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His Ex-Wife Is A Billionaire? novel Chapter 152

Over at Abernathy Hotel, Acacia was having her moment in the spotlight.

Meanwhile, Evadne was cruising in her sports car all by herself, relishing the cool evening breeze

on the winding roads of Havenbrook.

The car stereo was blaring some tunes and she's belting out lyrics, feeling absolutely fantastic.

Just then, Arnold gave her a ring.

"Arnold," Evadne cooed sweetly.

"Girl, your voice is so soft, I should record it to make Elvis Waverley green with envy, haha!" Arnold sounded excited and chipper.

"You're calling me, does that mean everything is set?" Evadne asked.

"Yep, all squared away. Cassius is ready on his end, too."

Arnold sounds proud, "Cassius and me, we've got this. You can relax."

"I'm on my way to see Mr. Hamiltion. I heard that everyone from the Abernathy group got roped in by Elspeth to attend Acacia's birthday bash tonight, except for Mr. Hamiltion.

I know Mr. Hamiltion actually enjoys a bit of a hullabaloo, but he keeps it under wraps so as not to be a bother. But I also know he really dreads being alone. Mr. Hamiltion has always been so good to me so it's my turn to keep him company."

Whenever she mentioned Mr. Hamiltion, Evadne's eyes would soften, and she felt a pang of sympathy for him.

Back when she was still Thaddeus' wife, she would often keep Mr. Hamiltion company, chat with him, do calligraphy and appraise treasures with him. She also sang for him and joined him for strolls by the sea.

One Valentine's Day, Elmsworth was hit with the biggest snowfall of the year.

Evadne braved the heavy snow and showed up at Mr. Hamiltion's place with homemade desserts.

She remembered how Mr. Hamiltion was taken aback when he saw her little face and nose all red from the cold.

"Ilana, it's Valentine's Day! Why aren't you spending it with Thaddeus? Why are you here with me?" He asked.

Back then, she was still making excuses for Thaddeus. She was pretending to be happy and masking her sadness with forced smiles.

"Thaddeus is a busy CEO. He hardly has a moment to spare, not even on Valentine's Day.

And… Thaddeus got me a gift. It's the thought that counts." She answered.

"Ilana, you're too kind-hearted. You need to toughen up, or you won't be able to handle Thaddeus!

When I was young, I was just as headstrong as Thaddeus. Then Fiona Abernathy would either put me in a time-out or pinch my thighs. See, she straightened me out."

Evadne just gave a soft chuckle on hearing his remarks.

She and Hamiltion Abernathy watched the snow for a while, then Hamiltion suddenly asked,

"Ilana, are you cold?"


"Then let's go. Keep me company to visit Fiona."

Mr. Hamiltion's eyes held a depth of affection that Evadne longed for, "She hates the cold."


"Mr. Hamiltion! I'm here!"

Just like old times, Evadne announced her arrival with her bright voice, her words echoing in every corner of the living room.


The reply came in an equally sweet voice, tinged with childlike innocence.

Then, Marilla Abernathy, pushing a wheelchair with Hamiltion in it, appeared.

"Marilla?! You're here too!"

Seeing Marilla, Evadne's joy doubles. She hurried over and pulled Marilla into a tight embrace.

Marilla reciprocated Evadne's hug, patting her slim back and blinking her shiny eyes, "Evadne, why are you so skinny!? You weren't this skinny before. Have you been eating well?"

"I've been eating a lot, really. I make sure I have a hearty meal every time," Evadne replied with a smile.

She had indeed lost some weight recently. With her hectic work schedule, she often combined breakfast and lunch, and sometimes she didn't even have time for dinner.

"Ilana, come here and let me get a good look at you!" Hamiltion was delighted to see Evadne. He still called her 'Ilana', just like before.

Evadne didn't mind at all. She had cut off all ties with Thaddeus.


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