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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 84

"What about me?" Avery said as she placed the cup of tea on the kitchen counter, then made her way back to the room. "He's never treated me with respect, not even just for a day."

"The two of you are from completely different worlds. It's understandable for him to be a little stand-offish toward you," Laura said. "Forget about his past. Focus on who he is right now and who he will be in the future..."

Avery raised her brows, puzzled, and asked, "Why are you speaking up for him? Do you think he could suddenly find some kindness in his heart to let me keep the children?"

Laura fell silent.

"I'm sure he has his reasons for not wanting children," she said after a brief pause. "I think the fact that he's willing to swallow his pride and come here to

apologize to you is a sign that he does care for you." 2

Avery covered her ears with her hands and said, "I'm going to bed. My head hurts."

Seeing her adamant refusal, Laura had nothing else to say.

She walked out of the room and planned to go downstairs to talk Elliot into leaving.reach

Avery let out a long, heavy sigh when her mother left the room...

She had a splitting headache.

It hurt so badly that she could not think.

The mere thought of Elliot's name and face made it feel like there was an invisible force wrapped around her throat.

Laura returned to the house about twenty minutes later.

She walked into the room and sighed when she saw Avery fast asleep.

Elliot was still downstairs.

He refused to leave no matter what Laura said. 2

She planned on getting Avery to go and talk to him, but she could only let her rest now that she was asleep.

As for Elliot...

They could only pray that the rain stopped soon. 1

The rain went on all through the night.


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