherwise, I'm leaving."

"10 million..."


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