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His Disgusting Arranged Wife novel Chapter 31

Three years ago, Tang Moyu and Tang Beixuan's father passed away from his chronic illness and Tang Moyu had resisted the urge to show herself to her family even though she was back from abroad. She was forced to watch from afar as the remains of their father were buried in their family mausoleum.

Her younger brother argued that she shouldn't blame herself and take the guilt from it. She knew that she'd greatly disappointed her parents after her nasty fall out with Feng Tianhua, but she had foolishly believed that they would be willing to help her after that.

She joined their other relatives for an afternoon tea and remained silent beside Tang Beixuan who'd been glancing at her nervously. She bet as hell that he was worried about their mother chastising her over the commotion she had earlier with Zhelan.

Tang Moyu tried her best to ignore their relatives probing questions about her personal life and affairs and didn't give them a chance to bully her. The cup in her hand felt delicate and fragile that it felt like it would snap into two if she held onto it too tightly as she continued to be bombarded with questions.

The slim white gold watch on her wrist said that she only had one hour left before she could fetch her children and how long she's been wasting time here instead of working on the pile of paperwork waiting for her attention back at her office and at home.

From the corner of her eye, she saw her mother walking towards her with an annoyed expression. She must have heard of what transpired earlier and came here to remind Tang Moyu how she'd failed to meet her expectations again.

Tang Moyu excused herself and didn't want to stay any longer. She'd already heard enough and didn't want to argue with anyone, especially her mother.

However, that couldn't be said about Zhang Wuying who'd chosen to interrogate her once she'd bid her goodbye, ready to leave the Tang Estate to pick up her children from Qin Jiran's place.

"Mother." Tang Moyu greeted her with a cold tone, not that Zhang Wuying minded. After all, wasn't she the reason why Tang Moyu became like this in the first place?

"So you still remember you have a mother? I thought you only considered me when it's convenient to you." Zhang Wuying bit back.

Tang Beixuan was the one to flinch at their mother's words to his elder sister. He wanted to say something but the look Tang Moyu threw at him commanded him to keep his words to himself.

What was there to say anyway? Zhang Wuying had already said her piece five years ago when she kicked her second eldest daughter out of the estate, refusing to allow Tang Moyu to talk to Elder Tang and her husband. "God above gave you beauty and intellect, yet you let a slut with a golden twat get the best of you? You could have used those qualities to ensnare Feng Tianhua but nooooo, you tried to undermine him and cast a shadow on your soon to be husband instead."

For Zhang Wuying, it was Tang Moyu's fault that Feng Tianhua turned his attention and drove him to Xing Yiyue, snatching the title 'Madam Feng' right under her nose. It hurt Tang Moyu to know that her worth in her mother's eyes could only be measured by her husband's standing and reputation within the business and social circle.

Chapter 31 Not Good Enough (1) 1


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