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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 926

Avery returned to her car. She unlocked her phone and dialed Adrian.

"Sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service. Please try again later."

She had a strong feeling that it was not Adrian who switched off his phone. Avery's brows throbbed. She dialed Nathan.

"Sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service. Please try again later."

Avery's heart sank!

What was he trying to do? Before the surgery, she felt that he was still quite normal.

At that moment, with what the neighbor told her, she shuddered.

Did he move houses to prevent her from looking for them or did he plan it a long time ago, waiting for Adrian's condition to become better then move?

However, why did they have to move right after Adrian's condition got better? Where did they move to?

Avery was lost. She picked up her bottle of water and drank some water. After calming down, she looked through her contacts and found the contact of Nathan's friend who introduced her to Nathan.

This friend was the family member of her previous patient.

She called and he soon picked up.

"Doctor Tate, may I help you? Are you in Bridgedale right now?" "Hmm, I am in Bridgedale. I would like to ask you about your relationship with Nathan White. Are you two close? He has moved houses. Do you know that?"

The other person was stunned for a while." He has moved? He didn't tell me! We are not close. After you cured my father, he got in touch with me through a friend and told me about his son. I went to see his son and felt pity for him, so I contacted you on his behalf."


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