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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 66

Avery was in the middle of getting an ultrasound at an unknown county hospital.

"The babies are developing nicely... Come back for an anomaly scan when you reach the five-month mark," said the doctor.

"Thank you, Doctor," Avery said as she let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't mention it. I was really close to your mother back in school," the doctor said as she passed a copy of her ultrasound scan to Avery. "She told me that the father doesn't want kids, so you came all the way out here for your checkup... Avery, raising two kids by yourself isn't going to be easy!" 1

Avery took the copy of the scan, smiled, and said, "It's fine. I can do it!"

"As long as you're prepared."

"I'll get out of your hair now. I'll call you again before we come by next time," Avery said, then left the examination room.

Laura saw her walk out, then immediately walked up to her and asked, "How are the babies? Is everything alright?"

"Everything's normal. Are you tired, Mom? I'm exhausted!" Avery said as she yawned.

She had not slept the night before.

After leaving the Foster mansion at six that morning, she had met up with Laura and taken a three-hour, bumpy bus ride out here. 2

She almost fell asleep on the bus a few times, but she held on. 1

Now that the checkup turned out fine, a weight was lifted off of her shoulders, and she wanted nothing but to have a good sleep.

"Should we just get a room at a motel and rest a bit?"

Avery's tired face made Laura's heartache.

Avery shook her head and said, "It's going to take us another three hours to get back! We should just leave now." 1

"Let's get something to eat first. You haven't eaten anything all day. Aren't you hungry?" Laura said, then held Avery's hand and led her out of the building.

"I guess I'm pretty hungry," Avery said as she caressed her lower belly. "It feels a little different from before. I'm not showing yet, but it feels hard here." 2

She took her mother's hand and rested it on her belly.


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