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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 855

Chelsea never used to care about the Tierney fortune. She only wanted to be respected and recognized by her family.

Now, however, she did not need anybody's respect. She only wanted the entire Tierney fortune in her hands!

It was the first day of work over at Sterling Group.

Nobody expected Elliot, who was about to be married, to show up at the office first thing in the morning.

However, he stayed in his office the entire time and did not step out even once.

The vice president and the Chief Financial Officers were the ones who distributed that year's annual bonuses.

Of course, the employees would not let go of this opportunity to find out the truth behind the gossip.

"Is Mr. Foster really marrying Chelsea Tierney, Sir? Why is he doing this?"

The vice president was distressed. "I really don't know anything about this. How about you ask Mr. Schaffer?"

"How would I know anything about the boss's personal life?" Ben said with a comical expression on his face. "I only found out after the news broke myself. If you really want to know, you can go to his office and ask him in person!"

The employees waved their hands in the air in refusal.

"You're close friends with the boss, right, Mr. Schaffer? Won't you help him out?" "I know you're concerned for the boss, but you shouldn't be this pessimistic," Ben said. "People can get legally married, but they can get divorced, too!"

Looks of shock instantly appeared on everyone’s faces.

Once they were done distributing the bonuses, the vice president pulled Ben aside and asked, "When is Mr. Foster getting a divorce?"

"He isn't even married yet," Ben said. "How am I supposed to know when he's getting divorced?”

"I thought Mr. Foster told you about his plan!"

"What plan? Why didn't I know he had a plan?"

"Isn't Mr. Foster marrying Chelsea Tierney so we could get into business with Trust Capital?"


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