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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 2431

"Holly, the person that I found has gotten an offer from the Sterling Group."

"Not bad. How quick! Looks like Elliot is very satisfied with him!" Holly said. "You judge people quite accurately."

"Hmm. He said that he will let me know if he finds anything."

"Let's just wait and see!" Holly was at a manicure parlor getting her nails done. "Can you go out yet?"

"I can, but I don't know if that person is still around my neighborhood. I'll take the trash out and have a look around later." Natalie was a little annoyed. "If he is still there, I will have to rely on you to get things done in the future."

Holly replied, "It's fine. Right now, Elliot is focused on you, and that means that I'm safe. It's better this way too."

Holly's words seemed quite logical.

"Then, let's keep in touch. If there is any progress, I'll let you know," Natalie said.

"Okay. If you are in any danger, let me know immediately. As long as you don't sell me out, I won't kick you when you're down."

Natalie said, "Holly, don't worry. We are a rope. The harder you twist, the tighter it gets."

At the restaurant, Elliot noticed Avery's new assistant, Juliet Sutton.

When Juliet saw Elliot, she immediately greeted him, "Mr. Elliot, nice to meet you. I'm Miss Tate's new assistant, Juliet Sutton."

Eric's manager teased, "Usually employers like to be addressed by their surnames. Mr. Elliot sounds like you've downgraded him to an ordinary person. You have to call him Mr. Foster."

Juliet blushed and immediately corrected herself, "Mr. Foster, I'm sorry. I'll pay more attention to it in the future."

Elliot glanced at Eric's manager. "Have you been watching too much television?"

"No. A president of a different company told me that he hated people addressing him by his first name," said the manager, "but you are more successful than he is, Mr. Foster. So, you might be more forgiving."


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