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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 307

After breakfast, Avery took the children to school.

Hayden was the one who had suggested going to the same preschool as Layla.

That way, Avery would not have to drive around picking them up and sending them off.

It felt like everything had remained the same after Laura's death, but it also felt like everything had changed.

"Winter's come and gone, Avery," Mike said as he drove the car onto the main road. "Let's move on from all this unhappiness! Every day from now on will be filled with good luck."

Avery stared at him blankly.

"Can't you speak like a normal person?"

Mike cleared his throat and said, "I know you'll still be down for a while, but we should keep our eyes facing forward. There are many more beautiful things and people that await you in the future."

"Keep your eyes on the road."

"Okay," Mike responded, then turned on some music.

After taking a moment to ponder his words, Avery suddenly said, "Thank you, Mike." "Hmm?" Mike said as he turned the music off.

"Thanks for helping me with the kids through all of this."

"Why are you mentioning this all of a sudden? Your kids are my kids. Your mom's gone, but, even if you were to leave, I would still raise the kids myself!" Mike said earnestly.

Avery shot him a meaningful look.

Mike coughed, then said, "You get what I mean."

"I do."

Over at the Foster Mansion, Rosalie had rushed over first thing in the morning in high spirits.

She was showing off a 4D ultrasound scan to the servants.

"Do you think this child looks like Elliot? He looks just like Elliot when he was a baby! Hahaha!"


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