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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 2736

Chills went down Elliot's spine when he saw the photo.

"Each car can only carry eight people per trip, but there were at least twenty people in the car when it fell," said the person in charge. "The cable car stopped halfway due to the overload. While the car stalled, the power went out, and we were waiting for the technical department to fix it, but they too were affected by the avalanche."

After hearing what the person in charge had to say, Avery asked sternly, "Have you rescued the people on the cable car yet?!"

The person shook his head. "The electricity hasn't come back yet. My supervisor said this is beyond their capability, and they needed to check with the higher-ups..."

"You are all useless!" Elliot roared. "Even if those tourists survived the avalanche, they would be crushed or frozen to death in that car!"

"Mr. Foster, we want to get them out of there as well, but we don't have enough manpower and resources to proceed with the rescue work." The person in charge bowed his head guiltily. "I've already looked into the number of tourists who entered the site today and the initial estimate shows that... there are at least three hundred people under the snow on the mountain right now..."

"When you looked into the visitors' list, did you see my daughter and Eric Santos' names?!" Avery clenched her fists nervously.

"Um... I'll look into it right now... It's been a mess so I didn't pay attention to the names of the visitors... What’s your daughter's name?" The person's satellite phone had not ceased ringing as he talked to them, and in the end, he simply handed it to his assistant.

Half an hour later, Hayden also arrived at Cambrode, but he was not alone.

He brought the most experienced rescue team with him. He had also brought technicians that were network specialists from Bridgedale, and they immediately joined forces with the local rescue team upon his arrival.

"Mom, Dad, why don't I send you back to the hotel for now?" Hayden's heart ached when he saw how exhausted his parents looked. "I will get Layla out."

"I'm not tired," Avery said without hesitation. "We need to get the electricity back on while it's still light out, or we won't be able to rescue them when night falls! It was critical that they rescued them last night, but all they had done was sleep! They didn't do a thing because there wasn't any power!"


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