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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 1380

Avery changed out of her hospital clothes, put on a mask, and followed behind Elliot as they left the hospital in a low-key manner.

She immediately held his arm when they came out of the hospital.

"Let's find a nearby hotel! Jed and my bodyguard will laugh at me if they know that I'm staying at a hotel with you tonight."

"Oh," he replied, then continued and said, "I want to go to a hotel because it's more convenient to shower there."

"Sure, sure. It sure is more convenient to take a shower in a hotel!"

"You're currently a patient. And I'm not an animal," he defended himself.

She could not help herself from laughing." Why did you even have to explain yourself? I know whether or not you’re a beast."

"Am I, then?" He looked at her reddened face.

"Sometimes. Other times, you're a gentleman," she answered, before immediately asking, "How about you, Elliot? What's your impression of me?"

"The same as your impression of me," he replied without hesitation. "You seduced me first."

"Hah! As if I'd believe Ruby didn't seduce you." She clenched his big palm tightly. " Are you hooked by me?"

"Isn't it clear enough?" "You sure are a two-timer!" She fluttered her eyelashes.

"Am I now?" He looked at her innocently.

She was irritated by his rhetorical question and pinched him on his waist.

He immediately clenched her hand and gestured forward with his eyes. "Let's go to that one!"


The two of them clasped their fingers together and walked toward the hotel up ahead.


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