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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 232

Avery arrived at the Foster mansion half an hour later.

She headed straight into the living room to find no one in sight.

She was stunned.

"Layla!" she called out.

Soon after, she heard the sound of Layla's child-like voice.

"Mommy! I'm over here! Come save me! The dirtbag wants to hit me!"

Avery followed the sound of her daughter's voice into the dining room.

Layla was hiding under the dining table with a panicked expression on her face.

She did not let go of her guard until Avery appeared.

"Layla! What are you doing under the table? Get out here!" Avery said as she walked over to the table and pulled her daughter out from under it.

Layla threw herself in her mother's arms, then cried through reddened eyes, "He's trying to hit me! I was so scared... That's why I tried to hide! I ran away quickly so he didn't catch me... If he caught me, then he would have beaten me to death!"

Of course Avery did not believe a word Layla was


Why would Elliot raise his hand to a child?

It was not like he knew that Layla was her biological daughter.

"He won't hit you, Layla," Avery cooed. 1

"Actually, I was about to hit her," Elliot said.

Avery's eyes shot up and met his gaze.

He was wearing a gray robe and there was a clear bite mark on his neck.

"Why did you bite him, Layla?"

Avery noticed the rage in Elliot's eyes and had to give him some sort of explanation.

Hayden had bitten Elliot last time because he had taken him home of his own accord.


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