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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 484

Avery arrived home about half an hour later.

She rushed into the house, and charged toward Elliot without even changing into her house slippers.

"Where’s Hayden? Why are you here alone?"

Elliot was about to speak, but Avery interjected when she noticed his disheveled clothes.

"What happened to your clothes?"

Elliot's shirt was completely wrinkled. She followed the wrinkled lines to his back and saw a piece of his shirt that was ripped off.

She saw the bloody bite mark under the ripped fabric.

The bleeding had stopped, but she could imagine how painful it must have been.

Avery faced them, then asked, "Did Hayden bite you?"

"I brought it onto myself," Elliot said nonchalantly. "He's in his room."

"I see. I’ll go take a look. Wait here for me," Avery said, then walked up the stairs.

Mike sauntered behind Elliot, took a good look at his wound, then sighed and said," Big H really did you in! You look like you were bitten by a dog!"

Elliot turned around and stared grimly at Mike, then said, "Mike, is Hayden my son?"

Mike's face froze, and he did not snap out of his daze until a few seconds later.

"What nonsense are you spouting? Didn't you force Avery to abort your first baby with her? Hayden was adopted! Do you want to see the adoption papers?"

Elliot nodded and said, "Show me the adoption papers."

Mike was dumbfounded.

"Is something wrong?" Elliot said.

Mike's face flushed with guilt as he said, "I don't have the paper! You have to get them from Avery. Although I don't suggest you bother her about it. If you mention Hayden, she will definitely recall the time you almost strangled him to death!"

"I already apologized to Hayden about that today."

"So what?" Mike said as he decided to take the opportunity to test him. "Even if Hayden was your son, he won't accept you after what you've done to him."

Elliot felt as if a knife was pierced through his heart.

Mike was right.


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